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What struck me about the Atlantic editor being included in a Signal group chat about a bombing mission in Yemen isn’t the less-than-tight OPSEC, but rather the self-reinforcing propaganda even among top officials when Europe briefly catch a couple strays during the conversation. How is bombing rebels in Yemen “bailing Europe out”?

I keep naively thinking fascist grifters are above their own con, but not even.

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Hypolite Petovan
@Lurkle DEI makes life great Thanks, it makes sense, somehow I expected more cynicism in a supposed private conversation between top US officials?
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

I reckon the 'bailing Europe out' is because of how much of Europe's maritime trade passes through the area being bombarded by terrorists.

Also, upholding UNCLOS is a public good.

Be awesome if the Europeans continue their support of the fight against Iran's terrorists who threaten UNCLOS.

in reply to Ravi Nayyar

Late last year, the German defence minister directed that a German naval task group not sail through said area because he lacked confidence in the assets' ability to defend themselves against Iran's children.…
in reply to Ravi Nayyar

Actually, where do you stand on the question re the UAE/KSA campaign against the Houthis before the USG told them to hold fire with Hodeida in their sights and despite the Houthis and Co attacking their own civilians?
in reply to Ravi Nayyar

@Ravi Nayyar I'm sorry I don't have enough information to answer this question, let alone understand it. But at first glance it sounds like classic US foreign policy, not surprising but still disappointing?
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

No need to apologise - neither do I have enough data to have an informed opinion on that issue.

Well, to be fair, US foreign policy re the Mid-east has noticeably improved since Trump 1.0. Look at the Abraham Accords, the I2U2 grouping and work on the IMEEC. Plenty more still to do, but there has been some good stuff.

in reply to Ravi Nayyar

Actually, where do you stand on the question re the UAE/KSA campaign against the Houthis before the USG told them to hold fire with Hodeida in their sights and despite the Houthis and Co attacking UAE/KSA civilians?
Unknown parent


@Lurkle Of course the EU has never done anything to protect maritime shipping…