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This battle was lost a long time ago. There is no going back to sane defaults. Data collection is now the primary goal of paid and free products. You don’t own anything, and you will be happy. Of course, you can still use privacy-enabled products at home, but those options are limited, and not all your apps will be available.
The text is a rants about windows privacy settings snd it reads as: I'm setting up a new work laptop and finding out all the sneaky ways Microsoft tries to embed Edge as your default for every single file type. FYI last one is in Outlook options advanced, file & browser preferences. it doesn't believe you anywhere else. they owe me 40 mins of my life back and I like how if you search for Google Chrome on Edge, the whole first page is "you don't need Google Chrome - Edge is just as good. Edge can do anything. Get Edge Today. Edge - it's all you need. Edge will save your life. Download Edge here. Oh you're already on Edge? Here is how to get Edge"

"not all your apps will be available"

Where's the problem?

I thought Edge was just an installation tool to install a browser
I had to disable Chrome on Android because Google apps would keep opening Chrome after all my preferences were set to not use it. They removed some of the options to not use Chrome like in Google News, for example, so the only way to not is to disable Chrome.

You can actually get around all of these methods and any future ones with MSEdgeRedirect:

"Hey Abbie, why do you use Linux?"
yes, edge, and their just 728 partners to share your cookies
Microsoft Teams actually has a feature called Browser prefrence, it has two options, "Microsoft Edge" and "your default Browser".
Guess which option is the default

"All You Need Is Edge" to the tune of the Beatles "All You Need is Love".

Yeah, Just like the Stones song "Start me up" which MS used to promote use of the "Start" button, in Win95, but it's like they didn't listen to the rest of the verse "You make a grown man cry".


There is no going back to sane defaults.

There is, it's called "laws". Simply set your region to EU to get a taste of how it could be ;)

proton in any browser?

how does it fare in firefox on a linux system?

(probably from system 76?)

They're working to eliminate privacy at home too.
if only we had a free open source OS alternative, now what could that be ... something something ...ux??? 😏
It's funny to see someone going to all that effort to stop using Edge, just to use Chrome instead. "No, I prefer the giant invasive corporation that makes my mobile operating system over the one that makes my desktop operating system."