Hey all, it's winter
So this is me sending vibes of love and kindness and vitamin d your way
And reminding you that if you have vitamin d in the house you can take it during the winter and it might help. Or if you have a full spectrum light bulb that can help even more ❤️
Now that December is over, it always hits me harder too, so take care and stay safe and know I'm wishing you the best
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Kubernetes is the worst thing that ever happened to docker
Docker is the worst thing to ever happen to LXC
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creator of #fediblock :verified::makemeneko: likes this.
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LXC is just the linux container thing - it's a thing docker wraps
Basically LXC is jails to docker's iocage if you know what that is (you being a BSD person instead of a Linux person I assume the different knowledge base is there, but I dunno)
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@Neko McCatface v2023 :verified::makemeneko: @pamela :flan_butterfly: I.... have no idea
I do containers under protest only, and mostly spawn VMs and chroot processes - Becky just asked the question "what is docker"
creator of #fediblock :verified::makemeneko: likes this.
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2) Don't know what to call "a person I work with a lot"
@silverwizard It's a saluting emoji: emojipedia.org/saluting-face/
It's a joke I learned in How I Met Your Mother, every time someone uses either "major" or "general" you salute while repeating the hypothetical officer name.
silverwizard likes this.
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Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
I use Discord as a concession to group chats for those that refuse to use XMPP or Delta Chat
I use Slack because work and it's not really my choice
Oh, they can refuse to use DeltaChat by just... not using DeltaChat and only doing email - and me not wanting to be a jerk - since DeltaChat does a lot of things like "sending Message Read notifs" and stuff, which is real bad.
But also - my sister isn't using it so she just gets spammed by my family group chat and keeps up via email. But DeltaChat is kinda too feature creeped to be a good experience out-of-app
Been watching Forever Knight (a vampire show from the 90s about how cops are perfect, especially when they are attacking queer people, that a bunch of people have told me is really good, and I'm not feeling it, but keeping watching since possibly first season blues...)
And the beginning of every episode they're like "He wants to emerge from his World of Darkness" in the least trademark infringing way possible in 1992.
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Tezrak, Impslayer of Worlds reshared this.
uh... ummmm.... my Emby server.... ...
But it looks like Apple and Amazon have it streaming
It feels like a show that's perfect for anyone who knows what "Afters" is for in a diner at 2 am without ever getting drunk. Someone who remembers looking up pricing fangs and going "nope". And anyone remembering fighting about when to Roll Frenzy.
All of which I 100% do.
I own Kindred the Embraced on DVD!
I love the Highlander Show - the basic premise of the Immortal Western with a weird strict moral core and a focus on home and family is just so tense as a theme, it really shouldn't hold together, but somehow it just does!
I don't know Silk Stalkings... But yeah - I love what I've heard call the "90s DoGooder Show". There's a mostly normal world with a single magical thing who does good.
I feel like Buffy and then Supernatural really changed that entire genre to make it not really the specific thing it is. But you can super see Arrow or The Flash in Forever Knight, and that connection is fun.
There's a Live Action Witchblade show which uh... confounds me but definitely is on my to-watch list.
Unfortunately 2 kids mean I watch shows at approximately 1 episode/week.
One day we will stop positing technical workarounds to "evil administrator" attacks.
"This person has (and must have) 100% access to everything, how do we stop them from accessing it?!"
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Scifijunkie likes this.
Yeah - that's definitely a thing I feel
You: Your husband can read your DMs
Twitter: Bari Weiss can read your DMs
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I think there's definitely something to be said for the fact that you can't selfhost everything
Though I definitely am wondering if I can get a block of IPv6 and just host my own damn BGP because my ISP isn't doing it
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Putting the image description here too incase the alt text didn't work. Please tell me if it worked 😅.
A computer screen with words on it on a black screen or in Grub (a bootloader), if that makes sense, with a rainbow backlit keyboard in front of it and two hands typing
Lorraine Lee likes this.
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Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Becky likes this.
Linux just .... sometimes.... forgets that computers older than a year exist doesn't it
I have a bunch of computers from 2012, completely fine computers, just don't use EFI, and devuan is freaking the fuck out and refusing to setup grub
Do you think @Becky will notice if I use FreeBSD?
