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silverwizard reshared this.

One of the things this 'ai' blitz from companies has really put into perspective is that they sure the fuck would rather pay an electricity bill than a person.

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Can I quote you on that?


anything I post publicly like that is fair game.

GPUs don't complain about being overworked or having their rights violated.

silverwizard reshared this.

AI assistants turn the problem of writing code into the much, much harder problem of reading code

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"Well, sure, but anyone can edit code," said the managers who have never read a line of anything more complicated than a 'Hello, World'.

In python.

silverwizard reshared this.

Content warning: Pandora Holmes, bad news, activism opportunity/ support needed

Content warning: Pandora Holmes, bad news, activism opportunity/ support needed

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

🧵 In 2020, I nearly died from mysterious industrial chemical exposure at my apartment. Later, in 2023, I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste into the apartment windows from their Skunkworks semiconductor fab next-door. I tipped off the US EPA, who sent their env cops to raid Apple's plant in Aug of 2023. The US EPA finally released the report of their enforcement inspections & sent me a copy on Friday. 💀 ⬇️
Image of all cap locks post by ashley when she found out about the fab

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

US EPA Enforcement & Compliance conducted 3 onsite inspections of Apple's fab facility in 8/2023 + 1/2024. US EPA noted at least *19* potential violations of the RCRA hazardous waste statute.

I just posted US EPA's report for public access. Dropbox link:

✧✦✶✷Catherine✷✶✦✧ reshared this.

After discovering what Apple did, I then spent three months requesting records & digging through regulatory filings to learn more - which led me to file a complaint to US EPA in June 2023. I met with EPA's investigators & sent them everything I discovered.

I told EPA I didn't want my whistleblowing to be anonymous, and instead, that if EPA shows up to inspect the plant, when they do, please have the EPA cops tell Apple: "Ashley says hi." 💀

Image of report showing comments about telling Apple they were there due to a whistleblower tip

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

The inspection was supposed to be unannounced so EPA surprises the inspected party who has no chance to cover up issues before EPA gets inside. However city HazMat tipped off Apple & EPA was greeted by Apple's EH&S team. Note: what EPA found was AFTER Apple had time to clean up.
image of report with highlighted sections as described

Garden Punk reshared this.

TLDR; EPA discovered that Apple was:
- illegally treating hazardous waste
- illegally transporting hazardous waste to disposal facilities
- illegally dumping hazardous waste into the ambient air outside the facility (into the apartment windows)
- leaving stockpiles of extremely dangerous chemicals unattended on weekends

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

Let's start with illegal treatment: Apple set up a 1,700 gallon aboveground chemical storage tank to treat their ignitable solvent waste. The chemicals are clearly RCRA-regulated hazardous waste. The tank was even marked hazardous waste. But Apple obtained no permits for it, nor told the government about it, because Apple unilaterally (and incorrectly) declared it wasn't hazardous waste. #BadApple
images of photos of the tank at the facility images of photos of the tank at the facility
images of photos of the tank at the facility

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

But Apple's potential felonies did not stop there! Apple also decided to transport the illegally treated haz waste (which Apple claimed was never haz waste) to a disposal facility still claiming it wasn't haz waste (even though it was). In 2021 Apple's same waste stream included the TSCA regulated chemical NMP, which, in 2022, EPA proposed should be banned due to unreasonable risk of human harm.
image of section of report as described image of section of report as described
image of section of report as described
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Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

This same solvent waste storage tank full of environmental crimes also featured illegal emissions too! The solvent VOC air emissions from the tank & all of the facility's solvent exhaust were collected into a mainline & then dumped into the ambient air on the roof, without a permit, & probably almost entirely unabated (so straight up solvent vapors into the outdoor air).
image of section from the report as described image of section from the report as described
image of section from the report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

Because Apple wasn't monitoring its solvent emissions, & had no permit, its unclear just how much toxic waste Apple dumped into our bedrooms.

