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I have a file in my home bin called clipscrip and it's literally:
`xclip -i -selection clipboard
xclip -o -selection clipboard`

On MacOS it was

And it's useful so much of the time, basically similar to tee

Somebody stop me from thinking too much about LiveJournal style moods and their value in a social network
in reply to silverwizard

You can kinda do moods on Facebook but nobody does and it's dumb. Nobody does icons.
in reply to Darcy Casselman

Yeah - a lot of "mood" isn't just a mood post (hell, everyone does something like Mood now), it's more about posting with specific style, and I dunno

I am really happy that I've gotten to the point where I have the stuff done in advance to be able to make these in 10 minutes (plus 20 minutes cook time).

Homemade bread, homemade pizza sauce, vegan pepperoni, and a stick of cheddar, inside. Parmesan grated over top

in reply to Liwott

Huh, that's an interesting view. That makes sense - but huh.

I don't really know what the root pepper sausage that pepperoni and pepperettes are modified versions of....

My media diet is so bad that @Becky isn't surprised I watched a nearly two hour video on Highschool Musical

My underdesk bike officially no longer maintains a pedal for more than 10 minutes

Any recommendations for desk exercise gear?

Dropping a branch on my coworkers where everyone wants to make some comments, but no one is willing to actually push approve
Unknown parent

I am good at regex *imo* - but I kinda refuse to be forced to read a non-trivial regex
Unknown parent

Ug, I wish there was more research on reading non-phonological languages!

A friend of ours brought us a plate of cookies like, a year ago, and there was a Pikachu on the plate. He has been a little obsessed with every single Pikachu he's seen since, and sometimes just wants to see Pikachu.

Pikachu was basically the great piece of Brand ever.

in reply to silverwizard

Fuck - words - he was my son in this context >.<
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Yeah - but if I do that it doesn't really get refreshed into feeds where the sudden addition of context may make the earlier post suddenly meaingful
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Do you think anyone who follows you for any meaningful amount of time would actually be confused?
in reply to silverwizard

that was a cute bit of surreal literature
in reply to benis

The only thing you can call my brain in the morning

Fuck - it has been a fuck of a week, and I am terrible at email this week

According to my notes, a 60% on the midterm I'll be writing soon will bring the weighted average future mark I need to pass the course (and thus graduate) below zero. Based on the priors, I have a reasonable expectation of clearing that bar with plenty of room to spare.

Why has no one made a deck umbrella with solar panels and a USB outputting battery?

Igni (Lars) (he/him) reshared this.

Unknown parent


So my theory was:
3 panels that can be folded into a single rectangle, per panel of the antenna.

Cord from the panels to a base. The base containing the battery, and the USB ports.

If you are going to try out Mastodon, try and avoid and They are far too large and have far too few moderators. That is often why the ham-handed moderation incidents happen.

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Seriously though, the term Exit in businesses is one of the most horrifying parts of modern capitalism.

You don't build a business to be a good business, you build a business to run until you find a way to squeeze all the money out as raw cash.

in reply to silverwizard

Yep yep!

And since it's now at least tangentially related, I never miss an opportunity to share this article (which you may have read already) by Charlie Stross on companies as alien entities; one of my fave pieces of all time. So here ya go:…

I dislike having skittles and jellybeans in the house, because as quickly as I can we no longer do. And then I feel bad.

I am not sure if this is very good, or apocalyptic

Seems @flockingbird is taking up the challenge of building a “#fediverse #LinkedIn.”

TIL that my instance advertises its block list and block reason.

Lol - the number of times I just put "Fuck 'Em" in there.

Though the one time I just used "vibes" is pretty funny

Unknown parent

Hypolite Petovan
@Jonathan Lamothe (he/him) ❌ Ah, it's different. Having a logged-in only display of node-level individual account blocks, maybe not as a list but as a mark on the locally stored profile would be worthwhile.

I just realized that my 392 word message to someone could be summed up by the line "GM killed me but was mean about it, so I didn't enjoy our victory"


Unknown parent

No, it's a joke about that time we found random people's home directories in request paths, including a file called "Bears-rvb"

What did Mario and Princess Peach do to the turtles that turned them from persistent critters looking for ponds and turned them into such vindictive little creatures?
in reply to Becky

@Becky Koopa is the species, but the aggressive ones are Koopa Troopas, foot soldiers of the Koopa Troop under Bowser's command.

