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Can I say how fucking unprofessional it is to fucking mute the alert channel rather than prioritizing fixing the broken alert
I wanna be super clear

The alert was: "Thing has returned an error an hard failed"

The cause was: "API rate limits not accounted for and usage went way up without backoff"

Being on vacation for a week was way too much effort - camping with a 2 year old is a lot.

"I forgot my password" form that emails you the hash in the database so you can figure out which one you used

screwlisp reshared this.

@Jonathan Lamothe I editted to add that since I realized that was a possible interpretation
@Fabio @silverwizard Nah, I believe you’re looking for 4a7d1ed414474e4033ac29ccb8653d9b

My credit card company wont let me pay my phone bill until they can send me an SMS

Yes. It is just the regular kind of everyday pole vaulting all the kids in his neighborhood did all the time when he was growing up.

I am going to need a more powerful work computer

Not to do my job - but to use all the junk like Miro and Zoom and Datadog

My daily tasks are trivial for my computer to perform - but using the tools we've chosen means I need more.

This is failure of our entire industry.

reshared this

@CJ the Awkward Lefty huh, seems like Windows deals less well with low RAM than I'd expect, because that seems an ok CPU and ok disk.

But I mean, don't ask me about computers I only buy stuff people are discarding and then build abominations out of it, I don't do computers anymore

Boss: *reviewing my slides for a talk* "I don't understand any of this from my slides! This talk is bad
Me: Uh... why would the slides be the talk? The slides are just some anchors and an agenda?
Boss: Well yes of course they are, but looking at the slides I don't understand the topic, these are just point form!
@Hypolite Petovan It was a fairly high level talk given within the business. The talk was me to coworkers.

Does anyone remember GMail Drive? The thing before Google Drive?

I remember it was harvesting passwords but can't find a source on that

reshared this

nope... And I've been using Gmail nearly as long as it has existed...

Programmers would do anything to be on the Enterprise but anything to avoid being in an enterprise

I looked at nitter's code to see if I could repurpose it for threads

But no

Bah, it's 5:30 am and I just awoke from a nightmare that my backups had failed

At least I am consistently me

Coworker is trying to fix a problem by reverting a git commit and having issues

I respond "If you want me to talk to you about directed acyclic graphs for half an hour at some point I can"

Every time I need to use Miro for work I cringe because I know nothing will work and that sucks

I wish Slack allowed me to schedule posts for like 9:15 or whatever in one click.

0900 is a terrible time for scheduled posts, neither of us are done coffees.

Ok, now I see a bunch of Fedi people signing up for accounts on Threads...




Do they understand they have Threads compatible accounts?

"No! I wont defederate from Meta, instead I will abandon the lack of ads and get some free ads"

Trying to setup some stupid Amazon web portal thing - and it's... a joke.

They want me to have a massive network setup - but there's no feedback about how things are setup. And - I mean, I have the gateway connected to the gateway and then a route connected to the gateway? That seems correct?

So I go and hit my home address from the portal, and I see a burst of activity in my logs, followed by nothing, because traffic is getting to the right spot but then Amazon is ignoring that.
If you say the words return traffic routing to me - I will cut you.

Ok, maybe not, just...

Setup a solar irrigation system off a new rain barrel so that my son can do some plant automation (watched a kids show about farm robots)

Started moving from a bank to a credit union (got accounts - just need to slowly fill them)

Made a tiramisu

Damn good birthday
@Troy the Gardener yeah - my parents gave me the pump for my birthday but they seem, reasonably, priced

Remember - when you get an AI image captcha - you can usually make a few mistakes without penalty - make sure to do that
There should be a convenient way to make Google pay me at a bare minimum $1000 for every time I run into recaptcha.

not necessarily, but he definitely has an old soul.

What's the status of video editting in the Open Source world?
My kid seems to want to do video editting (loves the idea of making portals, he's drawing them and filming them on his tablet, but wants the shimmer)

christian mock reshared this.

Just keep in mind that if it was a corporate social network - the difference would be
1) the FBI would send a letter not a raid
2) you wouldn't know it had happened
I can only find the twitter number but it looks like the FBI payed Twitter $3.5 million between Oct 2019 and Feb 2021

We don't know how many requests but that seems like not a small number
One of the biggest traps I see is that communication and effective action is called incompetence

When Chapters/Indigo took down their store after a ransomware attack my dad kept telling me how incompetent it made them seem. In my opinion, they are the only sensible store I've ever seen. After that I trust their team has the resources to do their job.

Sure, an instance got raided, but they did the right things afterward. And if you can tell me where I can find a remote instance with enough disk, ram, and cpu to figure out wtf on a prod DB, you let me know

My Chemical Romance sounds like the book covering the backstory of Christian Rosenkreuz

How do you tell a sales person "you are unselling me - tell me a price and shut up"

They just - are managing to make me less excited as time goes on - because I know they are *saying* things wrong. I've *used* the product before.

reshared this

@Toph the Tiff(any) 👩🏻‍🎤 💾 ⚙️ 🌻 It was literally that they were talking about changes and it seemed less useful than before >.<
Oh, that IS the worst.