Also, it gets worse. Between 2020-23, Apple did monitor the air for vapors with an ad hoc, handheld, calibrated gas detector...ONE TIME.

Apple failed to calibrate the tool in all other tests. However, Apple did calibrate the tool a few times, but each time Apple then failed to actually use the tool to test anything. Great work, Apple.

image of section of report described
image of the sensor tool

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Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

We previously discussed how Apple didn't change its carbon filters for around five years (per Apple's manifests); so those filters were probably useless and doing nothing to control the gas/vapor emissions.

But there's more! US EPA also noticed that when Apple did start changing the filters in 12/2020 (after I reported my chemical induced illness next to the building), Apple then unilaterally claimed solvent drenched charcoal is not haz waste, & proceeded to illegally dispose of it.

image of section of the report as described
image of section of the report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

We're not done, you guys. There's more!! However, if you feel like you just got a strong whiff of Apple's poison gases & you need a moment to catch your breath; I'll just leave this right here as a reminder of how important it is that we look out for each other and feel a sense of duty to the community around us.

It's a tale as old as time that industry will poison communities as much as it can, as long as it can, until every day people come together to demand to not be slowly murdered.

The system is rigged. They want us to think it’ll protect us,
but that’s a lie.
We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not
the scientists, not the government. Us.
A farmer with a twelfth-grade education told me that.
On day one, he knew; and I thought he was crazy.

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Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

Next, EPA discovered that Apple had many smaller nonpermitted tanks of haz waste scattered around the plant; including 5-gallon containers of "highly flammable" & corrosive chemicals. Apple unilaterally declared they were not hazardous waste because Apple 1) never analyzed it & 2) did pour water into it. EPA said "no" & also pouring water into haz waste is still "treating" haz waste, and requires a permit that Apple did not have.
image of report as described image of report as described
image of report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

The US EPA inspector noticed Apple had a 55-gallon container of corrosive liquid chemicals sitting in Apple's "Chemical Bunker," & the container's cap was removed

EPA said: hey Apple, why is that haz waste container left open?

Apple responded: its open so the vapors can vent, you know, so it doesn't explode

EPA said: you need to buy containers designed for these types of chemicals

image of report as described

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Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

Speaking of Apple's Chemical Bunker...when US EPA started looking around, it saw 30 containers of corrosive liquid, & 12 containers of flammable liquids, all "stacked against the wall." The labels were not visible so EPA had to dig through the jugs to figure out what was there.
image of report as described
image of report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

The US EPA inspector also came across a pile of random containers of hazardous waste, apparently thrown in the corner of the Bunker. Three container's contents were unknown. All 10 were not dated & had not been analyzed. Apple claimed they had just left them there that morning.
image from report as described
image from report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

If you're thinking, ok that all sounds very dangerous, but I'm sure Apple was keeping an eye on things...

The facility operated 24/7 but only M-F.

On the weekends it was unattended & Apple didn't monitor their waste or waste treatment systems.

Apple also stopped their weekly inspections in Feb 2023 after I learned what they were doing at the factory.

image from report as described image from report as described
image from report as described

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

Finally, lets talk about Apple's factory exhaust into the ambient air next to thousands of homes and two public parks.

Much of Apple's solvent exhaust was vented out "as is" (unabated) from the main system.

The illegal solvent treatment tank exhaust did go through the untested carbon boxes, but then it was released out of a tiny vent pointed *down* at the building. Any gases heavier then air would be directed to the ground level to pool into toxic vapor plumes.

There were no permits.

image from report image from report
image from report image from report

Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor: reshared this.

My civil lawsuit against Apple includes 2 toxic tort claims for what theyre doing at this factory. I alleged Nuisance + Ultrahazardous Activities. The US Judge is letting me proceed with both claims.

Apple can keep flailing around, but we're in US court now & they will be forced to face the music. I'm also waiting to hear from US Dept of Labor Judge if I can add RCRA, Clean Air Act, & TSCA retaliation claims.

