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I hate when people talk about hobby tools as like "if you value your time"

1) fixing is a skill you should hone
2) fixing can be fun
3) hobbies are not something to optimize

Discussing valuing someone's time spent on hobbies in dollars is the worst grindset babble imaginable

in reply to silverwizard

this is related to when someone talks about the cost per hour of a meeting

What's the fucking point of employing someone if they don't have context and planning

in reply to silverwizard

I have done this several times as a fancy “Don’t waste my motherfucking time” especially when someone wants to block out seven people for one hour to decide whether to let me do two hours of work
in reply to silverwizard

I like meetings that are timely, informative, and brief. I only get 35 hours a week to get shit done, tops, so anyone trying to block out two hours to honk their own horn in my face sure feels like an assault on my livelihood
in reply to AN/CRM-114

@AN/CRM-114 Fuckin' eh
Meetings have goals

I had a Director of Engineering once, he had a rule, "Anyone can leave a meeting at any time", and it was fucking awesome

I am Jack's Lost 404 reshared this.

in reply to silverwizard

“Children I will turn this meeting around if you do not stick to the agenda”
in reply to silverwizard

@flyingsaceur I also like the “anyone can ignore any meeting request without an agenda included.” (No, I don’t owe it to you to decline a request or let you know I won’t be there if you haven’t bothered to tell me what needs to be discussed and achieved.)
in reply to silverwizard

I'll never begrudge someone spending their free time on something they enjoy. At the same time, for *me*, some things became better to buy vs build, for my own valuation of my free time. But that's a me decision, not something I expect others to adhere to, like building a NAS or something.
in reply to Michael Gurski

@Michael Gurski yeah! I do that all the time! But I have a problem if you criticize people for building a NAS!

I think hobbies should be fun and people should be able to my hobby in non-hobby ways

in reply to silverwizard

not criticizing if they wanna go through the legwork. For *me*, at my point in life, I'd rather just buy a Synology with decent hw/sw tradeoffs than comb through hundreds of specs on individual hardware choices.
in reply to silverwizard

I sell products ready-assembled, and do-it-yourself kits for building the same products. Some of my customers buy the kits because they really like building kits, and that's great.

But others buy the kits because they think they're entitled to the finished product at a lower price, and they begrudge every second of effort they must put into building the kit. Those people really exist and they are the market for tools that purport to save "the value of your time."

in reply to Matthew Skala

@Matthew Skala Yeah, that's valid. If you're doing it to save money - that's fine.

But this is a criticism of the *argument*, not the sale. People can and should sell preassembled things, kits, and more! Not everyone wants to build! But if someone is building on purpose, don't tell them to value their time.