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I boot an old Mac I rarely use except when I need a mac. I run "brew update" and... it updates XZ

Painful :(

the problem with making robots with k year olds is that I just kinda thing "let's do this" and fly by the seat of my pants but the kid really needs structure

Been sick all week, it's quarter to four and I'm basically asleep. Blah. Don't get sick.
hope you are better soon!
I'm hoping to be well enough for the Birthday Gauntlet next week, and then BSDCan! Baaaaah!

How do people parent without having a partner or self who did their thesis on zeitgebers?!
@silverwizard Thank you for the elaboration!
@Hypolite Petovan it's kinda a IYKYK thing, but I care deeply about it!

In the wake of vishing, smishing, and qishing, catfishing will now be known as chishing
@silverwizard Oh no, I'm sorry, hope you're feeling better!

whole RPG industry would die of Squenix switched to a proper vcs
Fantasy, Final X (2)

Now that I'm a CISSP is it the *law* that I have to add it to my email signature? Or somehow dangerous not to?

Fritz Adalis reshared this.

you mean “LinkedIn only, I am excited to announce”

@AN/CRM-114 I am excited to announce my CISSP allowing me to leverage my knowledge in assisting organizations in their DevSecOps journey!

(I was to be clear - I'm making fun of me, not others, this kind of language has its place)

My son thinks every country has a king, since ya know, we do. It feels weird and is so fucking hard to explain to a four year old that having a king is considered dumb and out of date.
that's exactly how I feel about adults and CEOs

As a kid I watched the PBS show Ghost Writer, but on TVO. Now my kid is starting to watch it, and, uh.

Wow it's better than I remember.

It is better at talking about race in America than any show I've seen, and it does *the fucking work* to make sure its kids feel like kids but also never once talk down to a kid.

I honestly wonder if, as a show, radicalized me into the person I am.

My wife who has never seen any episode is so fucking invested we've watched some episodes while the kids were asleep.

Thinking about it, my final answer is that Ghost Writer is a show about teaching kids to seek justice, in an unjust world. They don't call the world unjust, but present the world as it is.

I should be flattred that when I make brownies my kids start chanting impatiently, shouldn't I?

it's just very stressful

Why haven't we, as a society, given up on USB-c as a failed experiment?
That’s not been my experience, but I’m much more careful about which cables I buy than with other types of cables, as there is/was a ton of fraudulent product, particularly early on.
@Lester Ward for most it's that the ports go tacky after a few months

My site's RSS, for an unknown amount of time, has been fucked, because it gets generated using the creation time on the file. But apparently something is updating the creation time on every file in the directory. Shit.

At the park with my kids. A group of older kids (8-10ish?) are playing Among Us, which appears to be Mafia Tag, where you secretly make someone IT, they all play together, and people can die, then they vote like mafia. If they figure out who is It they play tag with a safety spot.

I am so fucking jealous of this group of kind accepting kids, who are stopping to help and play with my four year old and two year old, while also playing the coolest tag variant in history.

The Kids Are Doing Amazing

reshared this

@silverwizard The kids have always been alright, then they get beaten out of shape by society, often by their own parents, sometimes literally. 😔

@Hypolite Petovan Oh I know. But honestly, I wish I was the kid I was with this group of kids.

One of them cried because they got deceived in the Mafia portion, and they seemed pretty kind about it!

does the band Flogging Molly sell mdma or engage in BDSM with their partner Molly?
apparently a drop kick is someone who is not the sharpest tool in the the shed

One of my groupchats has a channel called "Dystopic Chuckling" and it's just us making jokes about the horrors around us.

And... why

Why is this necessary. is so easy to use, it feels like piracy.
This is an endorsement

reshared this

Fuck KnowBe4.

Phishing Simulation training is so often just a way of making companies and employees feel bad.

But apparently insurance has read a KnowBe4 report and has made our insurance contingent on it.

Insurance companies need to keep up.

@thebluehunter No no no - we just need to do some in order to be allowed to get insurance
ah, no as horrible as it first sounded in my head 😅 . Still, I see your point....

I didn't expect Title IIing to happen today. It's like... uh...

Title II of Internet Services out of nowhere (at least to me, a non-American) is giant. Whoa.

@Allen Stenhaus (he/him)

The agency voted to reclassify internet service providers under Title II of the Communications Act but says it doesn’t plan to regulate prices.

I mean, I guess?! I don't even know?! What happened!?

Coworkers often are confused why I maintain local copies of all our git repos.

The answer is:

grep -Ri "There was an error while loading announcements" .

Critical Value Enhancer

silverwizard reshared this.

If you only know the story from reading it in Highschool and thinking it made ants seem cool, please understand it was written in 1930s Germany about the dangers of communism by a Nazi.

Which is why we assign it to be read in highschools.

Never Forget was always said ironically.

My 4 year old has managed to find the UPnP endpoint for the Jellyfin server and added ska to his bedtime playlist...

