Thinking about a tabletop RPG where the attributes are roles.
So - basically take the Leverage (RPG) model with Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief, Mastermind and then use that in place of like, Strength, Dex, or Intelligence and so on. I would probably use a die pool system since I love it, and so you'd end up with Role + Skill.
And then I think the secret sauce is that you set the consequences of failure based on the Role used. So a Hitter failing generally is hurt, a Grifter is identitied, and a Thief is seen.
If you have each role be attached to a specific kind of health bar - it can incentivize changing roles and so on.
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Someone just used the words "tinder box" in the context of tech things.
And my first thought wasn't "thing that burns" but something much worse
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RAEWDAEH STSOP K005 reshared this.
I have multiple working pages and CSS for my statically linked website working
Soon my terrible idea will bear fruit
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so firstly - right now it's just me doing:
pub static {
index: &str = "<html>...
The next step is all the objcopy shit - mostly because I don't have a sense of how to do what I want to do in rust yet, since I've probably written a total of like... 2 hours of rust.
And right now the code just sits on my laptop, sorry. I'll probably open it once it's in a reasonably acceptable place.
silverwizard likes this.
Put in a buck and they get one more swear word into their rant
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silverwizard reshared this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
@silverwizard Living on the edge of the develop
branch, huh?
The weird thing isn't that it was truncated, but that it wasn't filled with the actual node configuration values.
Were you able to restore it?
I... uh.... made a bad choice a while ago and never got back on the release train
I just filled in the final values, closed the file, and things started working .... uh... hopefully?
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silverwizard likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
silverwizard likes this.
-profit games thread, and now that I have enough money to make mistakes, let's spend that money on people doing cool shit!
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christmas rat reshared this.
This is why I don't use IDEs
I type some stuff, realize that JSON wants the thing to be a string, so I add a " to the end of the line. The IDE adds two "s instead of one.
I notice after I go back to the beginning of the line, and have added a " at the beginning of the string.
I go to the end of the line, and I remove a "
I run the thing
Turns out the IDE removed both "s
Because fuck you
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emptyother 🇳🇴 reshared this.
I'm currently considering using edbrowse but too busy to onboard a new simple tool
Thinking about a tabletop RPG licenses CC-BY-ND, imagine how fucking bonkers that would be!
You can give away the book, and make supplements, just not use verbatim text *if and only if* it's in a supplement.
It would be so good. It would be literally worth it to just... bundle the entire game *as an appendix* for each 3rd party supplement
Thinking, as I collect the information to enroll the oldest in kindie, about my unusally bad school experience and I want to honour the vow I made to myself to find alternatives if things go badly for either of the kiddos
My mom was supportive in almost every way but she couldn't afford alternatives and so I had to go. But I think if my kid calls home every day, something is wrong and I have better opportunities than she did to do something about it
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Everyone who asks me about ChatGPT gets the response "I do not use projects made by people who want to eat the blood of children".
And uh - I feel like no one knows about Ambrosia
silverwizard likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Character FoRKing Child Rearing to convince a nascent Volcano god to not explode everywhere
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
"Daddy I'm afraid of ghosts!"
"Well, some people think ghosts are electromagnetic phenomenon, so you could use other em waves to beat them, like a photon, do you have a device that shoots photons?"
"I can't find my flashlight, can I use my crane?!"
"Yeah, your crane has a magnet in it, so it disrupts emfs, which is Electromagnetic Fields, and magnets change those!"
Am I a bad dad or a wizard dad?
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Palin reshared this.
@Jonathan Lamothe He's 3, gotta make sure he's learning *something*
He has a book that blinks LEDs via a light sensor, and we've done some mirror experiments and stuff to explain that light must be real
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knightly reshared this.
Sorry, I'm trying to make the larger point.
There's a company called USAopoly that just... makes knockoff Monopoly, because Parker Brothers owns the pictures of a train and the free parking picture, not the rules of Monopoly.
The main thrust of this is basically, "Wizards barely owns shit, and they're throwing a fuck of a fit over how they wanna get paid more"
I think we're saying the same thing but not quite getting it, I dunno. It's when you say "Public Domain" which this isn't even, this is freer than that.
