I don't understand people's economic choices.
One of the worst parts of modern life is innovaton. One of the most annoying things that could happen in my economic life is if Kijiji Innovated. If Kijiji improved/changed it could only annoy me.
I see people being mad about "Dead Games", and I also see people mad about Live Service Games. My entire goal in gaming is for my games to never change. I don't want changes, I want to play, see the story, finish, or mess with systems.
I don't get the search for innovation in corporations, and I don't get why someone would want them to. I don't get why people get annoyed by a product not updating.
in reply to silverwizard • •This stands out to me because I'm an employee.
Every company I've worked for has focused on building features and changes. At the expense of security and stability.
But as a person working with a vendor, I want the vendor to be secure and stable and will fire them over bad features.
Why did it get this way.
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Matt Bond | zxaos
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard likes this.
in reply to Matt Bond | zxaos • •@Matt Bond | zxaos It always is!
I finally wrote an SSG though so it's almost real?
Hypolite Petovan
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in reply to Hypolite Petovan • •Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Matt Bond | zxaos
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard likes this.
in reply to Matt Bond | zxaos • •@Matt Bond | zxaos Writing your own SSG is half the point of the internet.
What was I supposed to be doing? Writing a worthless security blog to do certificate maintenance
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Matt Bond | zxaos
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard likes this.
in reply to Matt Bond | zxaos • •Hypolite Petovan
in reply to silverwizard • • •@silverwizard I keep circling back to the increase in bullshit jobs in product and marketing mainly. Without new stuff to constantly put forward, their entire job is at stake.
Although I believe this can also happen with engineering teams that were oversized at the start of a project to put out the MVP as early as possible, and then you have engineers twiddling their thumbs and scrambling to find reasons to stay employed, although it would more probably would take the form of refactoring and rewrites.
Nothing to do with customer desires, everybody is just trying to keep their job.
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in reply to Hypolite Petovan • •@Hypolite Petovan So I tend to work in companies with 10-100 people. I joke my career is turning companies from 10 person companies to 100 person companies and then moving on.
It often means my teams are unresourced - working with dev teams under 10 people. Often we'll have not enough bandwidth to do the things we need to do. But we primarily add to the things we have rather than improve the daily drive experience.
It's the same mindset as google only promoting for creating things and not maintaining things.
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β w chance of bears
in reply to silverwizard • • •People's obsession with innovation is putting the cart before the horse. It's a (potential!) path towards an objective; treating innovation as an intrinsic objective itself is inane.
Sure, innovation may be required when established means can't achieve a goal.
Sure, when someone makes something we didn't know we wanted, their innovation can be retroactively impressive.
But just demanding innovation? "Why won't you change I dunno what to achieve I dunno what?!"
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in reply to β w chance of bears • •Hypolite Petovan
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