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silverwizard reshared this.

Hey, Binary Defense is hiring for a Threat Hunting team lead. They reached out to me to extend an offer, but I'm happy where I'm at right now.…

and because this isn't listed anywhere on the information about the position, this is the information I was able to get out their hiring person:

The max salary for this position is $165k plus 10% bonus, stock options, 401k match, full benefits and unlimited vacation days.

The position is fully remote, and unfortunately, I have no information as to whether or not they support international candidates.

Please note I'm sharing all the information I can here. Please don't reach out to me with more questions, but also good luck in your endeavors.

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silverwizard reshared this.

Today marks 10 years since the first Devuan installation isos were released. @jaromil posted the "pre alpha valentine (secret love declaration)" announcement to the DNG mailing list:…

So take a trip down memory lane and feel the love for the #Devuan team and our users and celebrate their dogged determination which has beaten the odds!

May the fork be with you!

The Devuan Team

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A frustrating thing about (tabletop game) kickstarters is that it seems like they go through a mess:
1) the designers of the games make all their articles to advertise their kickstarters
2) the kickstarter ends and then it disappears
3) the books flood out and the backers get excited
4) then it's gone from the zeitgeist because the momentum of the *conversation* was before it was released
5) it's a pain to get it to the table

silverwizard reshared this.

Puget Sound Energy, one of the largest utilities in the PNW, is hiring a risk analyst. Must be Washington-based. I know some of the people on that team and and it's a legit position they're filling, not a ghost job.…

#fediHired #infosecJobs

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in reply to cR0w cR0w reshared this.

that security org is awesome. They don't advertise it but I know a few years ago they had a 100% women security leadership chain, from DFIR to CEO. And a 50/50 split across the ICs.

silverwizard reshared this.

the price of oggs

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in reply to Bill

@Sempf @nerdpr0f @Viss @screaminggoat Oh damn, I thought it was actually gone. Nice. 🙇‍♂️

I just wrote this PR comment:
My biggest worry is that this will take longer to review than it took to write. But to be clear - this is already in staging

Ops is a complete breakdown of the dev process and this is why DevOps is always weird.

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Any software takes longer to test/review than it takes to write. Be very suspicious of short test/review times.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan The problem is that it's config not software. I only made like 8 actual changes to the default files, but I added nearly a thousand lines spread over 31 files!

silverwizard reshared this.

"you're in a tiny minority of people who actually know how to use a computer" yes! and that's a bad thing! people should have access to the infrastructural fabric of their society! if you demand that every new tool fits in the paradigm of the old tool you are against change! have some fucking imagination!

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in reply to Rot Priestess bluestarultor reshared this.

"fedi bad because people don't know how the internet works" is a take so stale and useless I basically consider it to be bad faith propaganda at this point. like

why are we building decentralized infrastructure if not to help people understand that this part of the world they live in is inherently decentralized?

I think for most people who have this opinion the thing they want is just "twitter managed by The Good Guys" and not any kind of real change to the way we make communities online

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in reply to Rot Priestess

to beat an overworked analogy, this is like saying that the transition to steering wheels and pedals is too complicated for the average driver. We can't expect a mainstream migration until cars respond to reins, spurs, and saying "woah"

silverwizard reshared this.

In the 1937 preface to a collection of her ghost stories, Edith Wharton blames the literal-mindedness of readers who contact her over plot points they find implausible to “those two worldwide enemies of the imagination, the wireless and the cinema.”

A potent reminder that whenever you’re writing, people were until recently smart, but now are dumb, because of something new.

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in reply to Robin D. Laws

The plot point in question: a letter turns out to have been written and posted by a ghost. Wharton says that no one from haunted Scotland or Wales ever objects.

The Scottish and Welsh among you will surely attest to the constant nuisance of spectral junk mail.

in reply to Robin D. Laws

The anime "Serial Experiments Lain" starts with Lain getting texts from a dead classmate.

0ddj0bb reshared this.

The real question is if the law exist, why did Trump get convicted of a crime and the judge go "Well, you can't do anything to the president, so whatever"

Americans need to come to grips with the idea that laws don't exist

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in reply to silverwizard…

I didn't realize it took that many words to spell "I don't know what a presidental pardon is" damn

in reply to silverwizard

systems thinking leads people down the garden path of not looking at the simplest brute force solutions, people always forget the virtue of laziness

silverwizard reshared this.

Ontario NDP promises better nurse-patient ratios, plans to hire 15,000 nurses…

silverwizard reshared this.

silverwizard reshared this.

got an idea for temperature-stabilised mailable packaging for chickpea dip, but I want it to be published posthummusly

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I am tempted to boot my desktop from freebsd live media, copy over the zpool to a 10TB disk, do the upgrades, then copy that back to the server

is this stupid?

in reply to silverwizard

I think as long as you zfs send and receive, I don't know why it wouldn't on the same hardware.

