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silverwizard reshared this.

Just learned @keepassxc is here!

KeepassXC is excellent. I’ve used it as my primary password manager for years, and it keeps getting better.

No Electron, local storage, plugins for Firefox. It’s awesome.

(And shout out to lwhsu@ for maintaining the #FreeBSD port).

reshared this

how do you synchronize your KeepassXC database between computers? I use LastPass, but it limits me to fetching passwords from my phone because I won’t pay.

I’d like to have something like the paid version of LastPass, but with some kind of federated local storage.

I wouldn’t mind storing the passwords on my VPS if KeepassXC allowed me to synchronize to it.

Can't wait for version 2.7.7 to be in the Ports, as it adds supports for Passkeys! 🎉
(I already use it on Windows and on SteamDeck/Linux)

PS: I also use Syncthing on all my PCs and also on my mobile phone, on which I run KeePassDX.

My son thinks every country has a king, since ya know, we do. It feels weird andis so fucking hard to explain toa four year old that having a king is considered dumb and out of date.
that's exactly how I feel about adults and CEOs

As a kid I watched the PBS show Ghost Writer, but on TVO. Now my kid is starting to watch it, and, uh.

Wow it's better than I remember.

It is better at talking about race in America than any show I've seen, and it does *the fucking work* to make sure its kids feel like kids but also never once talk down to a kid.

I honestly wonder if, as a show, radicalized me into the person I am.

My wife who has never seen any episode is so fucking invested we've watched some episodes while the kids were asleep.

Thinking about it, my final answer is that Ghost Writer is a show about teaching kids to seek justice, in an unjust world. They don't call the world unjust, but present the world as it is.

I should be flattred that when I make brownies my kids start chanting impatiently, shouldn't I?

it's just very stressful

Why haven't we, as a society, given up on USB-c as a failed experiment?
That’s not been my experience, but I’m much more careful about which cables I buy than with other types of cables, as there is/was a ton of fraudulent product, particularly early on.
@Lester Ward for most it's that the ports go tacky after a few months
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

My site's RSS, for an unknown amount of time, has been fucked, because it gets generated using the creation time on the file. But apparently something is updating the creation time on every file in the directory. Shit.

Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson reshared this.

At the park with my kids. A group of older kids (8-10ish?) are playing Among Us, which appears to be Mafia Tag, where you secretly make someone IT, they all play together, and people can die, then they vote like mafia. If they figure out who is It they play tag with a safety spot.

I am so fucking jealous of this group of kind accepting kids, who are stopping to help and play with my four year old and two year old, while also playing the coolest tag variant in history.

The Kids Are Doing Amazing

@silverwizard The kids have always been alright, then they get beaten out of shape by society, often by their own parents, sometimes literally. 😔

@Hypolite Petovan Oh I know. But honestly, I wish I was the kid I was with this group of kids.

One of them cried because they got deceived in the Mafia portion, and they seemed pretty kind about it!

you’d have better luck applying to work for UNRWA

silverwizard reshared this.

We will never accept an invitation to speak to Meta. We are not interested in speaking to Meta. We're not even on Meta's radar, but if they do for some godforsaken reason reach out to us, we will promptly tell Meta (more or less) to fuck off. That's the #GoToSocial promise, baby! Death to capitalism!

reshared this

does the band Flogging Molly sell mdma or engage in BDSM with their partner Molly?
apparently a drop kick is someone who is not the sharpest tool in the the shed

silverwizard reshared this.

It's so frustrating to see Microsoft copy inventions from the Linux world and act like they're new. Ads in the start menu? Come on, we had that in Ubuntu back in 2012 already, you're late to the party *again*.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

Does anybody have a connection at Netlify?

Long story short, they won’t work with you if you’re #transgender, and they’re holding my domain hostage. They refuse to speak to anyone except [deadname] via an email that no longer exists.

After explaining my transition to the support rep, and offfering to give them an updated ID, they’ve just stopped responding to my emails. I need to get ahold of a human who isn’t an asshole.

I am so fucking tired of the trans tax.

#tech #help #lgbtq

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

Roomba having trouble connecting?
Reboot Robot
Who decides what movies get made?
Reboot Robot
Animatronic statue of Guardian Bob?
Reboot Robot

silverwizard reshared this.

for some reason my brain read that with the stone cutters song lol
@jadedtwin I would be lieing if I said that wasnt something that entered my brain either

One of my groupchats has a channel called "Dystopic Chuckling" and it's just us making jokes about the horrors around us.

And... why

Why is this necessary.

RootWyrm 🇺🇦:progress: reshared this. is so easy to use, it feels like piracy.
This is an endorsement

reshared this

trashHeap :hehim: :verified_gay: reshared this.

Fuck KnowBe4.

Phishing Simulation training is so often just a way of making companies and employees feel bad.

But apparently insurance has read a KnowBe4 report and has made our insurance contingent on it.

Insurance companies need to keep up.

@thebluehunter No no no - we just need to do some in order to be allowed to get insurance
ah, no as horrible as it first sounded in my head 😅 . Still, I see your point....

I didn't expect Title IIing to happen today. It's like... uh...

Title II of Internet Services out of nowhere (at least to me, a non-American) is giant. Whoa.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

silverwizard reshared this.

The fight for net neutrality is forever

Posted into The Verge @the-verge-theverge

silverwizard reshared this.

@The Verge The US has gone back and forth a few times on net neutrality and most users haven't seen any noticeable difference. IF when it was overturned was why my kids could continue to watch YouTube videos on grandma's wi-fi after we had used up all her Satellite internet's allotted data for the month, that's the only thing I got. They thought that was good, I thought it was annoying, but the fact YouTube exists and accessible is annoying.

silverwizard reshared this.

