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Slowly watching Sean die internally while he reads something unknown on his feed
MedTech VCs should at least know what the word holistic means and how it is differentiated from natural
Any sentence containing the words "VCs should at least know" is, probabilistically speaking, just setting you up for disappointment.
I spend every holiday dinner getting told how good at their jobs VCs are! The fact that my lack of faith is correct is *worse*.
I mean, their job is "make a lot of bets at on-average-favorable odds", and (especially in environments where there's a lot of money sloshing around to buy companies at post-VC stages) it's not hard to be good at that without actually knowing anything useful.
There are absolutely no requirement for becoming VC except money. The complete antithesis of meritocracy. Which they also are wrong about.
I know

I really should be less involved in VC culture - but my life kinda makes it impossible to be