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Hobbesian philosophy sounds deep until you say it, "Ain't no claws when you're drinking laws"

Slack, Discord, and all of those all bind /me to italics - and it's wildly annoying because my /me instincts still exist
let's just say what needs to be said: IRC is still superior to Slack and its cloud-era chattypal garbage friends. there was/is a contender in XMPP but what happened... google camped out on the protocol and enshittified it as expected.

@🩷 eva 🩷 I use XMPP every single day! Several XMPP clients handle /me quite well. It's also a network where things are happening again, but there's a lot of people who remember it as dying, but it's in a cool place!

I... wish I had found an IRC client I like. I just, never can get beyond my mental blocks and really just need to make one with dmenu and netcat or something.

rad! I've been looking for a new xmpp server host/community, considering spinning up a new one with ejabberd but oooh the time, always short on time.

irc clients, totally not easy to settle on for gui ones. hexchat is still kicking, and kde has a decent one, but there's always the option to return to irssi.

@🩷 eva 🩷 See that's the issue! I hate irssi! I can't get my head around it!

People keep recommending me WeeChat but I keep forgetting. One day.

My friends run an XMPP project,, which has some MUCs if you want to look around!

@silverwizard @🩷 eva 🩷 I've migrated mostly to XMPP (for the half dozen or so people I know who use it) but I was pretty happy with irssi for IRC. It can even pull double duty and do XMPP, though admittedly a little buggily.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Any #FreeBSD folk know why the rust compiler might give me /usr/local/bin/../lib/ Undefined symbol "_ZNSt3__122__libcpp_verbose_abortEPKcz"

I am worried the problem is my kernel is 13.2 but the rust package claims to be from 13.3? Is this a "just upgrade and stop worrying" situation

I'm neither a FreeBSD folk nor a Rust folk but that looks like a library version mismatch to me - is your libc++ the one that came with your 13.2 system? The symbol it's missing might be new in 13.3. (Not sure whether there's a feasible way to get a 13.3 libc++ without upgrading the whole system, your path of least resistance might be finding a 13.2 rust package.)
@Dave Yeah - in theory this package should be fine for all FreeBSDs - but I have a worry something happened with the package DB accidentally giving me an incompatible rustc binary - which ... shouldn't happen - I think?!

Infosec apparently doesn't realize that cheques are ancient technology no one under 40 has seen in over a decade
Hey, I'm within half a decade of under 40, and I last wrote a cheque last week.
@Dave Well - see - people over 40 uses cheques

Remember, the vulnerability in Yubikeys doesn't make them weaker than most sms 2fa

reshared this

@Rivetgeek yeah, so much of the time. someone told me that facebook tells employees to leave theirs in their laptops, which is, at least, funny.

SMS 2FA is mostly because because SMS numbers suck

The funny thing is mine still isn't plugged into my laptop itself. I just never unplug the Yubikey from where it is. So it's not totally pointless if someone stole my laptop (they'd have a bad time either way considering the hard drive is encrypted).

Listen, if your branching and commit message strategy takes more than 15 minutes to explain. And I need to work with every team and this is just yours.

I'm not gonna follow it.

@silverwizard “You seem to have a git strategy complicated enough that surely you know how to rebase after me.”

An important parenting skill is not giggling when you say "What hurts?" and they answer "all of it"
or weeping and saying, "same, kid, same" until at least they're 12 probably

Someone needs to write a sysadmin version of the Last Sea Shanty

A sysadmins not a sysadmin anymore

@Andy H3 He also does a Last Sea Shanty that I like

also some wildly good River Shanties around

I mostly love the Sea Shanty as a repository of blue collar solidarity songs that are great for groups and to scream, so I don't understand the love for the Wellerman, though enjoy it fine

If your wrapper script requires as many or more flags/inputs than the original script, it's probably bad for you
(Caveat: not if it's abstracting multiple different tools on different systems)

This is the *stupidest* use of LLMs - right?

