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CISSP exam in two weeks, and I've no iudea how the exam compares to the practices

I feel like I know all the stuff, but feel like a 4 hour multiple choice exam I have to wake up at 6:30 am for is the least ideal way to test that

Any advice/assurances for someone who really just needs letters that tell well-meaning HR people that I am hirable?

silverwizard reshared this.

@silverwizard: if I can pass it, just about anybody can. There is certainly a lot of stuff to take in, but it is learnable.

I should admit that it took me two tries, but i got there 🙃

@BB :verified_cool: I really hope I don't have to find another fee, that's my main fear!

but thanks!

@silverwizard: ...i was too until I tried it and then I wanted this thing everywhere.

I just realized why I'm always confused why my coworkers want an update in slack for PR changes rather than just using the automated emails.

It's because I've levelled to the point of being Email Driven

@silverwizard Not in closed source software!

@Hypolite Petovan Just shark your wires! It'll be fine!

Or use some screen scraping! We're too afraid of writing software that lies to other software! Mouse clicks are just programs!

Doing a vulnerability hunt at work. Finding everything that's low priority and triaging it.

Everyone is learning why they don't want to do my job!

screwlisp reshared this.

the Netflix show Is It Cake is entering its third season, but it's great for when the kids are tired and we're tired and we want to watch something without stakes. So uh, I am happy but baffled

Robot vacuums need a "I have a toddler and they want to push you around" mode
regenerative charging ;)

I need to figure out what happened and then file a bug report for blueman >.<

Anyone have an issue where the default bluetooth controller is powered off, but there's a secondary controller, and so when the open blueman-manager the window closes immediately because the controller is disabled?

Erin reshared this.

I had a currywurst at a pub last summer, and I've thought about it on and off since. Went back to the pub a week ago, and now I made my own.

Currywurst is fucking amazing

fuck, I vaguely cut a biscuit recipe in half and just guessed and made the fluffiest lightest biscuit I've ever soon

they're probably tasty for about an hour but who cares

"I wont help, but I will hinder" - @Becky trying to explain her oath in Wednesday night Burning Wheel

Aw fucking shit!

@Titan Up the Defense posted a fucking episode! I know it's a different show now but it doesn't matter! Fuck yeah!

I should make a neocities for this as well! To rival the amazing

My mother-in-law still wont look at me, talk to me, or be in the same room as me, its been almost 6 months since I told her she couldn't blame my son for being bullied (and explicitly she couldn't tell him it's his fault). Apparently she just wants an apology.

Parenting sucks,

@Erin the hard part is that it's his cousin bullying him and my wife and sister in law are super close, making it very hard to avoid.

I'm just mostly so upset how much non-parents think they are entitled to parent kids. And I know my mom is super bad about it to, we just have way more experience fighting with each other.

And yeah, trying to be better parents than your parents is the eternal struggle ain't it.

@Erin thanks and good luck with your own parenting! I know it's not easy, but I hope you find it as rewarding as I do!

I am on my second cup of coffee today. I am dreaming already of my third.

I went off coffee for 3 months for reasons of "I try to force myself to not get too addicted", but fuck, I am so happy I am back on coffee

I’ve always hated coffee, but I quit caffeine by accident, and then felt like my heart was going to explode when trying it again after a few months.
@Lester Ward I am pretty light on the effect of caffeine, hence my ability to spring from nothing to 6 cups in a day. But I also go off coffee for three months every 5 years to make it nearly impossible for me to get badly addicted, hence the cause of all this.

I just found out about the Nexus Q which is literally just a sphere computer. My desire for it grows infinitely, but the ebay listings around all over $100 and that's enough to stop myself from being a dumbass.
Would you keep it as a music device or do something else with it?
@Morgan McMillian So there's a valid cyanogenmod for it (no, not lineageOS), so you can shove fdroid on it. So it'd likely spend most of its time as a small terminal PC and a music player, since it has good music interfaces on it and basically nothing else.

What ever happened to that weird mess of uzbl, xombrero, surf and so on. I've heard so little about weird minimal browsers. Might be that I'm out of university - but I thought the Fediverse was filling that hole.

I never got into uzbl or surf - I was a Xombrero user due to the OpenBSD package being easy - I wonder how stable those are? Kinda the inverse of LibreWolf.

@silverwizard: i used to be partial to luakit if "as minimal a browser as humanly possible" is a goal. Maybe still good?

