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@silverwizard Literally all the words you said sound bad to me.

@Hypolite Petovan I am a ginger lover, it's not popular, but it's mine

Seamus (my son) will eat candied ginger because it has the word candy in it (and I love it) then put on a giant fake smile, say "I love it", while spitting it out

The problem with my current employer isn't the lack of technical sophistication, it's that everyone outside of the dev org thinks my skillset is fungible with every other person inside the dev org.

Despite me being hired explicitly outside the dev org's purview because it *isn't*

@Alex P. 👹 I was hired by someone who knew what they were doing and given Infrastructure and Security as purview, and now everyone says "this person does DevOps" which... hurts every time
@Alex P. 👹 the real problem is when people
1) tell the dev lead about like, DNS changes or whatever, and then they don't tell me "but it's all engineering"
2) asking me to deal with frontend JS or python code that just... I don't know

silverwizard reshared this.

Resist the urge to be the smartest guy in the room; JD Vance fucked a couch and we just need *one* reporter to ask him about it on camera, one time - bonus points if he actually tries to respond.

We can do this.

silverwizard reshared this.

jfc you got me with that so good...

Can we crowdfund a legit crown that has "SOFA" engraved on it?

I would love to see someone walk up to the dude, go "My liege" and kneel down, head bowed, and present that crown.

@sillyCoelophysis @inquiline @blogdiva

I don't have the time right now, but an ingenious mind could conceivably design and distribute among the Democratic base a new poster with JD Vance's likeness rendered in the famous style of Shepard Fairey's "HOPE" but with the word "SOFA" underneath.

Do it, internets! 😂

silverwizard reshared this.

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

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Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this

Content warning: uspol, i can't believe i need to say this either

Google breaking NewPipe forcing me to properly setup my flows for watching video on Nebula

After the giant DDoS on DynDNS I started multi-hosting my domains and almost everything else. But no one will pay for multi-cloud. And I don't get why we never learned this lesson?

Meghan reshared this.

Honestly, the amount of time I spend flummoxing security vendors by saying things like "Oh, we're not using office 365" is very upsetting

It's not that I don't understand that 99% of their clients are using O365, it's how many products and support team fall apart

the booze is on strike

what a fuckin' weekend for the booze to be on strike

silverwizard reshared this.

So, I teach info security and IT governance certification courses.

And I have endured many years, it feels like many lifetimes, of “certifications don’t matter. Just make a home lab!” And “compliance doesn’t equal security!” From people who get paid a shit ton more than I do.

And I just want to say, accountability for this in every organization that is affected lies with the board of directors. Period. You cannot outsource accountability. There will be lawsuits. And downstream impacts.

So, you’re right. Certifications and compliance don’t equal security. But today it sure as hell seems like having a management team and BoD that can’t just say, “I had no idea automation was so risky and we needed security staff to evaluate releases” is a better option than “Fire the security staff, automate the hell out of everything, and don’t bother me until I’m back from my golf vacation.” Followed by the exhausted techs shrugging their shoulders, saluting the boss, screaming “YOLO” and hitting enter.

reshared this

@silverwizard yes exactly this. I remember the risk assessment doc I wrote in 2018. But no, KPIs not well set… so….

Tezrak, Impslayer of Worlds reshared this.

This is the fault of Crowdstike's C level execs

This is not the fault of the scapegoats they will blame this on

This is a failure of time, budget, expertise, and process.

They cut costs by cutting quality

Honestly, looks like CrowdStrike said some shit would go down because they were contracting. Which uh - good call.

Every hacker in the world is posting this right now

I am assume it was Ed Zitron's post

still wondering where this strip is from 🤔 Is it „Red Rackham's Treasure“?
@anaximandro adventures of tintin. see:

silverwizard reshared this.

More critical infrastructure should depend on a rootkit built by some private company with no accountability imo. It seems good.
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серафими многоꙮчитїи reshared this.

