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So if Reddit is manually opening subreddits by replacing the mod teams

Do you think the scab mods are paid or doing it for clout?
is that an actual thing they’re doing?

@sungo A screenshot of reddit. a user says "r/adviceanimals and r/tumblrhave been forced public by reddit" someone replies "How?" and there is a final response "Reddit Admins removed the Moderator(s), replace them with other Moderator(s) and reopened the sub(s)". There is a bottom text of "REDDIT ADMINS ARE FORCIBLY REOPENING SUBS AND REPLACING THE MODS"

That's all I know - and I don't know if it's a real thing - but subs do appear to be opening up

@The Psychotic Network Ferret The mods should be profit driven until profits arrive - if you're gonna scab - scab effectively
@Aaron A Brown 🌱 Some reddits are opening and I posted a screenshot I saw in another thread. But it's entirely a rumour I am repeating, but seems correct.
if i'd been told i had to moderate /r/recreational_testicular_torsion, i'd be wondering what i'd done wrong.
it would not at all surprise me if they were reddit employees
I guess labor history repeats itself as farce, too