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cat Dragon\&DungeonBarcodes.txt |sort | uniq -c |sort -n|grep -v " *1 "|xclip -i -selection clipboard
      2 009281018230
      2 394533151TSR0300
      3 071486018254
      4 071658018259
     12 074470018254
     15 074470018230
     19 071486018230
     25 071658018235
     34 074808018239
     35 074808018253
     69 046363160340

Scanning my collection of stuff
Apparently I have lots of duplicates

Next step is to get that turned into proper codes and then get it turned into actual US-MARC data, and then make that library useful

Annoyingly, apparently Dragon reused the same code several times for their issues, so I have 69 issues inside the 046363160340 block

Nice though