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A coworker asked about keyboards - and then someone else told them to ask me.
I accidentally just wrote a page of text....

My son will randomly decide he wants to make things. And basically has no conception that he can't make things and that's really exciting.

He also made a train out of playdough, and then made a little mini-motor like he'd seen in toys, and opened the playdough train, put the playdough motor in, and said it could go by itself.

Just so proud of how much I've let him understand making.

Tech companies use Timeboxes as a way to make investigations way harder so much of the time
@silverwizard It's funny how there has always been a stigma to be working in the tech department of an established business, as if it was impure.

Listen, I agree with you, but it's a contract with someone and it's flagging my "talk to an attorney" senses. I wont tell you you're right, because it's flagging my "talk to an attorney" senses.

BlueSky is gonna make me defederate .social just to get rid of the "fediverse is bad" takes
@secretspecter I'd really rather not do it - I should check the contacts table to make sure that I am not affecting more than me...
@secretspecter My instance used to be a single user vanity instance, but now there's 6 people on it - which is far too many

Welp - my 1yo has learned the fine art of trickery
He's standing at the top of the stairs screaming "Coffee daddy! Coffee!"

He wants me to come upstairs from WFHing

I suddenly pulled from my memory a conservative making a case for Conservative Freeganism and Dumpstering to me in uni

it ... was coherent and good - but looking back 17 years later - holy shit, I want that back
Basically it boiled down to
1) Freegansim will allow you to feed people for cheap, and taxes are bad, so if you can feed people with social discards you don't need to raise taxes
2) Feeding yourself for free is an important part of Pulling Yourself Up By Your Bootstaps

And like - sure - the premises are bad - but the actual stuff is... fine?

When your dungeon begins with a Sphere of Annihilation they call that an antichamber

@silverwizard For me it's more like "my local data landfill".
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@Hypolite Petovan I definitely manage the local auths, the servers, and the DNS. But eveything inside the lines I draw are wild and free

The best thing a website can give me is a "session has expired" popup - but before I logged in

Good job

Who called it Westworld and not Wyatt ERP

reshared this


I just saw someone talk about their mechanized X-card for the Cipher game Flesh Pit

They were like "you can spend an XP and the scene is over" and explicitly called this out as their version of the X-card

@Matt Bond | zxaos EXACTLY! This is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard as a concept. Just
throw gamer safety in the trash

Thinking about running #DeltaGreen in #UnknownArmies instead of Call of Cthulhu - completely normal secret agents trying to deal with that bullshit

Anyone else considered running Postfix from an android phone? Specifically incoming

christian mock reshared this.

@Resuna Man - I've not used qmail in a decade and never want to again

I've been OpenSMTPd enlightened but I bet I can get postfix to do something stupid more easily
About 5 years for me.

Ignore that it currently has a USB port in it - I'm in a mood

People making fun of babies for liking peekaboo 🤝 people misapplying their theory of mind and losing reverse-peekaboo to ChatGPT
Not trying to be mean

Both you and the baby aren't stupid (if you do this), theory of mind is literally empathy so if you misunderstand chatgpt as human-like, that's probably because empathy.

But if you make fun of babies I will cut you

So I use castget gratuitously to the point of madness. But my biggest problem with it is that sometimes people completely garbage out their RSS feed and it detects as all new.

This isn't CastGet's fault - and this isn't a complaint.

I just downloaded The Exploding Helicopter Podcast to the start of history and am sad
Patreon does this shit to me so often and just fucks my automation

A knight is, at their core, a student, a lifelong learner undergoing a journey of many phases, however it isn't until they achieve a certain understanding of gallantry that they can take the final step to knighthood

This final act of knighthood is formally known as the Dub Step
If you achieve the Dub Step you can start a House

Wizards don't follow that process they need to enter a Trance

Imgur: Those who cannot remember the photobucket are condemned to repeat it.

reshared this

So we have to do a bunch of security trainings again in August or whatever - and I know I hate all of the security trainings - but I was wondering about fairly seriously suggesting doing an Engineering Wide "Watch the training and mock it" session
The actual goal being to have people discuss the modules and what we think is good and bad about it - and why we think things are bad/irrelevant in a productive way, with an informal feel - in order to get real security awareness training done but without making it feel as bad
How do you feel about that?