Finally, its also possible DOJ could pursue criminal charges.

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you know that they're going to drag it through the courts that will take you at least 10 years and I hope you got close to a million dollars to pay for it

Apple has $67bn in cash just sitting around. You'd think they could be nice to their neighbors

Edit: source,a%2031.12%25%20decline%20from%202020.

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Gentleman of Leisure 🍉🏴🚩 reshared this.

All of this excitement about Apple's many toxic waste failures was apparently too much for DropBox and they needed to take a break. In the meantime, I've now also shared the documents here:
"link temporarily disabled"

silverwizard reshared this.

Please consider signing this letter to the Ontario government to preserve the Ontario Science Centre and, if you are able, attend the rally on Sunday.

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So inspired by the Hat Dropping With AI dude's movement to drop goods on people from windows, I'm thinking of selling eggs

silverwizard reshared this.

Who would rather spend $13 million on the Ontario Science Centre instead of $650 million on a private parking lot for a mega spa? Or a blow a billion bucks to rush beer sales to corner stores??

#DougFord #onpoli #toronto #Ontario

Conservative Math
Sorry Folks! We don't have any money for (choose from Column A)
We're spending it all on (choose from Column B)

Column A: Healthcare, Public Education, Nurses, Teachers, Paid Sick Days etc
Column B: Parking lots, legal fees, grifts to donors, deals for developers, WHATEVER WE WANT. 
Photo of Doug Ford grinning

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The two protocols I need better tools for are RSS and IRC

I hate irssi and I don't want a webapp for RSS

can we… can we combine them?

@hotsoup RSS to an IRC room would be great, if I had a good rss

IRC over RSS sounds like a bad enough idea for me to take it seriously

I have invented a drink I call the St Lawrence Crossing

It's absinthe with maple syrup instead of sugar. (See - it's a Canadian Ferry and absinthe is the Green Fairy)

It's tasty

@AN/CRM-114 I buy this because the LCBO sells it, and getting non-LCBO absinthe is a huge amount of work, So I'm not really the person to give recommendations
ironically that particular absinthe is also uniquely easy to get not through the LCBO due to the distillery being in southern ontario

I need one of those. Whoa, great message.
@jwgoerlich You gonna be at summercamp or HOPE?
@joshbressers I’m still solidifying my travel schedule. If I’m there, I’ll find you!

silverwizard reshared this.

#Ontario Science Centre Rally this Sunday at Bathurst and St. Clair.

#dougFord #onpoli #toronto

Poster for OSC rally  Sunday June 23 - 12pm-2pm Wells Hill Park, 145 Hilton Ave Toronto
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silverwizard reshared this.

silverwizard reshared this.

Acclaimed architect, Raymond Moriyama, designed the Ontario Science Centre to last for centuries. It was one of the most beautiful architectural feats in #Canada.

Today, #DougFord moved one step closer to demolishing it.

#CivicVandalism #toronto #onpoli #cdnpoli #ontario

Credit Alex Bozkovic
Exterior shot across a ravine showing the connecting bridges at the Ontario Science Centre View onto the ravine from the Ontario science centre
credit Alex Bozikovic Ontario Science centre as an example of brutalist architecture

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@GG I've been trying to figure out what to do. The slime has no shame. But this feels too far.
@silverwizard Yup. Ontario is furious. Closing the Science Centre has enraged more voters than #DougFord's privatization of our healthcare system. There's a rally being organized for Sunday. Will post when details confirmed.
@silverwizard Rally to save the #Ontario Science Centre:
Sunday afternoon June 22nd, at Wells Hill Park, Bathurst and St Clair, #Toronto
Rally to save the #Ontario Science Centre:
Sunday afternoon June 22nd, at Wells Hill Park, Bathurst and St Clair, Toronto
@silverwizard The Science Centre will trigger more outrage than the provincial health system because while the #cons can trick people into thinking the "Ministry of Health" is #Trudeau's problem, it's harder to convince people the Ontario Science Centre is a federal failure, as it has "Ontario" right there in the name.