The primary problems with video games are:
1) too well written
2) don't suffer from enough bloat
3) run too quickly

Luckily Google has fixed it in a way even worse than Stadia!

reshared this

I agree keep it running on bacteria not the software equivalent of an elementary school kid that pees his pants daily and licks the windows because he likes the taste/

Explaining why my Wizard RPG character can't write:
"I wanted to make sure I mastered all the letters before I started figuring out writing"

Got to pull a coworker into a call and just explain logs to them

That's what they call a good day?

I really need to stop assuming that most developers have a mental model of DNS delegation in their head.

I need to accept that I'm the weirdo here.

i find myself expanding that a little bit, having to remember that not all devs “grew up” as system/network admins.
@Craig Brozefsky 🇵🇸 yeah, there's lots of cultural contexts, but I constantly assume that things that make The Internet Work are default skills tech people have.

I finally finished Siege of Dragonspear in my quest to get through all of Baldur's Gate.

I am shocked by how unpleasant it was to play through.

Only having BG1 to compare to - it's like night and day.

Does anyone else listen to this sometimes?

It's such an important artifact

This is wildly important. It's bitter and it's complicated. But it's probably the real Cyberpunk. It's good. Listen to people think about journalism during a tragedy.

I am currently regularly dealing with Zscaler support and Drata support.

Drata support is awful because you need to get answers from an LLM before you can talk to it. But the LLM is worthless because it just puts out a segment from the knowledge base and you only contact support when things are broken.

Zscaler support is worthless because they're undertrained and given a flow chart to follow. The flow chart means they just parrot the knowledge base repeatedly.

Drata's support is better because there's only one human trapped in this hell.

My 3 year old kid has a 1 string guitar to learn to make sound, To protect his fingers I handed him a guitar pick. He yelled "Can I open it!" and started trying to find a seam to shove the pick in to spudge the guitar.

I am... raising children.

shyduroff reshared this.

Zscaler seeing a user has an IP in tells me that wont work because that's a Zscaler internal IP.

Of course, the user's ISP is misusing CGNAT and also claiming IANA reserved IPs are theirs.

Abolish legacy IP

@The Psychotic Network Ferret the problem was that neither group using *owned* it. Both of them were using it for extra IPv4 space.

And I've been a ISP grunt, I know we want IPv4 to die, but there's some ISPs that have bonkers IPv4 stacks and massive CGNATs without a whisper of IPv6

mkj reshared this.

Me vs @Becky parenting
@Becky - buys the kids mars bars
Sean - tells the kids Mars Bars are made by war criminals and then starts teaching them to make nougat
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
@Becky if you think I'm claiming I'm a better parent you aren't my comrade

A recent chat lead to the idea of the Standard Reference Olympian

Someone who is *not* good at the sport. Just to remind everyone how intense everyone there is.

"Oh this person got 20th place! Unremarkable"

make people compare them to the SRO

@silverwizard At least the SRO wouldn’t have defended “her creative vision” in the numerous interviews she’s given since.

Hey #Bhyve/#FreeBSD people!

I'm trying to manage USB passthrough into a guest, I can't find anything in the manpages. Is there something I'm missing?

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Not currently supported, as far as I’m aware. The closest you can get is to pass through a whole USB host adapter PCI device to the guest, then all devices connected to its ports will end up in the (same) VM.
Proper USB passthrough isn’t ridiculously difficult to implement by any stretch, but I guess nobody’s got around to it yet.

@Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 "Not missing something" is a good answer! Thanks!

I gotta figure out if I have a host I can give my homeassistant server. But thanks!

You can pass entire USB controller (PCI passthru) into Bhyve VM but not a USB port or USB device.

Here instructions how to do it:

Alone for lunch (yes it's 4pm) for the first time since the kids were born.

writing a complex regex to manage emails, since, ya know, I know how to have fun.

I get all my music as FLACs because I'm not unwise.

