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The hardest part of computers is that people keep making bad things to make them easier, and then trying to justify the bad things rather than replace them

knightly reshared this.

@silverwizard I saw this pattern summarized like this about AI:
Tech: We are creating X
Critics: Valid concerns
Tech: We'll address these when we get there!
Tech: *creates Torment Nexus*
Critics: Alarmed concerns
Tech: Welp, cat's out of the bag, there's no going back now!
Yeah - its definitely partially that, but also, there's just, bad tools and bad patterns that keep us from using good patterns.

Lets Encrypt
At least Pipewire seems like a decent replacement for that first one. If Pipewire is also bad I'd love to know.
I honestly try to avoid using Linux, and if I'm using linux it's because I need to use linux weird idiocy, and so rarely use its extra pieces. So no idea.
Oh, I feel the same way but about Windows. That's kinda funny!
I would never touch Windows with a 10ft pole ;)

I'm a BSD jerk :D
Oh awesome! I love BSD but I had trouble figuring out how to use it, and now that my new computer is ARM I can't seem to get it to work at all.
Yeah, FreeBSD and NetBSD arm support is complicated since dtbs are a pain
Arm efi is gonna make this better once it's done, but for now, the support is pretty good with the recent releases