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My favourite acronym is GAI for Generative Artificial Intelligence

It's good for discourse and 100% not designed to fuck up the world

@Tezrak, Impslayer of Worlds I find if I back a few patreons or go to a tech con, I am suddenly drowning in stickers. But luckily the mail destruction has made sticker mail less of a big deal, and COVID has kept me out of cons

Today telling son a story, I theorized that Ghost Ships can only sink in salt water

I'm starting to realize that my favourite Scooby Doo are the two crossovers with Wrestlemania because they are a stable context to make jokes about the situation, rather than attempting to modify them into "complex characters" or force overly complex situations.

Last night I was trying to debug an issue with upgrading Ruby, so I spent an hour *causing* the issue somewhere else, and then had to go to bed.

Meaning I spent all my debugging time causing the problem I was fixing.

Aw computers

Thinking about the day that Google tells us that Analytics or ReCaptcha are going down in the next 30 days

Been playing Baulder's Gate because BG3 was just released and reminded me I have the game

And the fact that my travel is like "1 day" and I travel and show up at the dungeon and my characters are like "I'm so tired" - fuck - camp while you travel

So thinking about

Hear me out:
We need to make a project to make a site with infinite links all of which are autogenerated garbage, just for those ranges

FoolishOwl reshared this.

@Hypolite Petovan yeah - basically

In university I wrote a tool called The Eye of Argonizer (makes text more like The Eye of Argon) and a wikipedia dump and the Eye of Argonizer ported out of ancient java, easy to do

Put OpenAI on a tarpit that serves the Eye of Wikipedia on the fly, and and distribute it as a plugin service

Fuck - holy shit - Datadog! Don't rescale my percentile graphs!

If I suddenly see a DB capping out utilization I *panic*.

If I realize a second later it's because the Y axis tops at 50% I am so angry.

I should do the courses, become a certified SOC/ISO/whatever auditor, and then dye my hair blue

I have some of my most fun work conversations with auditors - but ... uh... the auditor stereotypes always make me laugh

@Hypolite Petovan It's just

I love talking to auditors, they seem so refreshingly dedicated to work. And yet whenever I talk about audits people are like "auditors are boring" and so ...

I would make a normal audit person - right? Make people being audited explode

One thing I am noticing in my auto-complete location bar, and my searches, is that top level pages are getting ignored.

If I go to "" it will show "" but will only fill at the last minute.

It feels like we're being dragged by automation toward the less Destination Web and more the Search Web.

(to be clear this is with DuckDuckGo and Firefox not even with Google/Google)

Ug, I wrote an #UnknownArmies module about a group of ex-coworkers from <closed news service> infiltrating a rave run by a cult in order to out magic for a <billionaire trying to drive traffic to social network>, but uh, Sleepers, Cultists, and personal Drama.

And then I never got to run it!


It was *Manyshouts* not Twitter, obviously

This bothers me
I've washed more Yubikeys in the washing machine than I have been attacked by SIM swapping attacks. Has anyone dealt with this as a security question yet?

knightly reshared this.

Hey - uh #mail #admin types

I am spotting mail getting into people's spam folder more as my users use ChatGPT to write their emails, anyone else seeing this?

christian mock reshared this.

HOWTO Security: Throw everyone's data in a shoebox labelled Secret Docs protected by a techobro who knows NodeJS and AWS

Digging, washing, and drying dandelion roots because my kid wanted to make "kid coffee"

After this year I think I need to submit a talk to BSDCan entitled:
I'm An Idiot And So Can You:
A Guide For Homelabs
Yes the mobo on my VM host died suddenly last night

Listen, I am your sysadmin - but if an issue is urgent for me - it gets to be urgent for you.

I am the office Windows expert. Also the Office365 expert.

This is maddening, strange, and annoying.

Ug - I need popup blocks for the web.

Why the fuck did JS thing drawing over a page was a good thing to allow?!

It's the whole history of the web.

SGML was intended to overcome proprietary file formats for documents, marking text semantically, leaving it to the user to decide how to display it. HTML was originally an instance of SGML.

From the beginning, people were trying to thwart the design of HTML to force people to see pages specific ways. The early books on web design were mostly about how designers could abuse the standard with "tricks" to control the experience of users.

I had a job in a bookstore in the 90s and remember getting into an argument with two customers. One wanted to get in to web design, so I recommended some O'Reilly textbook that starts with explaining the underlying principles of HTML. An older guy got angry at me pushing pedantic nonsense, and recommended some glossy book on creating websites for advertising, how to create entrance and exit tunnels, do everything with image maps instead of text, etc.
Of course, I was making $7.50 per hour working in a bookstore, and I'm not a web designer now, so the market decided I'm wrong.

you could say those articles were left without a porpoise

silverwizard reshared this.

I just realized that my gopher phlog has null.hosts over its gophermap because I put it in a chroot.

I should be more responsible and write a less defaulty gophermap

screwlisp reshared this.

There's a theme in my Burning Wheel game that our spellcasters have:

but not the Write skill, it often ends up leading to very funny situations.

Our belief is that Wizards can Spell but they can't spell

read + calligraphy is a very powerful "i can write one letter every ten minutes" combo

They should modify USB-c so that there's a host and a client version - that way I can tell which way some adapters are designed to go and make the standard a little more robust and simple

I wish I had a tool to manage my webapps separately from my web pages. Maybe a way to launch individual services and update them separately from my reference tool.


@silverwizard I don’t quite get it. Are wishing web apps were standalone programs?

@Hypolite Petovan yeah - I am

I am wishing we wrote standalone software rather than just being like "let's make the web a complication target because driveby malware is too hard and installed software is too easy to learn and get used to"

Completely seriously starting to think that if I ever got super high and did E or Molly - I'd probably end up in the middle of rave - dancing as hard as I could trying to explain network failure domains to someone

My son just gave me a piece of his food so that he could ask for a bite of it

Server ran out of space and broke - as part of maintenance updated to latest friendica.

Federation might be weird until tomorrow morning

screwlisp reshared this.

One of the interesting things about ChatGPT is that I think most people who think it's smart deal with ChatGPT and not prompting a model directly.

ChatGPT is very much the most obviously designed to look human.

I rememeber GPT2 and people being like "whoa, this is cool" and then kinda... nothing. After a bit OpenAI had to be like "oh we have GPT3 now! But.... uh... if we release it, it'll end the human race. So uh... better not...."

SSHing into work servers and whining about vim

From the perspective of being like "Damnit, why is vim so opinionated and full of cruft I don't want"

I've realized the signal that I'm most mad at work is me repeating the exact same message verbatim

My son has been playing he has a magic sword recently and he says "Daddy the sword turned us into different people! I'm a knight! What are you?"

I respond "I'm a wizard!"

He responds "No daddy! You have to be something different"

knightly reshared this.

*sends you lizard magic in a guitar riff* it rhymes.
@Montgomery Gator Stepping on the toes of King Gizzard like I was always meant to do!

Can I say how fucking unprofessional it is to fucking mute the alert channel rather than prioritizing fixing the broken alert
I wanna be super clear

The alert was: "Thing has returned an error an hard failed"

The cause was: "API rate limits not accounted for and usage went way up without backoff"

Being on vacation for a week was way too much effort - camping with a 2 year old is a lot.

"I forgot my password" form that emails you the hash in the database so you can figure out which one you used

screwlisp reshared this.

@Jonathan Lamothe I editted to add that since I realized that was a possible interpretation
@Fabio @silverwizard Nah, I believe you’re looking for 4a7d1ed414474e4033ac29ccb8653d9b

My credit card company wont let me pay my phone bill until they can send me an SMS