Dave friendica
Why yes, company that I expect to do business with exactly once in my life, I would love to create a special account on your website just for you and then get told that you won't let me access the thing I've already paid for because you don't like my name.
Wait - which company?
Dave friendica
LifeTouch, for grad photos. To access anything from the actual photo session (paid for up front before you get the chance to pay more for prints) requires a session ID (from the receipt they gave me when they were taken), an access code (from the "OK, we finally updated our database" email), *plus* the name of the person the photos are of. I had to call customer service, and give them the information, and they told me my name was misspelled in that database (but not as recorded on the receipt) and what to tell the website to get it to let me in.
Ah good ol' Manual Data Entry

And lol - perfect