@Alex Block @GG I hope you're right.

i'm also hoping Life Labs can shrivel and die because we fixed our broken healthcare

Anyone else getting the "You are using a pihole" constant cloudflare "security reviews" suddenly?
@08956495 More seriously - it feels like it's yet another way we're going to get blocked out of the open web

My brain just thought the words "Etsy but ActivityPub"

Basically just - do ActivityPub, add a shopping cart, and try to manage the bots - so you can have art and craft and so on focused instances with sales inside them. I... have no idea how to make this work non-evilly.

But ok - if you want to *scale* activitypub with commerce - this means that the question is one of community.

Building a community with a store is really fucking hard. You have all the problems of Ebay, Etsy, and Twitter. This means building spaces like systems for Art, Writing, or whatever. And that means supporting those people. This means figuring out how to discourage advertising and brands, while supporting people who create.

I don't think this is a needle I can personally thread. I should not try.

But someone should. We should try to figure out how to do capitalism without as many siphons in the middle, at least until we can get rid of capitalism.

This brought to you by me thinking about Etsy and its problems - and how I want to find *creators* first, and then wares, rather than wares first and then creators (at least most of the time)
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I just realized that this is literally OnlyFans in a lot of ways. A social network for following creators who can sell things to you easily.

And course that - that immediately got moved toward Sex Work because that's the most tech savvy and mobile group, but I think there's something valuable here.

Isn’t the hardest part going to be the payment system integration, and accounting? And shipping costs across dozens of possible shipping options? All the little quirks like charge-backs creating credits/debits? Or is your system going to attempt to not middleman dozens of payment systems? In which case you still need to API integrate to lots of different options and still do accounting for every worst case scenario?
I’d guess creators/wares is the “easy” part?

@Jay Hannah So in this case we're looking at small vendors - so this means that you're probably looking at:
Shipping is going to be integration with the local postal service
API integration with Stripe/PayPal/whatever is pretty simple
If you want to directly take payments that's PCI DSS and also other stuff

But that's all technical detail. I'm not saying it's nothing, but it's all mostly solved problems with very common answers. But the "build a community based on selling without being a hellhole" is not even slightly solved.

Any #KitchenerWaterloo folk aware of a place I can rent a 10 disk CD ripper? Or similar device? I just want to digitize a bunch of CDs and don't wanna think too hard. And don't wanna pay $100 to get someone else to do it.

silverwizard reshared this.

I would like to point out that *there is no way to fix this*.

I don’t mean it’s difficult, or expensive, or we just haven’t scienced hard enough yet. I mean there is literally no way to make an LLM not do this, or an infinite number of similar mistakes, in the same way that no improvement in ladder technology can help you reach the moon.

You’re asking a slot machine what your most likely bank balance is.

Google Gemini tried to kill me

"I followed these steps, but just so happened to check on my mason jar 3-4 days in and saw tiny carbonation bubbles rapidly rising throughout ... I had just grew a botulism culture"

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

@Becky said she wanted to watch classic movies and I had to ask "Casablanca or Mean Girls" and I feel like this kind of distinction would serve very well in a lot of situations.
Babe wake up new verse of “Hey Nineteen” just dropped

da_667 reshared this.

The best part of systemd is that whenever it fucks up it chooses if the fuckup was bad for desktop users or enterprise users, and then says it's designed for the other group.

silverwizard reshared this.

For superhero shows, I reckon one of the best must be The Red Panda Adventures! It has it all!

Realism, cheesiness, action, banter, evil laughter (lots of!), superpowers, pseudoscience, magic, mysteries, more mundane crimes, & history! Gregg Taylor, with costar Clarissa Dernederlandon, makes balancing these disparate tones look effortless!

The bulk of the show ran 2005-2015, & was set in 1930s Toronto, Canada. Expertly capturing the reality & fiction of the time!

