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I've been working on a escalated support nightmare since Monday.

Today, in desperation, I cold messaged the team that manages the product that seems to be interacting badly with ours.

How would you feel if I did that to you?
Depends heavily on context, but "Why the fuck did nobody tell us about this sooner?" comes in pretty high on the probability distribution.
Oh, sorry, external team - entirely different company.

Though he responded to me, and said "Fixed the bug this morning", so they did know

If I had the skills, I would reinvent all websites and aps to not bloodthirstily track your info and do away with your rights. In my new web, privacy and respect would reign.

But alas, I don’t have the skills :(

Puns must only be judged by a pury of your jeers

Lenovo seems confused; they invited me to write a review of my new Thinkpad with Linux.
(The Thinkpad shipped with not-Linux and runs a different not-Linux. It's very nice. The only complaints I have are unreasonable expectations set by the Macbook that it doesn't quite meet.)

I wonder if anyone can guess what was sitting next to Sean when he needed to test his barcode scanner

Thinking about ttrpgs and how there's like a sweet spot for planning that seems to be a thing, where if people plan more, they map out expected successes and failures and are disappointed when things don't fit in their plan, but on the other hand, depending on the gms style they kinda benefit from either scenes or npcs to be mapped out a lil bit

Three of these are correct, the rest are bad to the point of harmful
Never prep plot, no paper after seeing scissors & three tiers of truth being correct?
In all honesty, I need to gwt more involved in running ttrpg discourse in general just to give me ideas of starting points because I still have a very fish-out-of-water feeling when trying to prep a game, even after half a dozen games ran
Honestly, Module Raiding is a really fun job.

Take an adventure and rip out the fun and only the fun.

Gives you free stats for pieces and some art and maps, but you get to ignore the crappy parts.

I have *literally hundreds* of prepublished adventures in the basement
I mean, yes that is good advice and I should think about that more

The other side of things is that it isn't an idea that I have trouble with, and I actually love coming up with ideas, it is how to express my concept into reality that I feel tugs at me

Although some ideas I change so much on my way to putting them into practice that I might actually have more luck seeking out something that fits the description

Other ideas, like Melanora, would anyone else make a module for, and would I be able to *find* it?
I mean, you can search out your concept

I also like to read books or short stories on the theme I want to hit, though that's less stat blocks

Literally, do research! You don't need to tell a story in a vacuum
Three Tiers of Truth being one of the worst

Timezone Salience being the other correct one

"Containerd gets support for launching linux containers on FreeBSD"

Gimme that FreeBSD work laptop!

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Today my followers are learning that asking me questions about coffee leads to too much answer

My office has the weirdest branching strategy

Where you make a branch
Constantly rebase that branch off main

Then make a branch off that branch

PR the second branch onto the first, then PR the first onto main

I... am so confused
Yeah, that sounds more like a coding nightmare than a branching strategy.
We're normally very good at things, this is just confusing

imagine a world where "email attachments from unknown senders" were this scary magical thing of danger, and no other emails were dangerous.

Now imagine how many security docs pretend that's the real world

@HippyWizard has 3 drinks this morning try to take a guess as to what they all are before reading the next tweet and comment how bad the difference between imagination and reality was (if you want)




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My thoughts exactly! And I wanted coffee and cappuccino and it seems a shame to waste the leftover espresso my 1980s espresso maker makes!

Inserting "except as part of normal job duties" on all the items on the acceptable use policy so huge portions of my job are actually allowed by policy

Github Copilot seems very bad, but because it's bad ML code rather than code theft.

But then I also license everything WTFPL so maybe I just have a weird view of ownership?

I also pay extra to have my art commissions licensed CC-BY
no relation. :)

I really want to write "Fuck You" on this document showing that we need 2FA on our amazon root account.

Holy shit! A single 2FA token! Fucking fuck

Don't fucking make me have a chance to lock ourselves out of AWS root trivially, Amazon needs to fix it's shit, seriously

Do you think they'll let me use… as cybersecurity training? Probably more useful than the normal ones I've gotten.

I think I can stat a full cult in burning wheel before 8 pm tonight - right?