I am going to need to put his tablet on a vlan before he watches Alien and can't sleep.

Yeah, that might be a good idea.

I spent two hours this morning discussing recovery strategies, and now I need to figure out how to write that two hour meeting into a single document
@silverwizard Sounds like you're in for a fun Monday.
@Jonathan Lamothe I mean seriously! Two hours, we got a functional definition of our goals, as well as a future plan! It's so rare I feel like I'm in this place. wrote:

I am now, of course, adding to this neverending discourse with this article. But I want to be clear: No one is under any obligation to be nice to the creators of the Humane pin or the product itself, which, even if it worked, is a gadget that relies on mass content theft and the scraping of huge amounts of human knowledge and creativity to make a product that is marketed as making us more “human.” The people making this argument are people who have a vested interest in the general public continuing to canonize, support, and spend money on a Silicon Valley vision of the future that involves the automation of everything, the displacement of huge numbers of workers, and a new, AI-led internet that has so far done little but flooded the web with low quality junk, been used to make fake porn to harass women, and has led eager beaver know nothing CEOs to prematurely lay off huge numbers of workers to replace them with AI tools built on the back of uncompensated human labor and training largely done by underpaid “ghost workers” in the developing world.

@404 Media is literally the single best tech media in the entire world. There are some other reporters out there who are amazing, but 404 Media has the full chain of support.

LLM answers are Mad Libs for Tech Bros

Prompt enginneering is the act of replacin "Adjective" with "A Colour" and then rerolling until you finally get one you like

Web Design is the art of removing accessibility until the page is as annoying as possible

I'm sure my site has accessibility-related atrocities 😭

I've been trying to remediate at least.

@shellsharks it's frustrating because if we just let the content be, screen readers and stuff would work so easily. We'd have all the standardized hinting there!

Is anyone else very angry that Animorphs has two different BIll Gates, one of whom plagiarized Yeerk tech, and the other that plagiarized Andalite tech?

Wait, fuck

I don't really eat hot sauce, but my uncle and I eat scorpion peppers he grows sometimes...

Should I be less worried about hot sauces?

@silverwizard: still the 3rd hottest pepper cultivar in the world 🤷‍♂️

@404 Media Hey! You require me to sign in to use your website! Cool! That's fine and good!

Can you give me the option to sign in with a password? My password manager is pretty easy for me to use, but I don't tend to have my personal email open on my work laptop and so your signin flow is really keeping me from using your stuff and is the biggest source of friction for me.

Also - holy shit - your journalism is amazing, thanks.

@Neil Brown @404 Media Ug, I need to get a new good generic RSS reader rather than my weird specific purpose ones

@Becky says my N95 Accent Disguising Machine isn't stopping the Quebecois from realizing I'm not a local
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Create an Open Source Software Levy, like Canada's rewritable media levy
whenever someone pays for a software license, take a levy and send it to FLOSS foundations
There are between 0 and 10 layers of irony on this comment, take your pick, I don't know how many it is

Bah, why does no one sell electronics locally anymore. I just want to buy some cables and no one sells those locally. The argument is that I could get it cheaper shipped from somewhere, but I wanna finish this project before I go on a roadtrip tomorrow. Why?!

Watching the wee little Quinton Youtube video, but I'm refusing to try to find all of these
A paused video by Quinton Reviews, Quinton is editted into the single frame of the video

Holy Shit
Holy Shit
The show The Order got a second season.

I want to be clear - this show did not deserve a first season. And I will be watching the hell out of it. Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose is the name for your secret society that you use to say "I know enough to only step on occult rakes"

We should be talking about how GitHub fucked up constantly during the XZ disaster

reshared this

they banned the original maintainer!
they locked the repo!

they did everything they could to make it slower to fix!

Boost the fibre with a staple in it to make a network admin twitch
A piece of art made with old cables, the photo is zoomed to let you see the fibre cable has a staple in it

Bee O'Problem reshared this.

Dug out an old laptop I want to try to mod the screen on last night and started it up, and kicked off a freebsd-upgrade to 14 (last update was 2019, probably before the kids were born)

I stayed up til 1 am waiting for the upgrade to finish, but then crashed, I am now yawning through the Easter Eggs hunt and the laptop is still updating

SIGINFO tells me it's still doing stuff

Being a vendor sucks. So many of the companies I work with don't have contacts for their ISP or their DLP/CASB/EDR providers, because that contact is with the IT team. So they just call us being like "Your product is slow" and I need to dig through data and come back with "Uh, yeah, you're sending all your traffic to a vendor in Iowa with an rtt of 100 seconds?"
And this is after two escalations on both sides, and the customer being hilariously angry at us because "it's slow" and we're not helping.
this is also extra shitty because it 100% stems from people not being able to take their frustrations out on their IT team so they take them out on my support team, and fuck that

Successfully passed the CISSP exam, I may now finish my career motion from Hacker to Boring