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When designing a tabletop exercise - and I find a massive problem - do I fix it right away or until after the tabletop is done?

I feel like I'm probably gonna fix it, and not mention it until the end of the scenario >.<

Thinking about referencing, and writing code based on the reference, my copy of Object Oriented Perl

Stop me!

Becky has given up disagreeing that "Robert Bobert" is too far from "Rowan" for a nickname

Shæ still calls him Rowby Bowby

@HippyWizard You do understand that you JUST created a trouble ticket for me by even mentioning this possibility right?

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Looking up what happens when NTP fails on a massively sharded cluster with eventual consistency

Because I need to make sure my table top scenarios hurt people deep in their soul

Welp - NetBSD crashed on firstboot on my MacBook - can't even get through normal boot

I guess I need go figure out what a NetBSD is first

in reply to silverwizard

Oh hey! Second boot worked just fine - but then the broken screen on that macbook borked

Gotta wait until I have a spare display

Hot take: The "HR filter" that stops hiring managers from getting junior candidates into the pipeline is a bigger cybersecurity risk to the org than most threat actors.

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I today the day I get stuff together and cut USB sticks to install NetBSD on a 2017 macbook and figure out managing FreeDOS for flashing RAID card firmwares?

Hey - if you like mystery boardgames try Chronicles of Crime - my wife and I got 2400 this weekend, and, it just feels good.

I'd call it a modernized and improved Eagle Eye Detective Agency with extra fairness and incredible production values!

Thinking about how we have to vote in our community elections for mayor and other community elected members coming up soon and the language being used by some terfs to hide what they're really doing from the public in order to get elected...

Oh they just want "child appropriate school material" by banning lgbtq+ books from classrooms

Like just say you want to ban books if you really think it's a problem for children, but I know you understand exactly what you're doing and the legitimate backlash you'll recieve if you're honest about what you're doing so you hide behind a face to get the thing you want so you can hurt people

in reply to silverwizard

@thefringthing (I mostly hate them because the stick gimmick is weird and I love sour cream timbits)

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard Would your son reject stickless pops?

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This morning I had my hair pulled for some undetermined number of hours while I tried to sleep

Then I woke up to start the day by taking both kids to their vaccine appointments

Now they're both feeling it and I'm exhausted so countdown to having another adult help commences

Problem is, while I was having every hair yanked out of my head, he was having his head repeatedly kicked by a tiny toddler.... so......

Not sure these vaxes were a great idea for today 😓

I asked my 1 year old son if he could say "Sean" yesterday and he said "Dad!" and I feel like that's just as good!

#Shadowrun Shower Thought Questions:
1) Can a mage use FAB as an ink only visible with astral sight?
2) Does that mean I can put FAB in a printer and print things that spirits can read?
3) Does that mean I can print off top secret data and make a backup with an ally spirit?
in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard @FrauAnarcha The first two I think yes. I don’t know the connection between fab and a ally spirit though. That’s a rule I am unaware of.

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in reply to 1/2cupofsentientcoffee.

@HippyWizard @FrauAnarcha Though I wil say I don’t think spirits inherently are literate. Ally spirits and a couple others sure they can be.

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Hey! Remember! Meta is a computer keyword! Gotta dissolve Meta

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in reply to silverwizard

it's funny somebody actually did it

For it to be at the origin of a change in legislation, it must have caused a loss of data somewhere

in reply to Kicou

Most likely it caused loss of data for someone with *a lot* of cash - and yeah, it was the perfect prank!

One of the fascinating things about the mass migration to GMail is how giving your email address to a company and having them send you almost daily spam is considered *normal* and *good*.
in reply to ⛅ w chance of bears

@tjrobotham Spam filtering is not a legal requirement.

While I completely understand the logic being used - it's still fucking garbage

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard of course it's not a legal requirement; the parallel was simply there

I'm more baffled by the marketing minds that think multiple emails per day to infrequent customers is good and okay

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One of these weeks, I'm going to wake up the morning after dojo night without my body reminding me that it's been two and a half years since I've been getting more exercise than walking on a regular basis.

This isn't feeling like the week.

My GM style is almost entirely "Cold Reading and Hot Reading" and pandemic GMing online makes that way harder

I think I've offloaded 80% of my thinking work onto past Sean, meaning I can now focus on finishing snake people and dragons for Burning Wheel

The first question to ask yourself when writing a novel set in the modern world:
Is this work cyberpunk
in reply to silverwizard

So they hack cellphones? Use the tracking devices everyone carries? Grab metadata from insta posts? Or do they just act like there's no internet?
in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard The second question then potentially becomes, "If it's not cyberpunk then why bother writing it?" 😏😍👩🏼‍🎤

Also, twitter needs better cyberpunk emojis. Insufficient representation of neural enhancements and external body mods with the current options.

