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Nope, only through my own Twitter connector who imported the tweet. I used to receive your tweets and your Friendica post in double, which prompted me to Ignore your Twitter account on Friendica, but I've had to remove the Ignore so that I could get your Twitter posts in Friendica again.
I wonder if you've ignored my friendica account! Or something - weird - TO THE LOGS MOBILE
That's what it says on my end, what does it says on yours, for my Friendica contact?

Hypolite Petovan is sharing with you
Network type: friendica
Last update: Tue, 27 Sep 2022, 2:32 AM (Update was successful)

Hmmmm- lemme unfollow and refollow

Hypolite Petovan is sharing with you
Network type: friendica
Last update: Fri, 30 Sep 2022, 4:09 PM (Update was successful)

Maybe do the same?
How’s your worker queue looking?
Message queues
119 - 8

It always kinda fluctuates around that
This is perfect, there's no backing up in the thousands like we've witnessed on larger nodes which affected message delivery.
Oh yeah, it feels right for my "smallish" node
We're mutual friends now!
On my node, it doesn't say that I'm sharing with you 🤷‍♂️
I don't see any skew of you trying and failing, but I see:
2022-09-30T17:12:15Z worker [INFO]: Relayed data {"msg":{"author":"","guid":"735a2029-3963-3723-423c-e51535438729","created_at":"2022-09-30T17:11:30Z","edited_at":"2022-09-30T17:11:30Z","parent_guid":"2c704a81-3663-3703-eb32-03c816664782","text":"@{silverwizard;} On my node, it doesn't say that I'm sharing with you
🤷‍♂️","author_signature":"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","thread_parent_guid":"2c704a81-1863-3721-a8a3-d0a796172552","parent_author_signature":"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"},"worker_id":"a763d8d","worker_cmd":"Delivery"} - {"file":"Diaspora.php","line":3807,"function":"sendRelay","uid":"3aa5a2","process_id":19818}

Maybe unshare with me, give it a beat, and reshare? Force kickoff the worked queue before refollowing?
That's what I did before, let's try again.
Same thing, it never acknowledges that you're following me.
OK - I unfollowed and followed again... hmmmm
Now it worked! Grmbl...
Let's never find out what went wrong! that seems really hard!

to be fair - a little bit back my DB and backup crapped themselves and so I had to stitch the DB back together by hand - so it probably was caused by that
Ugh, it's doing this thing where it says that I unfollowed you successfully but the contact page keeps saying you're sharing with me, then the worker task comes for the cleanup, deletes the contact, and then you're assigned a new contact ID with a page that I still says I'm following you but I'm given the option to follow you. 😵