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So my dad is probably going to be homeless soon. He's very paranoid (in the clinical sense) and won't let us help him and is afraid I'm going to kidnap him if I ever drive even somewhat close to city edges of the place he lives. He won't even tell us what's going on, I found out thru other means

I don’t even know what to do. I'm so scared I'm going to wake up one day and he'll have disappeared into oblivion and I'll have no way to find him, because it's already a challenge to find him

The only other people who care are just as powerless as me & Sean: my sister and his brother

My grandmother spent actual years fueling his paranoia about all of us and this is where it's led and it's hard not to be upset about it, even though she's gone now

I just don’t even know what to do
Thanks, I appreciate virtual hugs ❤️
Sorry about all of this, you have every right to be upset at your grandmother, whether she's alive or not. Dying doesn't undo the harm you do while you were living and as such people still affected have the right to be pissed.

Yeah, that makes sense, although she was as much affected as he was. I think I'll need to spend some time working thru my feelings around it. I'm one of those, find solace in myself in forgiveness in others types
I should say, I know it's not like that for everyone, but forgiveness does work for me.

I'd never push other people it. I understand other people's journeys are their own. I'm not going to preach it. It works differently and some people do some pretty awful things that don't warrent that kind of response.

I'm not about to forgive the various organizations and people that took advantage of my grandmother in her later years, for example.. but I might need to forgive her for my own peace. I might not, we'll see. I'm still working thru it