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Muppets RPG Noodling:

So the GM is playing the character who wants the episode to work. They (secretly) set a list of segments that need to happen. Your goal is to successfully do all these scenes.

Everyone else creates a character, that character has a goal (I think 2-3 would be correct), something they want to happen in the episode. Typically this is gonna be like, flirt with a guest star, manage to do a song, or whatever.

You may generate a guest star once all this is together.

Use some sort of tooling to allow people to take the scene and control it, use a Baron Munchhausen style story-stick game, but probably with some Drama System style stuff to get the game flowing. The GM sets each scene, but then the player whose "turn" it is has *control* and needs to try to accomplish their goals or complete the scene. At the end of the scene, do some sort of Fiasco-style "success" ceremony.

At the end of the game, if the GM succeeded at making most of the scene "succeed", then you move on. Otherwise you take a cancellation point. When you have a pre-determined number of cancellation points, the campaign is over.

If a player accomplishes their goals, they get a star power, which can probably be used in the Drama System style stuff above, or just generally used for bragging points when the series is finally cancelled.

Alternate arrangement would be to use Budget in place of cancellation points.

#Muppets #TTRPG