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Trying to microwave a pogo and off of a sudden I find out what Bohemian Rhapsody meant by "Very Very frightening"

So I guess I need a new microwave


Striping with parity

RAID 5.1
Striping with parity and a subwoofer

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If you're gonna paginate a list, let people know how many pages there are, and let them skip to any item.

If I need to click an arrow >400 times with a 1 second delay between them, I'll assume you're as bad at your job as an Amazon engineer

swagg boi reshared this.

Unknown parent

Seriously! Let the browser do the work! But noooooo
Need a *desgin system* and a standard javascript button which loads a blob of WASM or whatever!
Unknown parent


Yeah, I'm really offended by the whole concept though.

I set my browser up to work for me, why do they do extra work to make it not work as well! Just because they dislike that I might like something different than them?!

I blame Steve Jobs and his obsession with everything looking the way he wanted

Ok, so, uh, Jade has forced me to think about finishing the things I've been writing. But - LOOK AT THESE COVERS! HOLY SHIT!

(both images licenses under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0)

I guess my day is just spending the whole time waiting for datadog metrics to show up

The difference between working with kids and without is that if you don't have kids, and you didn't sleep, it's probably your fault. If you do have kids, you might have woken up at 5 am and just... not had the chance to deal with that fact.
Unknown parent


Damn - at least it's consistent!

My 3 year old is anywhere from 7 to 10 am, but my *1* year old is like "Could be 5? Could be 6? Could be 7? Don't know!"

I don't know how to make x11 use okudagrams
I just want to access and retrieve from a library like I'm on the Enterprise damnit!

I've been using Kumospace for a few months now - and I'm officially unsure why it's made so badly - but I'm assuming it's because they want to record me at all times. It's the only reason why I can envision them keeping my mic hot even when muted, and disabling noise cancelling.

My Dream Youtuber Patreon Unreachable Goals:
Moving from weekly to every two week videos
Swearing in the damn video
No sponsors that are scams
Paying rent


I'm pretty damn excited

The sorcery rules, after getting 5 minutes to skim them, are entirely perfect

There are no notes. This is the perfect sorcery system.

In a game with the perfect setting.

in reply to silverwizard

The closest I ever got to playing a tabletop RPG was merely owning the Shadowrun 3rd Edition Rulebook. I loved the artwork and the setting, but I was in a very nerd-starved region as a kid.

I love game mechanics generally, and it's cool to hear about elegant rules like this. It's what drew me to the Baldur's Gate PC games as a kid. The magic system was so different from all the JRPGs I was used to.

I need to find a group that plays games like these.

in reply to Dial Tone, Busy Signal *biiip*

Yeah! I am currently overbooked with games :( but I know that Roll20 does like "Meet a group" stuff, and is where people meet each other for games in person usually.

But I also understand both of those are hard...

I *love* Shadowrun so really respect it as a choice!

I haven't played RPGs in person in years

And that sucks

in reply to silverwizard

I wont know my dice anymore! I need to get to know them!

I need to read The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum again - I just need a dose of Eco

I really wanna play some new RPGs, which seems weird because I'm in an RPG group for playing new RPGs. But we've spent a year on Blades >.>

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard I don’t know Fate yet but now I get your Burning Wheel references, and yes, it’s pretty much haggling all the way: “What’s the Ob? Are you sure?” “Can I FoRK this?” “I use Artha to reroll”
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Yeah! You find the Ob, and then you haggle about your pool. You pays your money and you make your bets. Sometimes you get a lemon.

I love that about BW personally. Every choice is about finding the pieces!

Making an RPG tool for managing clocks in Blades
Obviously, when you say the scene is over, I just *drop* the whole clocks table and make a new one - because, how else do you clean up data?

I've figured out a trick for RPG divination that feels elegant.
When someone uses a Divination skill I set a difficulty, then, when the player asks a question about the future (where I don't know the answer), I ask them what answer they want.

If they succeed, they are correct.

Unknown parent


Yeah! Federated Identity is a basic and sensible thing the web needs, and so much of the problems people have with platforms could be solved!

Honestly - we need ISPs to provide OpenID like emails *at the very least*

Unknown parent


I mean, that makes sense. I didn't mean as the *only* option, I meant it as a quick way to give everyone an option. Kinda like how so many people are like "here's an ISP email" and then get a GMail anyway.

I have an ISP email, but I also have my domain mail!

Converting all my math writing to little endian and only using reverse polish notation

I might become addicted to buying Microsoft Surfaces and putting free OSes on them and trying to make them usable by others.

This weird "nun chuck computer" design I'm using, where you have a tablet, and then a USB keyboard is really nice. It's currently my main computer.

in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard Sorry no dice if the tablet doesn't take my ps/2 model m keyboard

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in reply to Urist Uristson

It sure does!

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in reply to silverwizard

Wait - that one is backwards

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard One time I went to an office at my last job and there was a computer connected to a TV using an HDMI cable, an HDMI to VGA adapter, a VGA cable, and then a VGA to HDMI adapter.

Then I remembered that I was the one who originally set that up.

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in reply to Urist Uristson

@PizzaFacts2go Fuckin' A

that's amazing!