My car will only play mp3s (and oggs?!).

This 2012 MacBook Air is not made for this find command.

InfoSec: If you use the wrong crypto, and have SSL broken, you could, maybe, get the email of the user. 10/10 CVE, Information Disclosure

Also Infosec: This Is Good And Normal

This battle was lost a long time ago. There is no going back to sane defaults. Data collection is now the primary goal of paid and free products. You don’t own anything, and you will be happy. Of course, you can still use privacy-enabled products at home, but those options are limited, and not all your apps will be available.
The text is a rants about windows privacy settings snd it reads as: I'm setting up a new work laptop and finding out all the sneaky ways Microsoft tries to embed Edge as your default for every single file type. FYI last one is in Outlook options advanced, file & browser preferences. it doesn't believe you anywhere else. they owe me 40 mins of my life back and I like how if you search for Google Chrome on Edge, the whole first page is "you don't need Google Chrome - Edge is just as good. Edge can do anything. Get Edge Today. Edge - it's all you need. Edge will save your life. Download Edge here. Oh you're already on Edge? Here is how to get Edge"

've seen so many hearing aids on kids this week, often low profile, some very large, all taking wild abuse, like a child spraying his repeatedly with a water jet in a splash park

and - I feel so good about this - this is the core of accessibility - you didn't see a lot of deaf kids before because they were isolated! and now they're not!

knightly reshared this.

almost sounds like that one kid wants some quiet and is trying to break it ;)

@j_angliss lol

definiely could be, but they didn't seem easy to remove

Phillips Hue keeps threatening me they're going to shut down everything. I put their app on a side device that wont download things and I don't update it, and I put their bridge on a no-internet-access VLAN - but I'd like to just not deal with their shit.

Is there a bulb that doesn't deal with their shit?

Bee O'Problem :godot: reshared this.

@Neil Brown UK is a tall order, but I'd love to get good Tasmota bulbs. I am dangerously close to building one.

@Mischa 🐡😎 Wait - you can connect them directly through zigbee?!


Bhyve USB passthrough reseach commences.

Much respect to your son.
@Alasdair Beckett-King your publisher's supply chain to Canada is horrendous, and so now I've got to figure out how to convince a UK publisher to send a book overseas again!

Security is Threat Modelling

Security Advice or guidance without a threat model is not correct. Full stop.

the Humble Bundle copy of Gratuitous Space Battles I bought years ago is causing OpenAL issues every time it makes a sound and seems to have no mute option.

I need to figure out dummying the linker...

The company I work for is really great, but the CEO is toxic as hell

Just completely and impossibly.

We had an outage and he joined the technical call, and started throwing out ideas and forced the response team to *stop* discussing the issue and *instead* explain why he was wrong.

this is fucking exhausting and I need to job hunt

Last night I had a dream that I was (kinda accidentally) elected UK Prime Minister, and I was confused as hell because I was a tourist and didn't know any of the ritual.

And I think that it's telling about the UK that my brain can find no holes in the theory that this is plausible

Security vendor demanding I install servers in my network running out of date FreeBSD which can't be updated and RCEs in SSH

I really wish there was a compliance framework these types needed to follow

@The Psychotic Network Ferret I think it's so they don't need to tell me it's FreeBSD.

They also tell me to use the IP address on eth1 and the server *is FreeBSD*.

It's 11.4 so it's not dire - but it looks like they haven't updated it ever. I tried a poke at pkg and they don't have their own repo so the repo is just gone. And yes, the SSH is 8.4 from 2022.

Talking to coworkers "Remember, your laptop is 4-10x as powerful as one of the servers, your laptop has to run Slack and none of the servers take that kind of abuse"

yes, provided you add enough sugar, but I doubt it'll taste fantastic.
@þēodrīċ I mean, probably do a very strong tea, as strong as I can get it, and then add a sugar, the problem is finding a good sugar for the yeasts to not sour, while also leaving the flavour dry