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I know right!
Though my ... work... tablet... (listen, it has a mechanical keyboard...) runs linux
But I am not certain about the Wacom options
Also - freebsd also failed the "boot on this thinkcentre" test
silverwizard likes this.
Wait wait wait!
git pull
cd addons
composer install --no-dev
git pull
cd ..
php bin/console.php dbstructure upgrade
Missing a step can cause *real* issues!
Lorraine Lee likes this.
Lorraine Lee likes this.
Lorraine Lee likes this.
🏴 Greg Sideyr reshared this.
honestly, fiberglass handled axe a few files, stones, MREs. Give them a small shelter and some books.
So can I volunteer to be exiled?
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I have intense interest, but whether I actually engage with it is another problem. However, yeah, I do think I'm quite lucky as far as all things go.
I hope you get to do the things sometimes at least tho, because I get how depression can go sometimes ❤️
hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 likes this.
I think Fediverse search would be a good thing
I think that fundamentally that argument was ended when the WebIndex was created, and living in a post-WebIndex world basically means that searchability is the way that people approach problems and questions. I like the ability to find old thoughts and I like the ability to find old things. And I think that people who dislike it should have the tools to disable it (robots.txt, nobot, and post-autodeletion). But it would be real nice to remember something from four years ago and search it out of the memory hole.
I think about this in context of like, email. If an inbox decided "I will publish every email sent to me" I think that like, that would be fine. However, if a mail relay did that I would be suspicious as hell.
But I think that most Fediverse accounts act more like inboxes than relays. Obviously, if someone were to setup that email inbox, I would definitely think harder about sending email to it than to my friends. And I think that that change is probably the core of the tension where people worry about the fediverse.
I don't understand the people who dislike a generic search tools - and their arguments have never persuaded me - I don't know what I'm missing.
Devin reshared this.
That's definitely valid
I feel like defederation is the solution to that though - unless, of course, Mastodon.social existed
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Ug, 2023 feels like it'll be the year of the Linux desktop
Still stuck on Linux for good Steam and GPU support for my gaming computer, and my Surface Tablets I'm using as a portable device apparently have wifi issues on the BSDs, and my work computer needs Linux for the MDM
So I don't have a current BSD desktop! Just 10 VMs and a VM host
A picture of a hand holding a gold and black painted wand (striped handle with black length of want with gold sparkles) in front of closed glass doors behind a snowless deck (inside looking out)
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Happy New Year!
If you want to tell me, I'd love to hear about cool things that happened to people last year, whether it's completing a project, going to a new place or whatever.
Personally we discovered an outdoor amusement park for young kids, which was really fun to go to a few times, especially for their Halloween event
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
in reply to silverwizard • •silverwizard
Unknown parent • •belloflostsouls.net/2022/12/dd…
It's weird that WotC is putting out a VTT right around the time that they ban VTTs, and also decide to become the Fortnite of tabletop games.
Also - they're fucking stupid: eff.org/deeplinks/2023/01/bewa…
in reply to silverwizard • •Though - to be clear - a huge portion of this is sarcasm from me - because the OGL is just kinda... bad - D&D isn't the industry, D&D should die, it almost did, but 5th edition did some really scummy things to keep everyone else out, and so alienating a huge portion of the creators that are sustaining their market dominance is good - at least to me.
5th Edition really did a lot of work to destroy the thriving indie market that literally almost destroyed D&D in 2012, and now I'm hoping D&D will do it again
Lorraine Lee likes this.
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard
in reply to Spencer • •Spencer
in reply to silverwizard • • •[quote]
but ends with a "/code" tag. At least, that's what I see.silverwizard likes this.
Unknown parent • •I... do not have that problem
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mike and Lorraine Lee like this.
in reply to Spencer • •Oh! I was thinking hashtag not BBTag - thanks!
Brain did not just register
Unknown parent • •silverwizard
Unknown parent • •silverwizard
Unknown parent • •pronavigator.ai/careers
apparently they aren't posted yet - but we're looking for a Director of Development and a Senior Developer
We do NLP and search on large piles of documents. Mostly trying to make the gross badly organized SharePoint everyone be accessible and usable to a person on a phone trying to answer an annoyed person's questions
Unknown parent • •