Banks are screwing my wife around. Her mom put some money in an account years ago for her, and she's pulling it out to put it somewhere more reliable, but the cheque was listed in both names, and so banks are refusing to deposit it because it's in the name of two people. So she tried to go into the bank with both of them and endorse the cheque in front of bank employees, which even then they are being a pain in the ass about. This is stupid.

But she went in this morning.


@silverwizard *sick electric guitar riff*

I was caught in the middle of an OS update (Windows)
I looked 'round and I knew there was no turning back (Windows)
My mind raced and I thought, what could I do? (Windows)
And I knew there was no help, no help from you (Windows)
Sound of the drums beating in my heart
The thunder of BSOD tore me apart

You've been - crowdstruck

silverwizard reshared this.

@Hypolite Petovan crowdstruck is the verb form of "ruined by a vendor"

"CrowdStrike was worse, but SolarWinds was another vendor that crowdstruck everyone"

Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson reshared this.

Ug, I should have paid @404 Media long ago, they are the best reporting I've seen.

But at least I paid them Wednesday and I assume that my subscription will be spent on the spirits needed to get through their next few calls to CrowdStrike.

aacur8 reshared this.

silverwizard reshared this.

dude, I'm glad I got paid last week. I can't imagine how many payroll systems are totally fucked r/n.

silverwizard reshared this.

maybe y'all got lucky and payroll processed before the update got pushed.
Mine's currently pending. If it fails to post, response could get interesting, just saying...
yeah mine must've processed riiiight before this all went down. Super thankful for that
Yea, gonna be fun to see if the wife or I get paid today - my company is fine, but of course we outsource payroll, so who knows.

silverwizard reshared this.

There is something to be said about security through diversity that I am just not caffeinated enough to express right now, but really, consider maybe not making all computing infrastructure look the same if you're interested in resilience and dependability.
That is sort of supposed to be the Crowdstrike model, the mass pooling of leads and heuristic tuning. It works fairly well. Until it doesn't.

silverwizard reshared this.

Let's cut the bullshit and spell out a few things. The IT security industry is about as trustworthy as the food supplement and vitamin industry, but somehow they escaped the same reputation. Their products are overwhelmingly based on flawed ideas, and the quality of their software is exceptionally bad. And while not everyone will agree with the harshness of my words, I'll say this: Essentially everyone in IT security who knows anything in principle knows this.

So they are like most other software devs?

Most people are less perfect.

I Agree with the harsh words.

What I sometimes forget to say, is that I'm not saying this as someone who is better, or perfect.

My software can be crap too; and recognising we don't all lay golden eggs, is part of improving.

Hopefully all the defenders, can stop performing long enough, to let other people, recognise, and improve.

@bagder Companies don’t buy Crowdstrike because they want security, they buy it because they need compliance. It's never about actual security, it's checking a box.

The best part of owning a VR headset is that I can put on the headset, use it for an hour, remember why it sucks, and then move on

using the Serverless Framework to update some lambdas

And all I can think of "Didn't I use a framework so I didn't have to type the same thing a billion times?"

Google fucking hates file folder and file organization.

And holy fuck I hate it, and I worry it's bad for people exploring systems.

@Hypolite Petovan More seriously - it's all fallout from the mindset that made Google Desktop

silverwizard reshared this.

the whole country's gonna get soooo many lectures about "political violence" from the people who think all of society will crumble if the cops don't beat the shit out of black teens and homeless people every day of the week
I've already started getting them from folks I know. It's really quite the fucking thing.

insecurity princess 🌈💖🔥 reshared this.

My head hurts.

Years of screeching about how depraved christofascist Republicans are going to unleash the next Hitler and a real-life Handmaid's Tale age of nightmares...

But if we wish any harm upon their hatemongering, eugenics-advocating, genocidal, rapist leaders that are getting poised to destroy the world, that's... rude?