THIS IS WHY WE NEED REDUNDANCY IN OUR CIRCUMVENTION NETWORKS. It is not about who is better or worse, it is about threat modelling for when attacks happen because they will and we need to be ready as a COMMUNITY. #I2P

silverwizard reshared this.

☝️ Extremely important point!

Coworkers often are confused why I maintain local copies of all our git repos.

The answer is:

grep -Ri "There was an error while loading announcements" .

Critical Value Enhancer

silverwizard reshared this.

Richard "mtfnpy" Harman reshared this.

My 4 year old has managed to find the UPnP endpoint for the Jellyfin server and added ska to his bedtime playlist...

I am going to need to put his tablet on a vlan before he watches Alien and can't sleep.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Yeah, that might be a good idea.

I spent two hours this morning discussing recovery strategies, and now I need to figure out how to write that two hour meeting into a single document
@silverwizard Sounds like you're in for a fun Monday.
@Jonathan Lamothe I mean seriously! Two hours, we got a functional definition of our goals, as well as a future plan! It's so rare I feel like I'm in this place.

silverwizard reshared this.

For a lot of us IT people, it feels like a losing battle lately. Overwhelmed, under budgeted and understaffed. An already burnt out single point of failure. We KNOW there's a shitload of controls we should be rolling out but we're stuck troubleshooting grumpy legacy hardware or Gertrude forgetting her password again. It's a struggle to get resources because $MGMT only sees us as a money pit until the shit hits the fan, then, if we're still here we can get a budget/help/etc.

I'm just tired, dudes.

silverwizard reshared this.

silverwizard reshared this.

Babylon 5 is really well written

silverwizard reshared this.

Bee O'Problem reshared this. wrote:

I am now, of course, adding to this neverending discourse with this article. But I want to be clear: No one is under any obligation to be nice to the creators of the Humane pin or the product itself, which, even if it worked, is a gadget that relies on mass content theft and the scraping of huge amounts of human knowledge and creativity to make a product that is marketed as making us more “human.” The people making this argument are people who have a vested interest in the general public continuing to canonize, support, and spend money on a Silicon Valley vision of the future that involves the automation of everything, the displacement of huge numbers of workers, and a new, AI-led internet that has so far done little but flooded the web with low quality junk, been used to make fake porn to harass women, and has led eager beaver know nothing CEOs to prematurely lay off huge numbers of workers to replace them with AI tools built on the back of uncompensated human labor and training largely done by underpaid “ghost workers” in the developing world.

@404 Media is literally the single best tech media in the entire world. There are some other reporters out there who are amazing, but 404 Media has the full chain of support.

FoolishOwl reshared this.

Just in case anyone has somehow missed the context for this thread, it's this:
That comments section is appalling. Mostly bootlicking.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

LLM answers are Mad Libs for Tech Bros

Prompt enginneering is the act of replacin "Adjective" with "A Colour" and then rerolling until you finally get one you like

Web Design is the art of removing accessibility until the page is as annoying as possible

I'm sure my site has accessibility-related atrocities 😭

I've been trying to remediate at least.

@shellsharks it's frustrating because if we just let the content be, screen readers and stuff would work so easily. We'd have all the standardized hinting there!

Is anyone else very angry that Animorphs has two different BIll Gates, one of whom plagiarized Yeerk tech, and the other that plagiarized Andalite tech?

Wait, fuck

I don't really eat hot sauce, but my uncle and I eat scorpion peppers he grows sometimes...

Should I be less worried about hot sauces?

@silverwizard: still the 3rd hottest pepper cultivar in the world 🤷‍♂️

silverwizard reshared this.

Our Director of Compliance is testifying tomorrow about Software Right to Repair for the DMCA in front of the Copyright Office. Supporting other Right to Repair organizations, and talking about the needs for copyleft and support of repairing our software.

If you want to tune in at 2:30 PM ET you can find more information here under the "Register to Watch Public Hearings": (warning, required use of proprietary software to view the hearing).

silverwizard reshared this.

If you only know the story from reading it in Highschool and thinking it made ants seem cool, please understand it was written in 1930s Germany about the dangers of communism by a Nazi.

Which is why we assign it to be read in highschools.

Never Forget was always said ironically.

silverwizard reshared this.

Last week we (#ReplayWorkshop) received, free, a full trailer of 275 gallon IBC bottles, already washed, pure HDPE (white or natural), for #recycling with our #preciousplastic shredder. 90 of them in total, about 47 pounds each.

A local trucking company accumulates more than they can sell or reuse. Payment from previous recycler dropped to be less than the cost of labor and transportation. They were delighted to have a local place where they could just bring the trailer and see it emptied.

silverwizard reshared this.

i’m curious to see how small those become after shredding.

They’re so huge I’m not surprised they’re eager to get rid of them.

@masukomi it'll be three pallets tops in expect. Probably less. It's pretty thick so it yields nice chunks with food density.

@404 Media Hey! You require me to sign in to use your website! Cool! That's fine and good!

Can you give me the option to sign in with a password? My password manager is pretty easy for me to use, but I don't tend to have my personal email open on my work laptop and so your signin flow is really keeping me from using your stuff and is the biggest source of friction for me.

Also - holy shit - your journalism is amazing, thanks.

@Neil Brown @404 Media Ug, I need to get a new good generic RSS reader rather than my weird specific purpose ones

silverwizard reshared this.

’m getting laid off. I’m gutted but need to land somewhere. If you’re hiring for Swift platforms, please consider me. I work hard and want to do some great work.
Swift the programming language or Swift the financial messaging network?