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@silverwizard Something that strikes me on relistens: He barely uses narration! Except ofcourse for the title sequence.

Few other audioshows get away with telling their stories near-exclusively through banter...

Adrian Cochrane reshared this.

@Adrian Cochrane I relisten to Black Jack Justice more (it's more episodic) - and there's more intentional narration there. But yeah, he's so good at actors, stage queues, and using all the other tools at his disposal.

Any #AWS types ever seen an issue where when restoring from snapshot a table or schema is missing?
basically, the thing to understand is that like 95% of RDS was literally built one piece at a time, each by a different single guy without any mandate or support so that he could put it on his resume, then bail within 6 months.
When I was at a LARGE customer, we'd regularly get excited about RDS item A. We'd get on a call to talk about A with our AM and the engineer. Three weeks later our AM says 'oh, BTW, engineer is leaving so your FREQ is dead.'
@RootWyrm 🇺🇦:progress: Oh, I know how Amazon works, don't worry. It's fucking stupid. I honestly wish I could just pay for some instances and manage mysql myself so I could tune shit better, and have better insights into wtf

silverwizard reshared this.

Last boost: Another reason why I get irrationally angry about software that knows what is going wrong but refuses to actually say anything about it.

It trains users to be overly trusting of software asking them to do stuff for vague or completely unspecified reasons. This makes people vulnerable to inadvertently installing stuff they shouldn't

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silverwizard reshared this.

Back in the day malware had to provide something actually compelling like "click for funny pictures"

Now, thanks to everyone suffering from Apple/Google brainworms you can apparently get people to download malware just by saying "uhh, something didn't work I guess 🤷‍♀️ "

My neighbour has an above ground pool, which has some sort of tech on it that beeps like a failing UPS.

I am actually starting to have trouble sleeping due to my brain panicking that something is going down.

Another entry in the world of "Silver says something that's barely even words unless you understand everyone one of them"

silverwizard reshared this.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who understand that streets are for people.
A black-and-white comic strip featuring a child asking his dad for a traffic safety poster slogan. The dad enthusiastically suggests a slogan promoting cyclists' rights and criticizing motorists. The child responds by deciding to ask his mom instead.

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The existence, and especially ongoing existence, of brings me continuous joy.

silverwizard reshared this.

Someone made Blender for Nokia N95 which is really cool, but its repo is Spanish only.

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Personally my favorite era of mobile phones is the period 2007-2008 just before Android and iOS took over this entire market.

There was so much innovation happening with cool OSs and shit. There's a lot of phones from this era that can do things that even modern phones can't do, like physical keyboards and such.

Not sure if it's my favorite era but I do hate Android and the slate form factor enough that I ended up sticking to a feature phone since ~2020 (ironically right after I bought a pinephone, which so far I've only used for basic mobile linux tests).
That said SailfishOS is quite neat, used it 2016~2020.
I am not so fond of SailfishOS because it has too much proprietary shit.
Much less than Android (specially stock) though, plus there's Glacier if you want to get rid of more things.
And one thing I quite liked with SailfishOS is the ability to modify applications right on the device, it's the kind of thing that made me regard shit like Android as rendering a nano-computer into a semi-autonomous peripheral just like what's done with game consoles.
I'd like to extend that to 2009 I guess. iOS and Android were there but didn't have full adoption yet.
When I was at university around 2000 or so, I had a desktop that was running: Windows; Linux; QNX; and BeOS. It was so much fun. I don't remember the year, but I also had a Macintosh LC-III running NetBSD.
Desktop wise meanwhile I'm stuck with missing OpenSolaris / Ubuntu 10.04 era.
That said gnome1 era is nostalgic to me, first desktop that I used.
One of my favorite phones from that era was the Sony Ericsson Aino. A Java feature phone with a touch screen.
From the same year I prefer the Sony Ericsson W995. It's essentially the same phone as the Aino except a little smaller because it didn't have the pointless touchscreen.
The touchscreen worked great with Opera mini!
Opera Mini, that takes me back.
Yeah, I wish it would still be usable on J2ME devices.

you can have pyramids in your pyramids on your pyramids

This is a joke about vampires, it has not deeper context around the problem with a lot of The Purpose Of a System hot takes is that a lot of the systems are hidden from view

silverwizard reshared this.

