One shot RPG called Murder at a Circus:
1 investigator who is defined by the series this is an episode of
1 strong man
1 clown
1 acrobat
"Bonus Roles" (sheriff, ringmaster, elephant trainer)
There is always a murder, players draw lots and spend the whole game inventing details
Each scene the next player (by turn order) can invent a clue, and then has to convince the investigator that their clue is true. At the end of the scene the investigator says if the clue is real or not.
Catch: The Murderer is always lying
At the end, the Investigator explains how the death happened, using only clues they accepted.
Then the murderer shows which clues were false. Then if the Investigator can still rebuild their story with those clues being false (rest of table arbitrates) they solve the murder.
Each scene the next player (by turn order) can invent a clue, and then has to convince the investigator that their clue is true. At the end of the scene the investigator says if the clue is real or not.
Catch: The Murderer is always lying
Becky likes this.
MrCopilot likes this.
That is for the most part a truism.
However these dudes were from the oldest of old schools, they used the zero cross of the power line to tick their clocks across multiple microchips/devices on the bus to literally keep the time, no rtc, no battery always on.
So when I added a couple of more than 8 bit cpus into the mix, they would not let me implement it standard, lest they (read I) would have to rewrite 20 yrs of hardware in the field.
Needless to say a modern 32bit arm chips do not like the i2c pin to be dragged to zero for no good reason 50 or 60 times a second depending on continent the device is plugged in on.
I love my job title because I can implement "Correct by Construction" principles I learned from those guys & all those Hot Tubs and Hot Tub accessories on any device no matter its function. Something I found nigh on impossible for just software products. Plus I enjoy watching the hardware guys face drain of blood when mid proj the reqs change.
silverwizard likes this.
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M. The Crystalline Entity likes this.
In grade 8, I dressed up as Jessica Fletcher when asked to dress up as my favourite tv show character for school
We're rewatching Murder, She Wrote again, and feeling like not much has changed in my preferences, apparently
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Version pinning is a great way to cause yourself problems with old code
Not version pinning is a great way to cause yourself problems *in your dev environment*
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James Ross reshared this.
My PinePower seems to violate the USB spec by having all the ports wired in upside down - is this normal?
Also - I hate it
Also - I just realized this made it sound like I hate my pinepower, which is a wonderful device
I hate that the ports are flipped!!
Mail client that automatically fetches remote data in the email via a small cluster of proxies so that everyone gets the same locations for their tracking, but we don't need to tell people to not use features that are often necessary for them
Bonus points: GMail plugin
/bin/snep-v7.2.3-LP likes this.
Becky likes this.
Oh, yeah, I suppose I didn't explain very well
A few weeks ago we went around to these little free libraries and chose some books for Shæ to read, but most of them had few, if any, toddler books. So I chose my favourite toddler book that Shæ also loved and bought a bunch of copies for the sole purpose of putting in the little free libraries for other toddler parents
Today, they arrived and I brought the kids with me to deliver them
Hypolite Petovan likes this.…
Ok - does anyone else remember this movie
CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS LOGIC?! It has been bothering me for 22 years!
Listen - you ever heard of a sea change?!
What if that Sea Changed into some sort of Deep Sea Magic weapon
/bin/snep-v7.2.3-LP likes this.
Turns out I like music the most when the song is designed to attack me.
It's funny because I love songs that call me awful and super melancholy music, and I am neiiiiiither of those things outside of music.
chiasm likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
That GM also loved set piece fights as the big moment.
So having a cool fight with an octopus in the sewer was 100% a thing he thought was cool. But then we just gave the octopus a goodberry and moved on.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Last Sunday:
DM: You see a great elk in the clearing you need to hunt, do you set traps or try to shoot it from where you are?
Me: I use my paladin power to abjure it, making it frightened, and then I walk to it and plunge my great-sword between his eyes.
Thankfully the DM was delighted by my “solution”, DnD is stupid but fun when you take it as a puzzle board game.
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We needed a great elk heart (among other things) to allow a druid ghost to prepare a potion to heal a treant!
It was force majeure!
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I 100% agree, but I have only ever really done ttrpg with Sean and that's always been his approach
Plus my first game was fate, which fits that so well imo
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
d.rift likes this.
I hate the feel of keyboard wrist rests. I hate them generally and they annoy me.
But my new desk hurts my arms, and a wrist rest hates it - and it's annoying
@GordSpence Yeah, my keyboard is already a little low so a tray would make that worse
I might want to do a slightly raised keyboard and then a mat underneath
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A part of me feels like I shouldn't have to be stressed to talk to certain friends of mine because they want to hang out more and don't necessarily understand my 'extreme' caution around covid because of my children.
I want to be clear that I've been careful in who I've let in and these are all people who I appreciate greatly and have no interest in not having in my life, and I don't want to sound ungrateful, I'm just a bit tired of the anxiety I get from expressing my needs around it
I feel like most people have moved on because their circumstances are different and they don't necessarily understand why I haven't yet
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Just smashed a potion flask, leftover from doing a ritual from The Golden Dawn during a vampire LARP, while cleaning my office
Maybe my dad was right and D&D would get me into the occult
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Gotta admit, I'm a *bit* relieved it wasn't the food ones for our non alcoholic mixed drink parties...
Still sad tho
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Hypolite Petovan likes this.
"The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace"
"Mummy, what's a gigantic nuclear furnace?"
I managed tho
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Adding a .php-info.php to my webserver, but it's just an incorrect static page
Just to annoy people
Andrew M likes this.
Hey - this is important, especially if you use twitter anonymously or you feel threatened by people learning your twitter account
Ænðr E. Feldstraw likes this.
Ænðr E. Feldstraw reshared this.
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As a parent I'm seeing the fucking Jeanette McCurdy thing and fuck.
Why are people so focused on what kids owe their parents and not what parents owe their kids.
Parents fail kids
Kids don't fail parents
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C 🏳️🌈
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This is why you block socks - they grow like fungus
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Ok - so - when I run D&D I tend to tell my players "Vote when you wanna level, if everyone agrees you do". And people tend to level when they're bored of their current power set and want new toys.
So many people tell me they'd go straight to level 20, but I've never seen it.
chiasm likes this.
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@PunishedLorelai Yeah, that's a totally valid! The cool powers are fun - but the high level numbers break down very badly! And D&D puts its coolest powers in its most badly made places.
And honestly, I am a 12-15 range for games, but 5e wasn't made for over level 12 it feels!
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@PunishedLorelai They seem small, except for how easily they breakdown.
My players got mad at me when I made an NPC with +17s... using PHB only.... At level 12...
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@PizzaFacts2go New plan
everyone is level 20 and the enemies are bouncy balls that travel a number of squares equal to damage dealt in a random direction whenever you hit one, when they hit a wall they bounce randomly, and they deal 2d8 damage to a player when they hit them
2000 HP per ball
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@PizzaFacts2go Yeah - I love adding new verbs - but lots of people hang up on them.
I'm working on a system where characters are made of cards, and there's shopping-based-nerdery - and I'm hoping it allows very complicated characters without causing too much of that problem
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Urist Uristson
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Urist Uristson
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