It is also shaping up to be one of those times where people in the US who "know a few things about guns" step up to their self-appointed podium to deliver their thoughts. :/
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silverwizard reshared this.

"My boyfriend works with software security and he doesn't let us use torrents"

ma'am your bf is a scam sorry to break the news

silverwizard reshared this.

@becomethewaifu I "don't allow" (insomemuch as I have that authority) torrents because I don't want nastygrams from my stupid ISP. 🙄

My wife is excited about a Fantasy Ball and now I'm looking for resources for customizing N95/p100 masks? Any good cosplay tips?

#cosplay #larp #covidisnotover

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I can highly recommend magnets and lacey fabrics as good ways to decorate or customize respirators, specifically the disposables.

The Dräger 1950 N95 is arguably the best on the US market right now, and it has the most robust structure to handle added decoration without collapsing. The plastic anchors for the headband on each side also allow for hanging/mounting decorations.

For magnets, there are lapel pins and needle minders, but to customize/add on to, look at hijab magnets.

PS: the Dräger 1950 is what I'm wearing in my profile photo - along with a magnetic lapel pin.

Also, the small size of the 1950 fits the most people

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

We paid a vendor for implementation

Now I'm considering blocking their emails

silverwizard reshared this.

I chatted with these picketing OPSEU members outside an LCBO in Waterloo. I support them, and am grateful that OPSEU is pushing back against the Ford government and its corporate partners. Greenbelt, Ontario Science Centre, Ontario Place, a preoccupation with booze — these are all signs of the same privatization zealotry that all conservative governments love.

#LCBOWorkersFightBack #LCBO #Ontario #WaterlooRegion

Four people with picket signs standing looking at the camera. The signed say things like “LCBO Workers On Strike” and “Keep Our Money In Ontario”

silverwizard reshared this.

More information about the LCBO strike is available from OPSEU.

#LCBOWorkersFightBack #LCBO #Ontario #WaterlooRegion

In addition to supporting OPSEU members in their strike against LCBO, I like to support the wonderful craft breweries in Waterloo Region and nearby Guelph. Today’s cycling trip was to TWB Cooperative Brewing in Kitchener, one of my favourites. 🍻🚴‍♂️☀️

#CraftBeer #BikeTooter #LCBOWorkersFightBack #WaterlooRegion

In the foreground a bike is upright on its kickstand. It has panniers over the rear wheel. In the background, a sign hangs in front of a red brick wall over a building entrance. It reads “TWB Cooperative Brewing”
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
it is truly sobering (sorry for the pun) to learn that any government employee would be treated like this. Heck, even state-employed custodians/janitors get paid sick leave, health benefits, retirement plans, and limited scheduling guarantees here in #Wisconsin – even long after Act 10 eliminated collective bargaining for state employees on anything other than salary.

I sell products ready-assembled, and do-it-yourself kits for building the same products. Some of my customers buy the kits because they really like building kits, and that's great.

But others buy the kits because they think they're entitled to the finished product at a lower price, and they begrudge every second of effort they must put into building the kit. Those people really exist and they are the market for tools that purport to save "the value of your time."

@Matthew Skala Yeah, that's valid. If you're doing it to save money - that's fine.

But this is a criticism of the *argument*, not the sale. People can and should sell preassembled things, kits, and more! Not everyone wants to build! But if someone is building on purpose, don't tell them to value their time.

GNU Too reshared this.

People really bad need to stop recommending Ubuntu as a valid Linux. It's just so... unpleasant.
@GNU Too I just want them to stop suggesting snaps and GNOME

I've played with people who were pretty chill about the rules, and with people who were downright tyrannical about them.

The overlap between people who played D&D for the story and character development vs people who played it like a video game was almost a perfect overlay.

As a DM, I've frequently ignored the results of dice rolls because the outcome would have made for a far shittier story.

