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I really want to play a tabletop strategy game, just you know, bunch of different moves, maybe a small squad vs another squad

Fuck - I should just buy OGRE and gaze wistfully at it because my wife would hate it

I need a text message or xmpp tab open to myself so i can make notes as I work through various difficulties without needing an external app I don’t necessarily trust

I continue to be astounded at the lengths companies whose business is selling transit via communication networks will go to to keep devices that access those networks out of the hands of consumers.

You know what has a lower impact on the environment than fireworks? 400 batteries!

Everyone knows that!

It weirds me out they let me name a kid

Wife was getting stitches and while she was out I got to just... name a human

I love it when a personal goal/project gets completed or someone has a win in some way on my feed... it feels so exciting to see other people succeeding in the things they wanna do 😄

88906 packets transmitted, 51368 received, +32829 errors, 42.2221% packet loss, time 90494ms

Oops, forgot about that

There are two very tiny, extremely adorable baby skunks that have no chill or fear that keep just wandering around my house.

They're here right now under the back deck... so tiny so cute and I'm certain that, while I'll keep my distance, a spray is just around the corner bc these beautiful babies are steathy and just come right up

in reply to Becky

Okay, now there are three baby skunks. Today I saw three at the same time....

I've been working on a escalated support nightmare since Monday.

Today, in desperation, I cold messaged the team that manages the product that seems to be interacting badly with ours.

How would you feel if I did that to you?

in reply to silverwizard

Depends heavily on context, but "Why the fuck did nobody tell us about this sooner?" comes in pretty high on the probability distribution.
in reply to Dave

Oh, sorry, external team - entirely different company.

Though he responded to me, and said "Fixed the bug this morning", so they did know

If I had the skills, I would reinvent all websites and aps to not bloodthirstily track your info and do away with your rights. In my new web, privacy and respect would reign.

But alas, I don’t have the skills :(

People talking about period tracking apps

This was 10 years ago:…

Privacy needs to be defended, and also

burn it down

Puns must only be judged by a pury of your jeers

in reply to silverwizard

Yes, I know it's the NeXT kernel, but the userland is mostly from BSD+MacOS so this pun works damnit

cat Dragon\&DungeonBarcodes.txt |sort | uniq -c |sort -n|grep -v " *1 "|xclip -i -selection clipboard
      2 009281018230
      2 394533151TSR0300
      3 071486018254
      4 071658018259
     12 074470018254
     15 074470018230
     19 071486018230
     25 071658018235
     34 074808018239
     35 074808018253
     69 046363160340

Scanning my collection of stuff
Apparently I have lots of duplicates

Next step is to get that turned into proper codes and then get it turned into actual US-MARC data, and then make that library useful

Annoyingly, apparently Dragon reused the same code several times for their issues, so I have 69 issues inside the 046363160340 block

Nice though

Lenovo seems confused; they invited me to write a review of my new Thinkpad with Linux.
(The Thinkpad shipped with not-Linux and runs a different not-Linux. It's very nice. The only complaints I have are unreasonable expectations set by the Macbook that it doesn't quite meet.)

I wonder if anyone can guess what was sitting next to Sean when he needed to test his barcode scanner

Thinking about ttrpgs and how there's like a sweet spot for planning that seems to be a thing, where if people plan more, they map out expected successes and failures and are disappointed when things don't fit in their plan, but on the other hand, depending on the gms style they kinda benefit from either scenes or npcs to be mapped out a lil bit
in reply to silverwizard

Never prep plot, no paper after seeing scissors & three tiers of truth being correct?
in reply to Becky

In all honesty, I need to gwt more involved in running ttrpg discourse in general just to give me ideas of starting points because I still have a very fish-out-of-water feeling when trying to prep a game, even after half a dozen games ran
in reply to Becky

Honestly, Module Raiding is a really fun job.

Take an adventure and rip out the fun and only the fun.

Gives you free stats for pieces and some art and maps, but you get to ignore the crappy parts.

