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I am the kind of tired where I told a person the command to run to make it work - and then didn't tell them to read the screenshot they sent me where it said what to do
Nor did I try to explain to them what went wrong

I am that kind of tired
I am still giving *useful* commands
Mine is useful! It solves git pull conflicts!

I'm looking forward to giving out these mid sized tubs of cotton candy for Halloween in all sorts of different flavours. My goal is to have the best candy on the block and I hope this is what the kiddos want. I usually base it on what I'd want too, and I definitely would have been so excited by a cotton candy tub ❤️😄

Trying to tell people the new project is evil so giving it the CIDR of for resources

Three year old threw my laptop down the stairs, and the screen replacement costs more than the laptop did. And the other laptop with a broken screen I have is the same way.

Someone has figured out how to not watch his favourite shows as much actually
For the first iPad we got my kid at around 3, we got a cover that added a couple inches to all dimensions and easily prehensile handles. I’m happy to report the iPad is still in use 5 years later.
Yeah, I am using a Microsoft surface tablet running stock debian and xfce as my primary computer these days because I'm Sean Howard and therefore all my decisions have to be bonkers

But I just normally don't let the kids hold it, but put videos on it while on long drives

But he found it and tossed it down the stairs - so I guess it's cover time >.<
@Hypolite Petovan @silverwizard Those big bright child-proof cases are fantastic. Although according to my 7 year old the primary difference between our tablet and his friend's is that ours is red and his friend's is green, and not that ours is Android and his friend's is an iPad.
Those are the most important and salient differences! Software is dumb anyway!

In important change I'm seeing in D&D is that there's a lot more emphasis on homes and headquarters than there used to be.

I assume this is because Home Ownership is the ultimate in Fantasy Gaming these days.

Hypolite Petovan reshared this.

To be clear: this is to fight the term "Murder Hobo" because I think Wizards dislikes it

I was making less than 1/5 of what I make in 2022 in 2021 and spent most of the year on EI
Now that I make more, I find out there's a maximum EI payment and the wealthy don't pay into EI (meaningfully) in Ontario, and I have been enraged

I could have been struggling way less!
Employment Insurance
It's a paid in unemployment benefit but not funded by taxes

I don't mind paying my taxes when the poor can't. But I do mind paying my taxes when the rich won't.

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Experimenting with a system:
I am currently *super* happy at my job - so trying to actively recommend someone I know is currently under/un employed when I recruiter reaches out to me directly.

Not sure if it's gonna work - but I hope.
I mean, you're making the recruiter's job easier by bringing potential candidates that are likely to be better vetted than what they could do from LinkedIn only.
Yeah - that's why I'm doing it - try to give people a leg up

Where do people buy screws for HDDs?

Last time I did this I took apart a broken laptop and stole the screws

Anti-climax in tabletop RPGs is a really weird story moment - because it's usually an incredibly different story moment and table moment

I dunno - I'm tired as shit

I just excitedly ran across the house with pizza dough "Shæ Shæ remember how I said there was a plant that spit out air to make it pump up like a ball! Look!"

And that is my parenting style

Why can't Mario jump very well in the Mario trailer?

So my dad is probably going to be homeless soon. He's very paranoid (in the clinical sense) and won't let us help him and is afraid I'm going to kidnap him if I ever drive even somewhat close to city edges of the place he lives. He won't even tell us what's going on, I found out thru other means

I don’t even know what to do. I'm so scared I'm going to wake up one day and he'll have disappeared into oblivion and I'll have no way to find him, because it's already a challenge to find him

The only other people who care are just as powerless as me & Sean: my sister and his brother

My grandmother spent actual years fueling his paranoia about all of us and this is where it's led and it's hard not to be upset about it, even though she's gone now

I just don’t even know what to do

Yeah, that makes sense, although she was as much affected as he was. I think I'll need to spend some time working thru my feelings around it. I'm one of those, find solace in myself in forgiveness in others types
I should say, I know it's not like that for everyone, but forgiveness does work for me.