@The Psychotic Network Ferret I am far from a D&D player - but I tend to be very into the story and how we tell stories, and very into game rules. I think good games tell good stories with good rules. But yeah - I agree about the Say Yes Or Roll The Dice thing.

Anyone else had AWS suddenly start emailing them in Chinese out of nowhere?
I checked lambdaguard and komiser and cloudwatch and cloudtrail - I see no suspicious logins, no resources in strange places, our IDS didn't pick up anything, and all the APAC regions are disabled, and there's nothing in them. So it's not like we were suddenly hacked as far as I can tell.
@silverwizard Sorry about the anxiety attack ☹️

@Hypolite Petovan It's just fucking weird.

Why are they doing this?! my rep wont tell me!

once, years ago. I think they sent an email out a few days later saying sorry it was a bug. That obviously doesn't stop the panic.

Can it be translated and tied to a legitimate communication that got hit by a similar bug?

@j_angliss So they've done three in simplified Chinese so far, all with an English translation. They're about changes to Lambda in various APAC regions.

I don't know why as we have those regions disabled and nothing in use in them - but I definitely freaked the hell out.

RootWyrm 🇺🇦:progress: reshared this.

I am constantly shocked at how much we've normalized constant attacks and ransoms instead of just... letting people do security.
@silverwizard Got it, I was more asking about the normalization you also mentioned, but this is good stuff nonetheless.

@Hypolite Petovan The normalization is mostly a matter of fighting the process of seeing security as a cost center and underfunding it.

So - the core thing is complexities around risk and access. Part of corporate culture is risk appetite. Corporate culture loves accepting risk, and so security teams kinda don't have a lot of leverage. And that's where the problem is, ya know. I don't know how to fix that.

silverwizard reshared this.

If the Ontario Science Centre was a sports stadium Ford would have had the money to repair it immediately.

#Ontario #OntarioScienceCentre

silverwizard reshared this.

Dianora (Diane Bruce) reshared this.

@CAWguy looking forward to Doug Ford going “something something grade 13 drinking age is 16 now”

knightly reshared this.

Google Docs has been randomly deciding to not let me copy/paste. I use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V and it pops up the popup that tells me I have to use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste.

This feels like another anti-competitive thing against firefox.

> Google Docs has been [...] not letting me copy/paste. I use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V and it [...] tells me I have to use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

I've been getting that for months. My solution is to switch to @nextcloud with @collabora as soon as this organization acquires another #SelfHosted server.

Bob Jonkman reshared this.

@Bob Jonkman @Collabora @Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 Might I say the words to you:
Google docs spreadsheet used as a database

Been there. But #SpreadsheetAsDatabase isn't Google's fault, and won't get fixed with @nextcloud

Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V ≠ Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V *is* Google's fault, and can be fixed by eliminating Google.


> Google docs spreadsheet

Google docs spreads shit

there, fixed it for you :-)

silverwizard reshared this.

tbh these days I'm finding myself evaluating new tech coming out less in the sense of technical risks, and more in the sense of "how much stress is this going to cause me when some asshole company forces me to interact with it"

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i straight up ignore anything mainstream until it gets annoying than i ask the question of what it is. most of the time i find it stupid and worry about more demanding things.

for hardware i usually give anything new and flashy some time so the reviews can come out and i can do a proper scrutiny of my own.

silverwizard reshared this.

I really hate the term “side-loading.” We shouldn’t need a word for the normal way we’ve been installing apps for the past 40 years. If tomorrow Apple decided they were going to start only letting you visit web pages they approved of, we wouldn’t call some sort of alternating system that let you see *the rest of the fucking internet* “side-paging”. We’d instead call the whole thing bullshit.

John-Mark Gurney reshared this.

100% agree. Apple has been gaslighting people for decades. Steve Jobs said he hated Flash and then proceeded to develop Flash 2.0 -single platform proprietary apps with no SEO that only Apple can approve. #Flash2
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AI has redefined Trustless Computing!
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