No you're writing a Definition of Policy Definitions policy
>grabs copy
>flips to glossary

Me, trying to prove the problem isn't on my end: *attaches radio frequency scan of bluetooth frequency range showing no noise*

Ya know what, let's ban programming computers
All the computers can do enough things, programming is over

Remembering how "The Phantom Menace" sounded like it was gonna have a cool spooky ghost in it, not "There's No Real Threat Here"

As someone who hates programming and finds most of it grating, I spent way too much of my weekend writing recreational C

To be clear, it was fun
I was playing and trying to make a single robot that could solve every level, without storing state, while sticking to the rules like "the ant doesn't know if it's holding a rock" and "the ant can't look in any direction but 1 square forward"
Ok, not quite true, I had some counters

I just adding the "feels?: fake" tag to a VPC

feeling good today

I wonder what the OS will be made of…

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@HippyWizard Fairy dust

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@HippyWizard CloudOS = Vaporware

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Just asked a customer service manager why they didn't have automation tools to add their product to our AWS environment

Then linked a blog post from their own company to explain why I wanted this

I think they attached the blogpost to the engineering ticket, and that brings me joy

Will Roko's Basilisk torture you if you believe there's already sapient AGIs and so get fired from doing AI research?

I'm on a work call where I'm not the technical person, I'm doing management, organization, and communication

This is the fucking weirdest moment of my life
Management, organization, and communication have turned out to be some of the most important technical skills of my career. Funny how that works.
Fuck, but I don't want them! Give them to someone else.

Let me be the longhaired person who mumbles at the computer until the black magic is done

This, plus particulate emissions is not from car exhaust but from tires

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Harry Potter

How do you reconcile loving a series so much just for it to be torn down by the author's horrible bigotry

At pride, some people I was talking to said that they wouldn't let her take it from them, that they wouldn't let her have that over them

But I dunno, it's so hard to read it with the same unbridled enthusiasm I once had, I just feel heartbroken that something that once meant so much to me is broken like this, still...

Does it even make sense, it's just a set of books...
I know it's problematic, and people talk about that 😔, I think that's one of the problems I'm having. I loved it so whole-heartedly for so many years. I even did a course on it in uni where I wrote essays about the themes
It’s hard to let go but you now have the adult perspective to admit it isn’t the best work to hold dear. Like a certain Ice Queen said, let it go…

The new Thinkpad feels like a real battery hog, but having run the numbers, I think it's just that the Macbook has raised my expectations a little bit too high.

My server room is now a room that gets too cold usually, and not a room that gets too hot
Air conditioning should be adjusted maybe?
We have it set to 24.5 in the main room, which is pretty good? I dunno

My wifi access point just fell off my wall

I guess I should have actually screwed that in...

As a person who does technical interviews for tech companies.

If someone ever showed up to an interview in a suit, I'd be stunned and offput

I'd try to not let it affect my decision, but damn would I be weirded out

So I've been playtesting a # technomancer stream for a while, and if you are interested in technomancers in Shadowrun - check it out!…

It uses the Tarot deck to make daily Techno streams! And the techno in my group *loves* it.

The move from "lots of aliens" scifi to "no aliens" scifi is weird.

Like, just such a difference in the kinds of optimism I can feel.

Me: OpenBSD because it's a no-nonsense system that just works and my computer is a tool, not a project.

Also me: I don't like the battery status reporting tools I've found, I'll make my own.

Also me: Why does all the prior art use polling? Time to look at the kernel source.

Tomorrow I'm going to my first pride event

Over the past few years I've realized I'm both pan/bi and demi, so I guess I belong lol

@silverwizard is much more chill about it than me (in terms of nerves), so I think it'll be fun, and as he has pointed out, we'll potentially know a bunch of people who'll be there too... so not all intimidating strangers (all strangers are intimidating fyi)

I'm excited. I'm gonna wear my rainbow skirt and he's planning on wearing his rainbow vest from our wedding bc when else can you wear that?

Wish me luck, if you want to ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Not a lot of venues for this vest ya know
Every. Single. Day.

I hope one day the designer of this project finds out about HTML

I hear it's pretty cool
The review conversations were worth the price of admission.