I'd never push other people it. I understand other people's journeys are their own. I'm not going to preach it. It works differently and some people do some pretty awful things that don't warrent that kind of response.

I'm not about to forgive the various organizations and people that took advantage of my grandmother in her later years, for example.. but I might need to forgive her for my own peace. I might not, we'll see. I'm still working thru it

Successfully bought these without giving Amazon money! Pretty excited for them!
Well, no more double-dipping for you from now on!
Now you can mute my twitter again! And we can pretend I don't keep using the twitter interface due to having too many DMs

Partially because DMs are one of the worst things - and I really should setup MOVIM and force my friends to use XMPP

The best part of the Tablet as a device type is that I can bring my TV with me between the glue gun and the soldering iron

I am looking to do the stunt where you buy chocolate bars the size of your arm as Halloween candy - but I am looking to not buy chocolate for reasons of chocolate is a conflict good.

Was thinking a small tub of cotton candy - anything else work better?

Started Strattera (nonstimulant adhd med) a few weeks ago and finally starting to process the world around me is an interesting thing. I never knew what it was like to not have my thoughts all like a jumbled mess before and today I'm starting to actually be able to think about situations from a perspective that isn't immediate and I gotta say... it feels very unusual but quite nice and the more I get used to it the more I like being able to think clearly.

I've been anxious to talk about it because I don’t have the formal dx and so I still feel unsure claiming it as my space too, but the medication is certainly not doing nothing

My son talks about the cakes @FireflyLeigh and I made him for his 2nd and 3rd birthdays a lot

And the fact that he's talked about a cake for over a year *at three years old* makes my heart burst with joy that we can make him happy like that

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Place a bid for 25 HDD sleds - so I guess I'm all in on this
I thought you only needed one :p
Well, right now- at this moment, one is all that I need to do what I am doing - but I currently have 6 in my server, and 1 about to go in, and need another to put that in, and then I have slots for up to 8 more, and if I put a second server into commission, then I could use 16 more, so I could use up to 25 more, and 25 more for cheap is a reasonable thing to bid on

Are we reentering the "MongoDB is good" side of the popular-but-idiotic loop of software ideas?

By default LibreWolf bans autoplaying media - and that's great

But it means that if I turn on a playlist to listen to, I have to hit play again after every song, or disable it - and I don't know how to manage the middle ground!
Success! No wonder I couldn't find the right knob in settings!

Okay, it's been about a week since I made some intense connections between some of my past traumas and while I don’t feel like all my weird stressors around everything that changed are gone, I feel like that sense of connection and contentment within myself for myself has returned, so that's extremely encouraging.

It was an incredibly rough month beforehand, so I'm extremely grateful to be internally more peaceful and not so turbulent

One thing I feel like I know know about trauma recovery is that it really gets to the worst point right before it turns around

The worst part of Google stadia shutting down is that there's no shonky hardware flooding the market and letting me buy something weird and cool and seeing what I can do with it
also I promise it isn't the worst thing about it shutting down.
Yeah - but they're both useful without, and so not flooding the market

I think I have enough ram to play Star Trek A Final Unity again!


Hypolite Petovan is sharing with you
Network type: friendica
Last update: Tue, 27 Sep 2022, 2:32 AM (Update was successful)

Hmmmm- lemme unfollow and refollow

Hypolite Petovan is sharing with you
Network type: friendica
Last update: Fri, 30 Sep 2022, 4:09 PM (Update was successful)