I have *literally hundreds* of prepublished adventures in the basement

in reply to silverwizard

I mean, yes that is good advice and I should think about that more

The other side of things is that it isn't an idea that I have trouble with, and I actually love coming up with ideas, it is how to express my concept into reality that I feel tugs at me

Although some ideas I change so much on my way to putting them into practice that I might actually have more luck seeking out something that fits the description

Other ideas, like Melanora, would anyone else make a module for, and would I be able to *find* it?

in reply to Becky

I mean, you can search out your concept

I also like to read books or short stories on the theme I want to hit, though that's less stat blocks

Literally, do research! You don't need to tell a story in a vacuum

in reply to Becky

Three Tiers of Truth being one of the worst

Timezone Salience being the other correct one

My office has the weirdest branching strategy

Where you make a branch
Constantly rebase that branch off main

Then make a branch off that branch

PR the second branch onto the first, then PR the first onto main

I... am so confused

in reply to silverwizard

Yeah, that sounds more like a coding nightmare than a branching strategy.

Inserting "except as part of normal job duties" on all the items on the acceptable use policy so huge portions of my job are actually allowed by policy

imagine a world where "email attachments from unknown senders" were this scary magical thing of danger, and no other emails were dangerous.

Now imagine how many security docs pretend that's the real world

Today my followers are learning that asking me questions about coffee leads to too much answer

"Containerd gets support for launching linux containers on FreeBSD"

Gimme that FreeBSD work laptop!

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

@HippyWizard has 3 drinks this morning try to take a guess as to what they all are before reading the next tweet and comment how bad the difference between imagination and reality was (if you want)




(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

in reply to chiasm

My thoughts exactly! And I wanted coffee and cappuccino and it seems a shame to waste the leftover espresso my 1980s espresso maker makes!

I really want to write "Fuck You" on this document showing that we need 2FA on our amazon root account.

Holy shit! A single 2FA token! Fucking fuck

Don't fucking make me have a chance to lock ourselves out of AWS root trivially, Amazon needs to fix it's shit, seriously

Github Copilot seems very bad, but because it's bad ML code rather than code theft.

But then I also license everything WTFPL so maybe I just have a weird view of ownership?

I also pay extra to have my art commissions licensed CC-BY

Do you think they'll let me use… as cybersecurity training? Probably more useful than the normal ones I've gotten.

I often think of myself as not a maker, because I rarely take projects to the point of sharing them, and I tend to do projects mostly from manuals. Like, buying a broken tablet, installing spare parts from offbrand retailers, and then putting a beta linux on it.

Or writing 30 thousand words of RPG rules in order to port Dragons into Burning Wheel as having a full suite of lifepaths.

Or making experimental muffins where I take a recipe and ignore it and make a different thing.

I feel like I'm not a maker because I rarely change the state of the art, just grow my personal circle. If I write a software tool, I generally assume no one wants my changes, ans never advertise because I assume that it's just stuff no one wants.

I dunno, this is a weird anxiety, and it's the kind of anxiety I assume makes me a worse person, or at least a foolish one who is too focused on culture.

in reply to silverwizard

Others have stated the obvious regarding your status as a maker, but more importantly, not believing you are a maker doesn't make you a worse person. I'd rather someone who makes things and doesn't call themselves a maker rather than the opposite *side eyeing Elon Musk*.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Yeah, it's far more about tenseness about leaving a mark and bettering communities by my presense

No you're writing a Definition of Policy Definitions policy

Me, trying to prove the problem isn't on my end: *attaches radio frequency scan of bluetooth frequency range showing no noise*

Ya know what, let's ban programming computers
All the computers can do enough things, programming is over

I think I can stat a full cult in burning wheel before 8 pm tonight - right?

Remembering how "The Phantom Menace" sounded like it was gonna have a cool spooky ghost in it, not "There's No Real Threat Here"

As someone who hates programming and finds most of it grating, I spent way too much of my weekend writing recreational C

To be clear, it was fun

in reply to silverwizard

I was playing and trying to make a single robot that could solve every level, without storing state, while sticking to the rules like "the ant doesn't know if it's holding a rock" and "the ant can't look in any direction but 1 square forward"