Welp, I have just been let go.

I call myself a Senior Systems Developer and Administrator, having being on both sides of the fence and on the fence itself. My full CV is here except for the post I'm leaving now, which was titled SRE, but included security, systems architect, devops and IT guy. You can also have an idea about what I have been doing by checking the #til tag.

Please boost

#GetFediHired #FediHire #JobSearch #Python #SRE

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I need to go get in a fight with my city about their fucking lawn bylaws. "No plants over 20cm" is basically a crime against the ecosystem, and they're on a tear this year.
Ah, the classic city planning priority: classism. Followed quickly by racism.
@Craig P with help from my parents I bought a house while still in university, and because of that I live in a fairly poor area. And holy shit, it's hard not to understand what people are talking about. "We will collect your leaves, but only after snowfall. We will penalize you for having leaves after it snows". Just so many ongoing attempts to fine people who live in my neighbourhood.

silverwizard reshared this.

I'm trying to collect what #XMPP clients are usable with screen readers.

weirdwriter recommended:
Windows: MirandaNG
iOS: Monal and Siskin,
Android Conversations is rumored to be decent.
Web: Conversejs

So does anyone else have experience with using jabber clients with screen readers on Android, OS X, or Linux? Does that match other screen reader users experiences?


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as the #Conversations_im developer I can tell you that I'm trying. I have had individuals reach out explicitly thanking me for making Conversations accessible. However those are just individual opinions and I'm always happy to receive actionable feedback.
While I belive that #Conversations_im mostly follows the 101 of accessibility (label all your icons) I reckon that the devil is in the details.
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knightly reshared this.

Holy fuck

I just want to upload some files to Google Drive from the CLI.
How the hell is this so hard?!

@Kicou The rclone I have access to in packages is sliiiiiiiightly out of date, and in that slight change, Google changed its entire auth scheme
@Kicou importantly I'm stuck on AWS linux, and AL2 has out of date rclone and AL2023 wont install fail2ban
will the installed rclone binary self update?
@Kicou I installed it from packages, will that out of band update?

Ya, it will pull the latest binary from repo and overwrite the existing one

You may want to back up the original binary file beforehand

@Kicou nah, the server doesn't live longer than a few hours

but ok, this might make me not claw out my eyes

I hate to say it, but could you bodge something together with curl?
@DHeadshot's Alt @Kicou I got allowed to put the docs in S3, which is good only because AWS interacting with AWS
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This anti-pattern is the thing that makes AWS EC2 the most user hostile IME. I never want to click "Copy To Clipboard", because I often want to *select the text* which is made harder because by clicking the text changes it. I often want to put it into another clipboard than my default - but maybe I have different goals than everyone else.

And I don't want to "Open Address" most of the time. Why would I want to open it on the web! It's a brand new VM?!

A screenshot of the AWS EC2 console, with the IP of a server, with "Open Address" and "Copy To Clipboard buttons"
Don't worry, I'm gonna delete that server, that IP isn't a thing.

I gotta figure out a funding model to do security for libraries and hospitals, there's gotta be a way to build DFIR and hardening teams for these orgs, the question is how to get the money.

@Rye yeah! I'm at the noodling stage

I just my first main cert so feel like people can take me seriously, am dreaming about my next steps because I feel like the company I work for is about to collapse, and I want to do something that feels good

this all adds up to figuring out grant writing, where to look, and more yeah, I just need to, figure that out


bad USB port on my phone (the replacement is in the mail), so I do a watch adb shell wm reset and then start wiggling the cable until the screen unfucks itself.
Holy shit! My replacement parts came in within 10 days.