Maybe do the same?
How’s your worker queue looking?
Message queues
119 - 8

It always kinda fluctuates around that
This is perfect, there's no backing up in the thousands like we've witnessed on larger nodes which affected message delivery.
Oh yeah, it feels right for my "smallish" node
We're mutual friends now!
On my node, it doesn't say that I'm sharing with you 🤷‍♂️
I don't see any skew of you trying and failing, but I see:
2022-09-30T17:12:15Z worker [INFO]: Relayed data {"msg":{"author":"","guid":"735a2029-3963-3723-423c-e51535438729","created_at":"2022-09-30T17:11:30Z","edited_at":"2022-09-30T17:11:30Z","parent_guid":"2c704a81-3663-3703-eb32-03c816664782","text":"@{silverwizard;} On my node, it doesn't say that I'm sharing with you
🤷‍♂️","author_signature":"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","thread_parent_guid":"2c704a81-1863-3721-a8a3-d0a796172552","parent_author_signature":"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"},"worker_id":"a763d8d","worker_cmd":"Delivery"} - {"file":"Diaspora.php","line":3807,"function":"sendRelay","uid":"3aa5a2","process_id":19818}

Maybe unshare with me, give it a beat, and reshare? Force kickoff the worked queue before refollowing?
That's what I did before, let's try again.
Same thing, it never acknowledges that you're following me.
OK - I unfollowed and followed again... hmmmm
Now it worked! Grmbl...
Let's never find out what went wrong! that seems really hard!

to be fair - a little bit back my DB and backup crapped themselves and so I had to stitch the DB back together by hand - so it probably was caused by that
Ugh, it's doing this thing where it says that I unfollowed you successfully but the contact page keeps saying you're sharing with me, then the worker task comes for the cleanup, deletes the contact, and then you're assigned a new contact ID with a page that I still says I'm following you but I'm given the option to follow you. 😵

NetBSD wouldn't boot on my MacBook - it can start but then doesn't drop to a login prompt, shell, or startup wrapper - so I guess I'm back to figuring out what NetBSD is

An RPG called Going Broke Together where you put 100 golden d6s in a bowl. Whenever there's a problem roll some and throw them in a dirty pail. Any die that comes up a 6 makes one good thing happen.

Players are encouraged to keep fights about remaining dice in character.

When designing a tabletop exercise - and I find a massive problem - do I fix it right away or until after the tabletop is done?

I feel like I'm probably gonna fix it, and not mention it until the end of the scenario >.<

Thinking about referencing, and writing code based on the reference, my copy of Object Oriented Perl

Stop me!

Becky has given up disagreeing that "Robert Bobert" is too far from "Rowan" for a nickname

Shæ still calls him Rowby Bowby

@HippyWizard You do understand that you JUST created a trouble ticket for me by even mentioning this possibility right?

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Looking up what happens when NTP fails on a massively sharded cluster with eventual consistency

Because I need to make sure my table top scenarios hurt people deep in their soul

Welp - NetBSD crashed on firstboot on my MacBook - can't even get through normal boot

I guess I need go figure out what a NetBSD is first
Oh hey! Second boot worked just fine - but then the broken screen on that macbook borked

Gotta wait until I have a spare display

Hot take: The "HR filter" that stops hiring managers from getting junior candidates into the pipeline is a bigger cybersecurity risk to the org than most threat actors.

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Hey - if you like mystery boardgames try Chronicles of Crime - my wife and I got 2400 this weekend, and, it just feels good.

I'd call it a modernized and improved Eagle Eye Detective Agency with extra fairness and incredible production values!

I today the day I get stuff together and cut USB sticks to install NetBSD on a 2017 macbook and figure out managing FreeDOS for flashing RAID card firmwares?

I need to figure out a workflow that uses lolcat, cowsay, and no-more-secrets

Thinking about how we have to vote in our community elections for mayor and other community elected members coming up soon and the language being used by some terfs to hide what they're really doing from the public in order to get elected...

Oh they just want "child appropriate school material" by banning lgbtq+ books from classrooms

Like just say you want to ban books if you really think it's a problem for children, but I know you understand exactly what you're doing and the legitimate backlash you'll recieve if you're honest about what you're doing so you hide behind a face to get the thing you want so you can hurt people