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5 users at this point actually, we need to stop growing, the twitter exedous cause us a full 66% user increase!
I used to have a bunch of issues, because images were stored in the DB, and now that they aren't, my upgrades have been entirely consistent
Yeah, that 100% would do it, images in the DB still surprises me as a concept
Friendica upgrade is the easiest upgrade I know of, git pull and you're dun.
Wait wait wait!

git pull
cd addons
composer install --no-dev
git pull
cd ..
php bin/console.php dbstructure upgrade

Missing a step can cause *real* issues!
atm I'm using no addons, wanna debug my missing text problem before I start playing with those
Then you don't need to run the pull on addons, but definitely run composer and dbstructure upgrade
@silverwizard @Lorraine Lee You should run the composer step in Friendica's base directory, not in addons. 😉
Well, maybe, if you want things to work

I also typed that from memory
php bin/console.php dbstructure update
This entry was edited (1 year ago)