Made some time to make some stickers and a shirt inspired by @silverwizard that just say WTFM with a border

I care about building community, but holy cow is it hard when you have two busy littles and you only have time AND energy to post or read posts in short intervals like once every few days. Plus I keep liking posts with the intent to respond but then I get caught up with life and forget. It all gets a lil intense sometimes
in reply to Becky

I don’t have children and find keeping up difficult enough. I’m sure you’re doing an amazing job, I take my hat off to you. I don’t think I could manage!
in reply to Lilly

@Lilly :infinity_rainbow: @Becky These days, it's been very difficult to keep up with it, I had to curb my timeline not to feel bad about missing on posts.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

I'm glad it's not just me who's feeling it ❤️
in reply to Becky

Not that I want you to be stressed too or anything

I'd be a lot better at logging into things if I ever remembered to spell Silver correctly
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Slicerwizard sounds like a star wars hacker Jedi
Slverwizard and silerwizard are the common bad errors

Doomer Shit

I've been listening to a lot of anarchist music recently - and the amount that it reminds me of when I was deeper in Christian Anarchist spaces. And I miss it so much.

I really hope that things last long enough I can bring my kids into that space.

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard The clarification is even funnier to me than the original attempt, which was also funny to me.
Unknown parent

One day I will finally watch Full Metal Alchemist and get this joke

I bet #rpg #ttrpg probably need this since indexing is super important there!

so obviously i'm sad twitter died, mainly because i got a lot of my indexing jobs that way, so if you need to have a book indexed, hire me! (please reblog this academics)

reshared this

Drinking whiskey from a mason jar, causing a prod outage, and playing Blades in the Dark, while sitting in front of 3 computers

The full Sean experience

My son just grabbed me and said "You're mine forever!"

So I'm gonna be over here, killed by joy

Being a vegetarian is weird because I often forget I am a vegetarian, but everyone acts like I talk about it too much
in reply to CJ the Awkward Lefty

It's mostly that I think people who aren't vegetarian feel judged by vegetarians, so when they find out they get super defensive and then it's weird
in reply to silverwizard

I've heard that before. Ian Danskin (Innuendo Studios) has a great old video on why people get weird around people who live differently to the mainstream and he also concludes that they feel judged by the existence of people who chose a different path from them.

Amazon did an obvious thing after only 20 years!

This is, I admit, better than I expected

@HippyWizard @awscloud You can now have more than one #MFA Check out the feature announcement here…

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via


Ug - I need to play Kings Quest 8 and the rest of the Monkey Islands

Fuck you bitbucket! I win this round!

Some fucker listed the public key for our keys as a "secured variable", so I can find out which public key the repo is using and I can't see it in outputs!

So if I add the keys to a file, then cat the file, bitbucket is clever enough to mask the key!

So I just got the repo to list all the public keys for the deployment account - and it masked the public key it was using!


Also - BitBucket entirely did the right thing here - whoever setup the repo was BOONKERS

Anyone have any advice for a #HomeLab #LDAP server?

I think I am getting to the point that I want my local resources to have SSO

I'd especially appreciate advice on having two endpoints so that I can have failover easily enabled

in reply to silverwizard

Authentik aims to be a one stop solution as it comes with LDAP built in plus OIDC. That said it's fairly unproven in larger deployments so the code isn't battle tested unlike say FreeIPA. Lots of folks use it in #homelab and are happy with it. Personally I've got FreeIPA setup and will be deploying authentik later.
Unknown parent

Yeah this seems super Linux centric, but thanks for the tip, maybe it'll run more portably than that

My first rule of sysadminning:
If someone forgets to do something important two weeks in a row, that wasn't their fault, that was the system designer's fault

Sharrow_irl reshared this.

I got to learn about how connecting over cable to the internet worked tonight with the power level indicating 1s and 0s very very quickly, how packets can be confused and how tcp and udp work from @silverwizard .... but then I asked the age old question: how does wireless work

And friends, let me tell you that I'm amazed it works at all but also... why did I need to ask, because I think I'm more confused now, at the same time.... like I think I understand it in theory but uh, I feel like my theory of wireless must also be wrong because uh... wut

in reply to unfunk

Sometimes I get hit by curiosity, but sometimes I regret getting it lol
in reply to Becky

yeah I feel that. Hence setting my own limits hahaha

I don't use mastodon so I'm not sure, but I think the zeitgeist is that everyone took the plums out of the icebox because they won't perish because they published?

silverwizard reshared this.