Tell me what happened, and I really hope you say "They only had a VGA cable and wouldn't buy a cable"

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard No she just originally had a laptop that was VGA only so I got her connected to the TV once. Then she got a new laptop that only had HDMI and my brain went "ah yes just add another adapter no need to actually think for a moment".

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in reply to Urist Uristson

@PizzaFacts2go Oh, lol, that's even better

All the steps make sense!

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in reply to Dave

Uuuuug, I miss my USB Model M, I should use my Climate Inaction Plan money for that...

But really I was to make a keyboard with magical sigils

Unknown parent


diner obstructive? Uuuuh?

I've been mostly working on building a sigil library using SVG magic so they scale really well

So the Hamburgler used to steal burgers, mostly for redistribution, but after years realized he needed to make systemic change. This is why he disappeared, he attempted to unionize several McDonalds.

McDonalds Corporation cannot stand a Robblerouser.

Look, if you had, the one ring, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment Would you capture it?

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Printing a Monstrosity Druid subclass on DM's Guild where you can wildshape into a Monstrosity and get nothing else, settling today's drama forever
in reply to silverwizard

Printing a Sourcebook called 'Fixing the D&D Movie' where it fixes all the movie's many rules mistakes

Also has a Rod of Savril just to annoy people who hate the old movies

Does anyone else get a thing where they eat a bunch of food and then feel incredibly hungry, but wasn't there before?
Unknown parent

I had a non-celiac wheat allergy for 17 years, so I've had like 100 doctors try to diagnose me with celiac, so I think I'm safe from that one >.<
in reply to silverwizard

That happens to me sometimes, with no pattern I can recognize.

Thinking about an RPG/Boardgame where a group of refugees from a dying earth trying to resettle the ruins of Elon Musk's strange and badly made colony on Mars. Trying to repurpose weird and strange ruins into habitation, before their ship's supplies fail.

John H reshared this.

Unknown parent


That's a lot of series in a single sequel

This is worse than Final Fantasy 10 2

Unknown parent


Damnit! They decided to make 1 kid with 10 forms instead of 3 zombies!

What a time to be alive!

dd if=Downloads/indexes--0|jq

Somehow, somewhere, I deeply broke and will never be repaired

When I was a kid I had the revelation that I wanted to be the person people were talking about when they said "I know a guy"
in reply to silverwizard

Yeah, I use to want the same but not so much now. That was back when I was getting my IT degree though.
in reply to Scifijunkie

Friends of mine have confirmed they told someone "I know a guy" and called me, so I'm pretty happy…
If you ever want to see how I write code - check this out

Basically - Youtube crashes my tablet so I wanted to be able to go vlc ` some video` and just get a list of videos and go

It's not complete, but it's working.

in reply to silverwizard

I still want to add:
Better support for subscriptions and RSS
Better support for grabbing related videos
Better support for looping so that when a video finishes it gives you the same search back or the related video (based on flags?)
Making this code not make the reader cringe
some sort of wrapper toolchain to execute the pieces so you don't run it via backticks

The thing about The Website Is Down is that the problem is as much Web Dude's as Chip's, and both are terrible - and that's what makes it good

Unlike Geek Triumphant bullshit like The IT Crowd or other stuff, it's a farce and a comedy of errors, not dunking on "non geeks"

in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard But also...... I have been web Dude in that moment and done things I knew wouldn't work to buy time

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in reply to Urist Uristson

@PizzaFacts2go Oh! Yes! We've *all* been Web Dude

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Anyone remember the "Don't Taze Me Bro" thing and how a dude got tazed for asking a question at an open question period?

Wasn't that fucked?

in reply to silverwizard

i always just laughed about it, but I'm not sure I've ever seen the video. Yeah, that's pretty fucked. We're so callous that it's basically just a joke.
in reply to Dial Tone, Busy Signal *biiip*


Like - it was a funny phrase - but it's also just hard to engage that the funny phrase was the focus - not the state violence against a boring question

I just thought: "how do I fork and await in shell"

and I am cursed

Trying to maintain a balance of not feeling too guilty and not doing too much, but it's very challenging
in reply to Becky

Ooh, I should get you in touch with my partner, she's terrible at both but she's getting better.

Damnit - feed parsers and feed readers are different for RSS
I am trying to find examples of RSS feed *readers* in shell, not a sed/cut/grep one liner explanation >.<

Concentrating is hard right now though

I bake when stressed, and uh, don't bake chocolate chip pancakes for two kids with a combined age of 4 when stressed

Buyin' my wife journal subscriptions as a surgery gift

Totally non-geek family

in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard Oh my goodness I LOVE this idea - hopefully she heals up quickly

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I guess Becky is in surgery today


It's routine... and it'll make her feel better

in reply to silverwizard

Buying her a membership to the Canadian Psychological Association so she can access their journal archive while in the hospital
They call our gift giving normal

Whose idea was it that every single security standard should include "no server should have a port open to the public internet"?!

"This server has port 80 and 443 open to the internet" is a risk I need to close so often and I hate it

I need an onscreen keyboard for Linux that can show up on login and lock screends

bonus points for splitable

mopani (she/her) reshared this.