"It's new and better now!"

"Well, I'll agree on the first part."

My router's 5year root CA cert is gonna expire soon

This is the second time this has appened

I love that little apu

Security is the tool by which we protect privacy and increase safety.

Saying something increases security while reducing privacy *better* come with a coherent argument about safety, otherwise you're probably a bootlicker.

Erik reshared this.

Jottacloud is supported by rclone and warns me when I fuckup and delete a bunch of files - and stores them for me temporarily. I am very happy.
I am very happy

-- silverwizard, Jun 26th 2023

Is this your canary post, you have been kidnapped and your captors allowed you to send one social media message not to alert your friends?
@Hypolite Petovan I do my best to praise the technology I like! There's so much good tech out there and people keep fucking around

Aw shit! A rumour that makes all of the "Wait and See maybe Meta isn't evil" look very stupid. If the rumour is true, it turns out that Meta is indeed evil. If the rumour is untrue... uh... maybe you should check any other source about if Meta is evil

oh, here's some JUICY rumored details about meta's plans for the fediverse

tl;dr "Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners."

can't entirely verify their validity but it's still worth posting just in case

#FediPact #barcelona #project92 #p92 #meta #facebook #fediverse #fediblockmeta #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #threads


You make some strong arguments here. It's great to see you laying out your reasoning in detail and with passion. theart: That's the spirit. What | have learned, however, is that Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners. Meta positions itself as a “savior’, because especially the big instances have a very strong financial pressure. Users take it for granted that someone else is paying for everything. In these contracts, Meta also specifies the rules regarding the moderation. Instances will have the option of allowing ads from Meta or not (with the benefit of additional compensation). Smaller instances will have the possibility to register for a federation with Meta in a second step, but there will be no financial compensation and Meta decides if they will grant access based on their reputation.
Regarding Meta, I'm in the industry for 25 years and have a few friends who worked at Meta from the early years until recently. One s stil there. Regarding UFol, | was part of the disussion at the time, we held a vote at P R S But don' take this at face value, obvisouly these admins have to sign harsh NDAS. But it sounded very credible and | could not imagine it going any ther way. Examples of big instances (from Japan | believe?) show that the long-term burdens are simply unbearable and operators just wait for the right moment to e 1donot critizise Meta for their attempt to use the favor of the hour to their ‘advantage. As a public corporation its theijob to make proft. As I said, its not them who will decide the fate of the Fediverse. ‘Overworked/stressed out admins, high costs for infrastructure, ongoing disputes ‘and moderation challenges are what threaten the Fediverse. It was not meant to ‘9row o fast before we find common solutions for these issues. What do you think?

Spencer reshared this.

@vantablack Any idea how Louis learned this? I tracked down the original conversation on his timeline and someone else asked him the same question--he hadn't answered yet. He seems like a decent guy but I think he's inferring/guessing rather than knowing per se.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

If I have a block of busy in my calendar
And you send me a meeting invite at the beginning of that block for a time at the end of that block...

It's really on you that I didn't make your meeting
@JB Carroll @Andy H3 I had a meeting where we had to go into the office the week before, get snacks, and then eat them during the meeting

I'm not sure if there's an open database of beer information the same way there is, say, OpenLibrary. Do you know of any?
@Spencer @BookWyrm probably need to keep them as hashtags or things, I wonder if the Liquor Control Board does open data...

If you use the word Microgeneration seriously, I lose all respect for you

Generations are a shitty and bad joke of pop sociology and should be destroyed not obsessed over

Sorry, in the phrase "Space Billionaires" the first word wasn't an adjective

I went to sign up my kid for the local school's stupid SaaS product that, according to the school, has the main feature of adding a 2.9% transaction fee to all trips and other assorted school fees.

First, they tell me my password is too weak because it's over 20 characters

reshared this

@Kicou my main problem is that my browsers all replace http with https for me and then don't let me go back without real effort

Also the https version exists, just is a 404

Content warning: Bait

This post isn't about the Meta Drama, obviously not, no one said it was and you can't extrapolate from context and past behaviour apparently

@BB :verified_cool: it's my CD from like 2000, so I am super excited to break out Wine and my wife and I are gonna have a LAN party
tiniest LAN party!

So if Reddit is manually opening subreddits by replacing the mod teams

Do you think the scab mods are paid or doing it for clout?
it would not at all surprise me if they were reddit employees

I thought the world was done with virtual greeting cards 10 years ago...
@Tony Bologna imagine virtual greeting cards combined with those cards a Social Committee passes around an office

You'd think buying a monopoly stake in Malware Shitposts would make Google keep a product around
@silverwizard I’m not disappointed but I’m still surprised.
@Hypolite Petovan seriously - buy the shitpost domain, sell so fucking much, and then instantly dip

Problem: Absinthe is basically "a licorice allsort but burnier", and now I always want to drink it
@silverwizard: it is like...all the bitter of licorice and none of the sweet. So like...I love it?
@BB :verified_cool: the wiki article on it made it seem sweet so this sounds even better!