I also bought a half dozen copies of Fate Accelerated when it came out - something to give everyone - but Fate also has a *wonderful* character creation engine for letting people do the work quickly.
Also - Fate is also definitely a gold standard for that.
Unrelatedly: I think that SRDs are layed out for referencing a known system - I want a document for onboarding a player who is making a character after a GM has already sold them on the game.
Don't get your security advice from me, since I'm not an expert....
But thinking a lot about how you need to place your trust somewhere for the web to work, and what seems really important is in deciding who and where to place your trust.
For this and many others, I really need to find a way away from Facebook and Google (personally don't hate Netflix yet although willing to listen, and already migrated away from Apple and Amazon). I am determined too, just slow moving
Unknown parent • •FoolishOwl
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard
in reply to FoolishOwl • •FAE Accelerated is focused on Style, whereas in my brain, I want people to be like "I wanna be good at Face stuff, I'm gonna put 5 points in Face, and only 1 in Rigger".
I'm thinking about the Class and how it's a metafictional contract. And I dunno.
My current Burning Wheel game has class setup as a thing everyone *is*. Each of the PCs are a class, and so the game is more lenient on them when they are trying to embody that. And having tools to say "You are the Wizard" is interesting to me, without writing down a list of Wizard Only powers, or a list of skills that, if you take them, make you a wizard.
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard likes this.
in reply to Phil • •Digital Mark λ ☕️ 🕹 🙄
in reply to silverwizard • • •Well, there's my most fucked-up game,
SSK: Schizophrenic Serial Killers vs. the Insects from Shaggai
#ttrpg #rpg #ssk #bugsInYourHead
SSK: Schizophrenic Serial Killers vs. the Insects from Shaggai - Mark writes
Mark writestrellis
in reply to silverwizard • • •silverwizard
in reply to trellis • •I think I have a copy of Barbarians lying around here somewhere yeah.
And career based skills definitely have the things I'm thinking about!
in reply to silverwizard • •I think the secret sauce of this is to not link a Skill to a Role. So if you roll Climbing like a Hitter it's fictionally different than rolling it like a Thief.
A Mastermind can climb to set a trap, and a Hitter can climb in order to fuck someone up, and a Thief can in order to get somewhere. Feeling some level of Blades in the Dark actions in this thought process.
People have been mentioning a lot of systems that do this - and I don't know how my thought differentiates from them, except in saying I think it's more like FAE.
Also - I am loving all the games I'm being pointed at!
Unknown parent • •Yeah - I've mostly played Marvel Heroic, Firefly, Serenity, and Leverage - but Leverage definitely feels like the ur-text for the roles thing.
But yeah - this is definitely me wanting to do something Cortexy.
But I think Leverage (and cortex by extension), makes you wanna roll your best stat all the time, and the times you don't are either because Plot Point, or because you're doing it for a specific kind of fun.
Unknown parent • •Yeah! Exactly that!
Dictating success and failure!
Failing on the Lockpick/Rogue pool means the door isn't open.
Failing on Warrior/Battleaxe means that you are *noticed*.
And that stuff seems like the thing I wanna try messing with.
Unknown parent • •Definitely! Yeah - but fiction following mechanics. And, honestly, when the Wizard goes to open that door because it's a secret room in the bottom of a Wizard Tower, I don't want to be like "Ok, roll Rogue?".
I want the dice to match the feeling in the fiction. If you approach the door of the Tower of High Sorcery and you try to Warrior through, I want that to be horrible, but if you Rogue or Wizard, that should be easier.
And, to be clear here, it's not about blocking the Warrior, it's about opening the Wizard as a valid option, and so on.
I also think adding things like "Role HP" is my useful brain.
Unknown parent • •Yeah - so Wizard Climbing might be Flying and Wizard Swordplay might be Mordenkanen's Sword
I just always worry about that kind of thing where, why would a Wizard main ever roll Rogue, if Rogue can pick locks, but a Wizard can magic them open
I've not seen enough Dragon Prince to know if you can, say, detect the workings of a wizard or whatever
Unknown parent • •That makes sense
Blah, I need to get into that series and game