Well, I just made this suggestion to my other half in management and see if I can get this to be formal policy
We don't *make* security training
We make FUN of them

I feel bad for the security training companies - they're impossible to do a good video for, it's an impossible job, and I'm sorry this is my best solution to make it engaging

Most linux frontends I use seem to have strongly disabled the "middle click to paste selected text" and also generally "selecting text sends it to the selection buffer", and I presume this is a paranoia thing, but it's also a huge pain because there doesn't seem to be an option to change it. And it has cratered my workflows.

Okay, so the rendering of a profile picture on here is sort of weird. I use the cropping tool, which will only let me crop a square, but then it will remember the aspect ratio of the original image, and then scale the square to match that aspect ratio. Very odd. Will need to find a square picture to use.
Just cropped and scaled down a picture of my FFXIV character, still weird how Friendica scales images when you try to crop them for a profile pic.
@MatchaZed The worst part is that I think Mastodon will crop it to a circle anyway.
The fediverse is fun

Got a bunch of stuff from a contractor, including a blob of terraform.

TIL that RFC 1918 lists as a private IP block!
You mean as a private IP block, right?
Verizon will probably be a bit surprised...

I think I'm going to have to accept I'm not running a single user vanity instance since we now have our 6th user @MatchaZed

Content warning: Sandman's Shittyness and abuse

Content warning: Sandman's Shittyness and abuse

Content warning: Sandman's Shittyness and abuse

I am running a Cyberpunk game where a corporate has their headquarters outside a city, but few onsite apartments, so the people who are *in power* all do what is known locally as The Commute, a two hour traffic jam.

The world is making it clear that there's off-road public transit available, and there's an economy of people doing bike food deliveries, prostitution, and busking along the track for the four hours a day people are spending in traffic.

All for the right to drive to work in their own car.

And - Cyberpunk hurts me
You'd think the CEO would jack into his (inevitably his) in-office meat-puppet if he needed to actually be there...
@Darcy Casselman @silverwizard Interestingly enough, most Cyberpunk universes I know are pretty concerned with having diversity among soulless corporate officers.
@Darcy Casselman No no - these are VPs and stuff the CEOs are just flying

And yeah - there's a room in the basement where people do offsite meetings.

Meaning yes, these people are commuting 2 hours to be in the office to work remotely
At least the SVPs get self-driving cars, so they can join meetings during their commute (and get hijacked by enterprising hacker PCs...)
@Darcy Casselman Definitely! (Shadowrun - all cars are self driving, so all applies)

The PCs are meeting their contact in their car during his commute, because they can pose as delivery people, and it's a space he can trust!
To my players, "Yeah, looks like his headware was installed before he was grown enough to not have it hurt him. Kinda like a 10 year old who has botox scars from beauty pageants."

My players didn't know how toxic pageant parents are...

@Hypolite Petovan Becky wanted me to image some computers, and I wanted to be outside

Hey #OpenBSD people - are you getting perl errors after upgrade to 7.3?

I've upgraded 3 servers successfully so far, but bringing up my webserver gives me:
web$ sudo sysmerge
doas ( password: 
web$ sudo pkg_add -u 
Zlib.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xec00000, needed 0xeb80000)

CPAN and CPANm both give me the same kind of errors. perl-migrate-modules gives a similar error. I rolled back the update and pkg_add work, and I ran perl-migrate-modules to try to get XS versions and things correct, and then I ran the upgrade again, with same issue.

web$ env

My env is pretty empty, and I've tried deleting my perl5 directory, and other site packages (pkg_add explicitly no_libs them but you know).

