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They called the religion Anglican but they didn't call the language Anglicant

Ok, my motto that "JavaScript is excel for webdevs" can now be extended to "WASM is the JVM for JavaScript"
This is 100% shade at Zellij

If you wanna use WASM as a compilation target, why not use Excel? It's used in more places and serious workflows!

My company has three ways of doing basic WebRTC stuff - and all of them are bad - but the best one is the one we don't pay for and therefore no one uses and I hate it

Keyboard made from a mechanical typewriter with a camera that fires when the striker hits the lens (well, ok, a pad in front of the lens), and OCRs the character printed on the striker

@EmeraldMagus : "Mind sending me some your Burning Wheel stuff for formatting?"
Me: *sends over 6000 words of tables...*

In a land of feudal computing the Linode is king

Using BitBucket is a pain in the ass for normal life

But how the fuck does one ever manage schedules? Terraform used to do it - but the provider is archived?!

I am starting to think that I might have the only actual copy of my favourite song...
Didn't myspace lose all the music on it a few years ago?
Yeah - I think it did - which was likely the root cause

Markdown is a tool specifically designed to harm the brain of a programmer

It's 100% syntax and valuable syntactic data - but it's also it's supposed to be an informal grammar, and programmers can't handle it

Most people are more likely to lose authenticator tokens (their phone, their yubikey) than be hacked by a sophisticated attacker

Password manager 2FA and SMS 2FA solves the threat model that most people live in

(Organizational security has a far different threat model)
@silverwizard But cloud password managers are likely to be hacked as well ๐Ÿ˜•
Which is more likely: a second LastPass situation or me washing my Yubikey?
Which is more likely - Becky losing her phone number or a second LastPass?
@silverwizard A second LastPass, but some SMS 2FA attack vectors donโ€™t require you to lose your phone number, so Iโ€™m partial.
Oh, no - attacking SMS 2FA is easy to just SIM hijack

I am talking about getting locked out because you accidentally lost your auth app
@silverwizard Still LastPass, these days losing a *phone number* is pretty hard to do.
That's what I'm saying
You won't lose your phone number for SMS or password manager

Whereas losing a phone with an TOTP authenticator setup or losing a yubikey is pretty simple
So far, every service for which I've registered TOTP (Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon) has offered recovery codes in case I lose my TOTP device. Surely that mitigates @silverwizard 's loss model.

And I keep my paasword manager DB on several devices. Does that make me as weird as @silverwizard ?

Does KeePass do TOTP these days?
@silverwizard What's TOTO? I have a KeePass TOTP plugin that I use as the truth source for all my TOTP tokens. Based on the seed it can generate a QR code that token apps can read.
Also - I am a terrible example because I have a backup yubikey to sign up two tokens
Mostly I find myself weirded out by people acting like authenticator apps are high friction in comparison to SMS 2FA. The user experience of "hopefully the code arrives quickly" makes it just that bit unpleasant even when they often *do* come promptly. (Yubikeys have a very obvious $$ barrier to being the norm for individuals.)
Yeah, I just only have the option of Google TOTP which squicks me, or Yubico TOTP which needs a key, so uh, kinda fails the access test

But also - I am *far* more likely to lose a phone than by hit by SIM swapping (to be clear - only because I'm a dumbass)
Yeah, most of my TOTP tokens are mirrored across my Yubikeys largely to save headaches when changing phones. I have one on Entrust's app that I can't do that with and the couple of times I've had to move it were a pain finding the instructions again.

But using Yubico TOTP also basically primed me for "password manager TOTP is functionally the same as Google TOTP but with the convenience of device portability"
Well, the issue most people have with password manager TOTP is that then if your password manager is compromised, then your password is

And the answer to that is "it's complicated" - but yeah - in a perfect world we'd all have two security keys, and one is kept in a secure location and one is kept in a wallet/keychain - but that's not feasible (says the man with that)
@โ›… w chance of bears Although for authenticator apps, the high friction comes when the device where tokens are installed disappears for some reason (repairs, theft, replacement). Then the real uphill battle starts.

My son asked to watch a song with a video about a train, so I put on a song about a train, and he's like "Why are there lions?"
See, the song was about Wild Cats

I dummyed a variable for integration testing of our pipelines
And it turns out it silently failed *lint* in the *build stage*, not a prelinter

Pipielines were a mistake
i went absolutely apeshit on a linter two months ago:

it barfed up a message like "you are adding elements to this array in a fixed-size loop, preallocate space for it first" for some test setup code that was like,

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { vector.emplace(blah blah); }

so the guy fixing all this linter garbage typoed


instead of


so a bunch of unit tests were now using a homogeneous pile of default-constructed elements


does the linter warn you about "hey, you have a big vector of identical default-constructed elements and then you added 1000 actual randomized test objects to it that none of your code will ever touch?" โ€” no, of course not, that's too complicated for it

Yeah - computers can't read code - and the people writing linters suck - it's hard - I think they're a net good - but seriously - they get in the way so often
yeah, a net benefit but certainly less useful โ€” and, ime, less trustworthy โ€” than "-Wall -Werror"
I mean - a compiler warning and a linter is definitely similar.

But yeah - the compiler will usually say "you're an idiot, but I'll allow it' instead of "fuck off and rewrite it"
I get why the linter said it - but - horrible - these are both *good* uses for a linter - but fuck - that shouldn't have passed review.
But - seriously - make the linter not dumb, and make it make suggestions if it has some.

Also - why the fuck are they populating a vector with a loop?!
the actual code is more like

for (blah blah) {
// do some rng shit to make a funny object and maybe connect it to some other objects
vector.emplace(blah blah);
Seriously need a feature like:
featureFlag new_ui = false; #fuck-off-linter-I-mean-this

I mostly respect Indigo's response to their security incident. Shutting down their entire online store takes actual guts.