Fuckin' Drata rolled out a support AI and now their support doesn't appear to look at tickets. Who the fuck.

So I redid my phone homescreens to avoid having application links, and replaced everything with widgets.

For years I've felt like desktop widgets are mostly a gimmick and pointless, and basically after a day this way I've completely reversed my decision on them. I basically got annoyed at the way that the shortcut model leads to just a soup of icons and I usually just go to the display of all and then use the link from there, and I completely reversed my decision. Feels very weird.

@silverwizard This sounds absolutely dystopian to me, but I've been blessed with a kid who mostly follows rules, so I'm in no position to judge.
@Hypolite Petovan I mean, it's easier than finding a stool at 2am and unscrewing his lightbulbs again

So I gave up coffee until Lent back in November, and I've been chasing the dragon of something that tastes half as strong as coffee
A cup with a ginger teabag floating in it
The same cup with the tea bag, but also slices of raw ginger
A little end of ginger and a stick of cinnamon makes a mean cup of ... tisane

So I spent all of the weekend with sick kids and then yesterday with a sick family. So, during this, I bought Mario+Rabbids - and holy crap - how did Nintendo let such shitty people control their brand?! So much misogyny and unkindness
It's almost completely avoidable. But you'll be going along, and then suddenly it'll make a joke about Rabbid Peach being super vain because she takes selfies.It's like 3 hours of good gameplay and then one little 4 second joke that reminds you Ubisoft sucks

Honestly, with my startup job starting to fall apart, and my CISSP exam, and my kids sick, and me not really sure what the purpose of the economy is - I just

I feel like things are in chaos, and I need to figure out stability for the next little bit, somewhere to ride this out

some people's parents bring them computer problems

my parents message me with DeltaChat to tell me SSL is broken and I realize someone *else* deleted the nonprofit's DNS entry for their domain

an indie game that works perfectly in my brain is awesome. I want the devs to do more so pay them for me!

@jhx Luckily I have a job. I just had the meeting that was "Oh, oh no, this meeting's topic is that I need to job hunt"

So yeah - thanks


Ah, gotcha.

Yeah... the day did not start quite so good.. meeting was rather annoying

Oh well, life can be fun sometimes 😂

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

The amount that Absinthe tastes like a burny delicious liquorice all sort is probably bad for me

Bob Jonkman reshared this.

@Patch Arcana That makes a lot of sense, my previous weakness was sambuca

That's a awesome keyboard

whats the switches and keycaps or is it custom from ground up?

@m8ic621 it's just this a very boring build, but I wrote some magic circle generating code and got glowing magic circles and I love it

My Burning Wheel party failed a navigation roll and stumbled into the wrong magical ritual of demon summoning
@silverwizard Maybe the real treasure is the daemons we summoned along the way?

@silverwizard that will definitely work on vampires, right?
@Becky 4 year degrees, three year degrees aren't strong enough
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

First post from a Unihertz Titan, the only phone I've ever thought was cool

@silverwizard This is unhinged, and likely if Pokemon was real. How would you know your catch chance is lower than you expect?
This entry was edited (9 months ago)

@Hypolite Petovan Listen - I parent by playing Pokemon with a 4 year old. I had to name two pokemon "y67u" in order to make him happy. My mind wanders!

But yeah! You sold pokeballs painted as ultra balls, no one would know

Microservices where every service is just different inputs into the same container, and if any of them fail, it's just a blank screen.

I love microservices, but we need to stop making that

Why have I been sick as hell since September when my first kid started school?!
@j_angliss nah, my kids have been sick as hell. Poor kids
oh man, that sucks too. Speedy recovery for all of you.

Important language question:
If a house cat is a felis cattus, what would a plush cat be? felis puppa? Felis pulis? Something else?
a house Santa would be a felis navidad

I see so much bafflegab about how Mastodon DMs are readable by admins, do people not think that's true of Discord and Meta?
@silverwizard I don't host my own, but I do have my own domain. I often get people thinking I'm backwards on my actual email when I tell them its [organization]@[myname].com
@Nick | @Ji Fu I... don't understand the value of this really - right? This feels like it strongly values an attack by an ephemeral attacker? I guess?

I found a band I love ( - very much Love At First Note of Expert in a Dying Field! Check it out!), and now I need to wait to find out if there's gonna be any more Bandcamp Fridays :'(