Anyone else seeing this?
This file:
@Andrew Hewus Fresh yeah, Perl migrate modules is for migrating your installed modules to a new Perl binary apparently, but yeah

Yeah, I nuked my perl5 dir and it definitely no_libbed

It definitely is weird because Zlib wasn't there but I've installed three servers successfully from this install73.iso (but used the http mirror to get the files... On all servers), and it's persistent on this server and only this one...

It's super odd

They didn't invent words for how much I love being a dad and love my kids

I can be a grumpy nerd with a beard at computers, but kids never!
I've been a dad for not even three months, and I feel your first sentence so deeply.
@Spencer I know right!

I know not everyone is a good parent, and that's ok, and it's important to highlight. But literally, my most treasured memories are holding my 1 month old child.
@silverwizard @Spencer It's also possible to be a good parent and not necessarily loving it.
@Hypolite Petovan @Spencer That's also true, and I should have been more broad in that statement

I wish the vibe around TikTok wasn't "TikTok is fine and good" and more "HOLY SHIT Facebook and so on are doing ALL THIS?!"

Allen Stenhaus reshared this.

I wrote like a three page diatribe to my reps detailing all the stuff Instagram calls home about since one of my locals is sponsoring the US bill to axe tiktok and I'm sitting there thinking "do they even know, or what?"
@pamela :flan_butterfly: I know that on the legal end it's entirely about locus of power and racism. But I just got an email from a Security Company telling me that TikTok is fine (I am on too many Security Company Spam lists that I can't leave...)

But yeah! it would be so nice if this unified with the privacy law work being done!

@Hypolite Petovan I am looking to buy a bunch of Lego for my son for his birthday. Is there a good tool for looking at a general view of like, weight to volume, and is there a standard bulk-lego supplier?
@Andreas vom Zwenkauer See I have a hard time taking these sets with a very low price per part seriously, in part because they're standing on the shoulders of the elephant in the room. For example, I sold today a couple of LEGO sets that were released in 1993, so 30 years ago, and not only the parts I found for these sets in the bin I sorted were in great condition (albeit a little dirty), I was able to replace most missing parts seamlessly with much newer parts. These for me are proofs of an ongoing quality commitment dating back at least 30 years that none of the newer LEGO-compatible brick ventures, however well-intentioned, can ever claim to match.

One of the reasons the LEGO second-hand market has always been very strong is the normalization LEGO introduced in the 70s (!). As a result, LEGO parts always have been a known quantity, and you can build a business based on trading genuine LEGO parts because of this ongoing trust in the product itself. Is LEGO overcharging for new sets? With such an incredible engineering legacy for what was considered like mere children toys until very recently, they damn well can, and I'm absolutely not ready to quit this field because of outlandish price-per-part claims.

Let's talk about the BlueBrixx second-hand market in 30 years, shall we? 😄
Let's talk about the BlueBrixx second-hand market in 30 years, shall we?

Yes !


I have hit the point where I can guess the producer of a kids show after watching a few episodes

This is.... a skill I never suspected I would have

Bah. Guess who spilled beer on their laptop? On a holiday weekend?

Fortunately (1) warranty service is one of the things Apple is good at and (2) I dual wield so I still have a computer while the Macbook is in for service.

One of the hardest part of my job is that I have to estimate how long it will take for me to even figure out what's going on, what I need to do, and then do it
@Martijn Vos @Ji Fu Yeah - that makes sense - it's just super hard to even figure out what I want to work on when the environment is so weird
@Ji Fu @Martijn Vos Sorry, want to in the sense of "I am doing this project and every time I do something I find a yak to shave"

Does anyone want someone to run a bug bounty program and security awareness strategy? I love doing this shit, and reporters keep being happy to have me receive their report, so I feel like I'm good at it.

I love the actor Nigel Bennett! But basically everything I've seen him in is real bad.

It's very frustrating