(If you don't know what Indigo is - it's Canadian Barnes and Noble)

Reading raw HTTP requests and just finding dozens of font faces and a full copy of a PDF viewer flying by me

Alex P. ๐Ÿ‘น reshared this. this youtuber is rapidly becoming a non-trivial portion of my media diet

But only the series where he does an employment survey of a video game, and then does a report on it - and - uh - what an ideal gimmick just slowly falling apart trying to figure out what employment means "The thieves are taking money from people... but I guess that's any job..."

Hey Google - since you're fucking morons who don't know what AI is - why don't you just buy some lawmakers and get them to fine/imprison people for making horrible shitty AI a part of an app. Kill Microsoft and take the dumb shit offline!

Oh no! Two days ago I was the *email expert* but now I'm apparently the *not getting in the spam folder* expert - and those are way different
I just gotta say though

I'm so fucking lucky to have my job - this is awesome

Just got a slack update for how they handle DMs and I actually screamed
it's new and improved for your convenience tho ;)
This is why we don't use open chat services.

but seriously - I hate this

I work at a place where everyone gets hyped about AI stuff, and I go "Hey - here's some concerns around data governance" and during the same meeting, the very hype product team agreed to change directions, began brainstorming new ideas, and killed the plans that I had concerns about.

Damn, this is amazing

FoolishOwl reshared this.

They didn't stop wanting to use AI - but they rescoped things

Fuck prescriptivist linguistics, I believe that anything I say is what I mean and what I say means what I think it does!

It's all psychosemantic

Jay Hannah reshared this.

This pun is incredibly tortured

Revolutionary X-Men group where the leader is named Mitochondria
See, it's an X-Men cell and she's the powerhouse

Iโ€™ve had good experiences with Drains R Us. Iโ€™ve used them a few times (renovations + general plumbing support calls).

Muppets RPG Noodling:

So the GM is playing the character who wants the episode to work. They (secretly) set a list of segments that need to happen. Your goal is to successfully do all these scenes.

Everyone else creates a character, that character has a goal (I think 2-3 would be correct), something they want to happen in the episode. Typically this is gonna be like, flirt with a guest star, manage to do a song, or whatever.

You may generate a guest star once all this is together.

Use some sort of tooling to allow people to take the scene and control it, use a Baron Munchhausen style story-stick game, but probably with some Drama System style stuff to get the game flowing. The GM sets each scene, but then the player whose "turn" it is has *control* and needs to try to accomplish their goals or complete the scene. At the end of the scene, do some sort of Fiasco-style "success" ceremony.

At the end of the game, if the GM succeeded at making most of the scene "succeed", then you move on. Otherwise you take a cancellation point. When you have a pre-determined number of cancellation points, the campaign is over.

If a player accomplishes their goals, they get a star power, which can probably be used in the Drama System style stuff above, or just generally used for bragging points when the series is finally cancelled.

Alternate arrangement would be to use Budget in place of cancellation points.

#Muppets #TTRPG

Libraries are one of the few spaces allowed to focus on being great over being profitable

Meetings about email and DNS all morning, next it's a meeting about pentesting

I feel like i'm doing this "Hacker Lead" thing right

Whenever I make an object in our cloud that I don't think is gonna be long lived, I just called it "DeleteMeAfterFeb2023" and it is... very nice.

I just found a random token in our environment and was like "fuuuuuuck gonna take forever to track". And then it had the comment "If you see this after April 2022, delete it"

And, thanks past me

reshared this

So Mastodon recently made a change where if you click on someone's profile and view it, and then click follow, you get told "fuck off to your own damn instance and just search you idiot"

Whereas the Mastodon expectation is that I've specifically viewed the profile of everyone I click the follow button for.

I'm not sure why the mastodon community has opted for maximum friction for their preferred workflow.
@silverwizard I always want to check what they post before I follow them. This works when doing it from a post or comment, though you need to skip the first tow options. But from a contact request, the option isn't there as far as I can tell. I keep trying to look for them and I only run into all the wrong options there.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
That is definitely the pain in the ass!

One of the things about people being bad actors with APIs is that APIs are a way to make automations more polite, and work on your terms. They are contract.

Twitter is basically WotC and the OGL right now. They want you to pay microtransactions in order to do something you can legally do, but they could, in theory, make take *slightly* more work.

Well, ok, twitter wants macrotransactions

BitBucket: "You can automate your shit with pipelines!"
Me: "But how do I automate the automation?!"

I just want not need to manage my pipeline schedules through the *web*

So I knew this song as a kid. And I cannot find any evidence it exists online *except this website*

I've got a memory of finding a youtube video of one person sing it

Does this weirdness live in anyone else's memory?

silverwizard reshared this.

Made candied orange peel, and then made orange cinnamon bread, then French toast with maple butter

and uh, gonna do that again

(sorry, French toast is not photogenic)

I describe NPC body language as giving away vibes *a lot*

Like, the PCs say a bunch and I go "She scowls and seems disbelieving but doesn't speak"
Or "She replies " that makes sense", obviously not believing that"

I realize I don't know if I see that elsewhere.


reshared this

Hmm, this inspires me to put a body language cheatsheet into my GM screen!

Do I know anyone with an M2 Mac to try to connect to MySQL in a docker container via an SSL tunnel via MySQL Workbench?

I think I found a consistent crash

The question on everyone's mind today
Awwwww, they shot it because they thought balloons were from the same place as spaghetti

Someone just used the words "tinder box" in the context of tech things.

And my first thought wasn't "thing that burns" but something much worse
"Date went pretty well, we ended up getting a tinderbox after"
