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For @Becky 's birthday, our 5yo wanted to make a custom PvZ mod where everything is rainbows.

So our first attempt all the work we did got eaten because the game didn't like the files. So we redid it, and then had to test.

And my son is being a proper game dev, having all his work ruined and needing to fix it

Ben Zanin reshared this.

I have a friend who is being harassed and threatened semi-anonymously via Facebook. She knows *who* it is, but Facebook and Police are characteristically being uselss.

I am kinda useless at this side of deanonymization, but does anyone have advice or resources for deanonymizing enough to get cops to move?

#infosec #batsignal

if you can host a file on a site where you can look at the access logs and then post a link to that file, you might be able to bait them into downloading the file which could give you their IP address in the access logs. A whois search for the IP address.could get you their ISP and geolocation information on the IP could get you the general area.

That's a lot of "ifs" and "coulds", though.

here is a Forbes article (that also points to more sources) on how to do it. Beware that it isn't a quick fix, but it can work if they are persistent (and it require some legal action, which isn't always affordable).
the method in the Forbes article uses a blog and site statistics apps to gather the IP information. Same principal.

from there, if the police still won't do something, it turns to filing court orders to get information from the IP holders about who had the IP at the time of access and harassment.

Good luck.

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I am reading my kid The Hobbit at bedtime, and this feels like the most authentic and fun way to read it

I realized I bought that disk a year after I bought the router. It died when I came home from my honeymoon (same night) and my roommate was a streamer, so I replaced it with that disk. I had an SD card, coaxed it to life on that, bought a 120GB disk from Canada Computers, then an 8GB off Aliexpress. Put the 120GB in the set top box later.

So that card is almost 10-years-to-the-day old

I feel like a proper cyberpunk when I manage to pull apart a set top box, pull out the disk, and use that to rebuild my router.