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When I was 8ish the Disneys Aladdin game had Abu follow Aladdin everywhere but act on his own and not take damage

Rather than giving my brother a turn, I gave him the second controller and told him he could be Abu

So, that but non-evil

Babysitting a 4 year old has me convinced that what video games need is “little buddy mode,” where a kid can have a character that just jogs along with you and can help/get their own encouraging score but cannot be harmed

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in reply to silverwizard

I spent a lot of hours on the Aladdin and Lion King games. Those were fun.

Bought my son objectively too many train tracks and trains today, but they kept a 3 year old *entertained* and *happy* for over 8 hours on a rainy/gray day, so it was the right call

in reply to silverwizard

Sir, I do not own random piles of bricks, they are neatly stored by mold type in drawers and bags, inventoried in my BrickLink store!

This morning I am annoyed

I went to my mum's outdoor 60th birthday party and she had invited her wheelchair bound friend to the party. It was in the back garden with a very narrow pathway to the party and they (my mum's friend and her mum, also my mum's friend) wanted to get past this awkward part that was too narrow because of the concrete stairs to the house.

So my brother and I stick around to help. He suggests he lift the very heavy wheelchair in which the person in the wheelchair and her mum both say that it's too heavy and they'd rather not try. To which my brother starts inspecting the wheelchair and goes to touch it multiple times, at which point I said, each time, "you can't touch it, you need to ask first" (he did actually touch it once, I think)

Which like should be common knowledge, I thought was common knowledge. Like, in the vein of, you wouldn't touch someone's purse without asking why would you touch their wheelchair (obviously this is an imperfect example because wheelchairs are not just like purses etc).

After they were past this tricky point, my brother, gives me this absolutely furious-with-me look and storms off to calm down. I hate it. But I feel incredibly strongly about consent, and it is actually an important thing... :(

in reply to Becky

It’s like touching someone’s leg, so the purse comparaison indeed doesn’t really work. This is also why the expression “wheelchair bound” doesn’t make much sense. A wheelchair is liberating rather than limiting or confining. Prefer “using a wheelchair”.

I recognize the irony of pointing this out as a comment to a story about someone who got upset to be pointed out their behavior regarding disability wasn’t welcome, but I felt it was important other people knew about this expression.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan

No, thank you for pointing it out, I think it's important and I can always learn and improve on my language ❤️

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop drawing basic JWT login flows for me in your API docs, and instead tell me the name of the variables I need to set!

Unknown parent

If I average 50% in all my course work for the rest of the term, I get to graduate on the Dean's Honour List.

I expect the required average future mark to fall below 0% sometime in late November.

child goes to the doctor. says his suffering is unbearable. says all the world's miseries are on his head. doctor says, "You should go to Omelas. Remarkable place. It's the Festival of Summer, and almost everyone there lives in joy and peace."
"but doctor," the child says--

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The real problem with USB-C is that it doesn't implement the C11 standard and is stuck at C99

reshared this

Unknown parent

I think the intersection of the USB and C standards amounts to UnSpecified Behavior :-)
Unknown parent

I've got some ancient USB-A cables that are looking more and more Rust-compatible as time goes by :-)

in reply to silverwizard

"A snapshot which is also called a backup"

I feel like this is designed to make my head explode

in reply to silverwizard

And now the quiz:
"Application Load Balancers accept the following protoctols EXCEPT"
The answer was "TCP" - since HTTP is obviously not TCP

Fucking AWS

Amazon - can we talk a second?

"Warm Pool Instances" sounds like someone peed.

Pick a different name

Working through trauma really makes you feel internally turbulent in a way that is really complicated to express

One day I'll feel internally stable again and I look forward to it... I feel lucky and thankful that I have some idea what it's supposed to look and feel like ❤️

I should do some art expression tonight 😊, and consider what audiobooks might be fun

People always tell me their systems with an arcane DSL are better and more maintainable than "a bash script", but then their jobs require 10 years with that DSL

Wishing I had a VR headset so I could have a large xterm that didn't take a large monitor

Like a normal person

Unknown parent

yeah, wrong type of Terminal
Unknown parent


:P No I get it! I actually wonder how it would be

I feel like in VR it would be weird and dark - and I'd need to figure out so much weirdness to make it work

Unknown parent

@DCuplink That's what I said! We can't prove it's erasable!

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard ah hah ha! wait! there's more! we rsync'ed that to our cold site storage too!

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard How did this work out for you

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in reply to Urist Uristson

@PizzaFacts2go Perfectly! Giant sandbox! only mild concussion!

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard Lmao did you actually have a mild concussion??

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in reply to silverwizard

@HippyWizard @PizzaFacts2go Only mild concussion is too much concussion already!!

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