The thing I took away from last night's superbowl is that cops are stupid.

Cops: Joy is prohibited citizen

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Shit - this newfangled kea DHCP server wont let me use the static DHCP lease I have ><
in reply to silverwizard

So it seems like the dynamic lease was created, and I couldn't find that lease anywhere in the lease table, and the server decided that the dynamic lease was the one it should use, not the existing static lease. So I needed to shutdown the server and wait for the dynamic lease to expire, and then it grabbed the static lease? WTF?

in reply to silverwizard

i have discovered a law of the universe.
If i have extra rj45 plugs or keystones, i never make a mistske.
If I have just as many as i need, I always make a mistake and need one more.
This is suspiciously consistant.
in reply to sep

@sep lol, that's tragic

I am nearing the end of the first box I ever bought so I'm finally getting the hang of it.


silverwizard reshared this.

Hey, Ontarians! 👋

Since y’all are headed to the polls pretty soon here, I thought I’d take a second to remind you that under Doug Ford, the literal fuckin’ ARMY had to go into seniors care homes to rescue your elders from the negligence of the provincial government during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. What our soldiers witnessed in those places has left them with lifelong psychological trauma.

Anyways, carry on.

"It is scandalous. It is shameful. It is shocking," Mitchell said. "Our senior generation is living in that, and that is a national atrocity."

There are many signs the provincial government knew, or should have known, what's happening inside these homes, but it took military intervention to bring the details to light.

#DougFord #OnPoli #OnElexn #CDNPoli…

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

Well, my bosses have decided that even though I can name about five combinations of any two of our retail clients who outspend the entire USGov contract pile, they're going to bend the knee to the EOs and suspend our DEI board.

I need a new job by monday, and at this point I'm willing to wash dishes to do it. But if you know anyone who needs a Principal or Senior SRE, or could use a python dev for some backend-related purpose, I can be found at: mercenary AT arcanalabs DOT ca

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Patch Arcana

as a business: once you have a gov contract you never give that up. It's the most stable business relationship you'll have. So I'm not surprised, but it does go to show that so much of America loves leaching off the federal gov
in reply to feld

@feld I get the inertial frame of reference in play, financially, but I've got one of those weird brain diseases that makes me ignore fiduciary responsibility in favour of moral integrity.

I suppose that's uh... "salaryman's privilege". I don't screw with anyone's income but my own, so I don't have to worry about financial stability; just uptime.


silverwizard reshared this.

For those new to INFOSEC, keep in mind that the people in fursuits breaking "military grade" crypto will always trump outperform and outclass people in business suits crying about "Cyber Pearl Harbor". This toot made for no reason in particular today.

Edited to replace the verb "trump" with a better option.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

Unknown parent

@AAKL Ooh, I like outperform and outclass. Thanks.
in reply to cR0w

“Now class, can anyone here tell me what group single-handedly saved American democracy in the year 2025?”

Ok - I've been told that HTTP 418 belongs in the 400 block because it's the same as requesting a non-existent file. This argument claims that 418 is the same as 404.

I tend to think of 418 as being more analogous to 501. You cannot put coffee in a teapot, which is a statement about the teapot.

#ImportantThoughts #Protocols #HTTP

in reply to silverwizard

You can put coffee in a teapot, though. The rejection is administrative.
in reply to silverwizard

It's like rejecting form data that's of the right type based on validation against the field's semantics. Which would be 400 series.
in reply to ⛅ w chance of bears

@⛅ w chance of bears Which HTTP error code do you think is analogous? 501 feels correct to me, as you're sending valid data, but the server chooses to not implement it. Of course, I'm trying to envision the request. I guess you envision the request as malformed, whereas I see a valid request sent to a place which is not properly set for it?
in reply to silverwizard

A teapot is mechanically a vessel that implements a catch-all "add liquid" or "pour liquid" more-or-less transparently to the actual identity of the liquid (barring extreme properties). When trying to put coffee in a teapot the method is implemented and the data would be valid, except that the teapot czar intervenes with an externally imposed rule which adjudicates that the data is actually invalid because reasons. 403 Forbidden.
in reply to ⛅ w chance of bears

@⛅ w chance of bears This doesn't feel very HTTP to me. There's too much context to be aware of here. This feels like we're into JS/whatnot. HTTP itself feels like it should be less content aware?
in reply to silverwizard

I'm looking at this as a web application returning a response code. HTTP is a protocol; some of the participants of that protocol will be extremely content aware, others less so. The very notion that holding coffee violates a teapot's nature is a philosophical conceit that would be odd for a low awareness system to express in the first place.

On the other hand, I suppose that attempting to french press in a teapot would be my idea of a 500-series teapot error.