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So I have a Shadowrun GM who wants to run deep political intrigued and complex cons

But he's absolutely awful at it

So he trying to run a political grift that we're opposing and we found why the politician who had backed down, they had received a note saying "Change your vote, or else"

And I was like "ok, but this is a grift, what the fuck is actually happening, we gotta figure out why nothing made her fold" and then the GM was like "oh, it had an explicit death threat"

And I think I'm offending him because I keep thinking that "a politician receiving death threats" wouldn't even crack the top ten surprising things that had happened to her in a day. But he keeps saying how this is deep politics and no hints we have to figure it out.

He did ask me some advice on running a con before the game, and I gave him a series of real life and Shadowrun focused resources so I feel like I'm justified in assuming he had the resources to write more than "a super shadowrun social engineering team flipped a vote via death threats"

"Or else" isn't very specific. At the very least include a photo of the politician's children at their school or something. That's what makes a threat at least somewhat credible.

I'm also running a somewhat political game, but it's not that deep. I'm mostly following the SRM4 adventures, fleshing them out a bit more here and there. I want to do a bit more with the corruption around the Backhaven administration, but I'm not sure how. It's mentioned a lot in various sources, but never very fleshed out.

@Martijn Vos yeah that makes sense!

And yeah! It is a very minor unactionable letter with no proof they can *do* anything. As I read it, it's a violent person blowing off steam, sure, it could be a problem, but that's why you have security!

I was expecting some level of:
inside person who was leveraging a weakpoint to talk her into being stressed out and afraid, balanced by threats and perhaps demonstrations, but apparently not