Comment if you're interested
I'm curious how many people and in what way people care about opsec
Personally, I am pretty certain my opsec is awful and I kinda wish I could have better opsec because I am generally, clinically (sometimes) paranoid but I also, in my clearer head, think it's too much work to bother with and more than likely nobody will do anything with information I post online
I really hope I don’t associate Sean & Ro's birthdays with the upsetting events that transpired this year but I imagine it's going to be such a salient memory attached to very specific dates, I really don’t know how I'm going to avoid the natural association
For context, a family member I was once close to, went into palliative care and then passed. Which is it's own thing I'm not going to get into
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M. The Crystalline Entity likes this.
@SaddestRobots But but but!
Why wouldn't it!?
Not even multiheaded devices, what if you just want to be able to force some things to go to a place and misbehave there in peace!
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Alex P 👹
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I saw a huge bumble bee in our garden today and took some time to explain to Shæ why it was something exciting to me
He looks at the bumble bee and says "he's so cutttee" 🥰
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Congratulations, you solved Redactle #49!
You solved it in 13 guesses
Your accuracy was 53.85%
Whoa, that was lucky
Somehow our first ever family vacation with the kiddos ended up with a massive province wide power outage, no water, and then my grandmother went into palliative care so.... hmm...
Sean thinks it's because I'm cursed (thru no fault of my own, he insists)
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Ug, I love writing software and software tools to support RPGs
I wish there was a way to support people in that action without money changing hands, and without weirdness
MrCopilot likes this.
Greyor πυρρόγενειος🧔 reshared this.
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Mystery Babylon reshared this.
My toddler is in that toddler mood where you blink and he's draining the bottle of baby shampoo all over the a piece of wooden climbing equipment. If I'm not careful I might be tangled in a web of tape
This is not shade on my toddler btw, he's just very busy and that's good and fine
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
`head -1 list `
and this feels like I'm either being smart or dumbMrCopilot reshared this.
Figuring out how to not be helpful is one of the weirdest parts of being a lead.
I can't just help everyone immediately, I need to figure out how to help people by connecting them to the right people. I just want to do it!
MrCopilot likes this.
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Luna Dragofelis ΘΔ 🏳️⚧️ reshared this.
My birth story with Shæ, I was in a much better place and I wrote the story down and loved to tell people
My birth story with Ro, I was in a lot worse of a space, and I didn't want to remember every detail so I didn't write it down and hardly ever tell anyone
It kinda sucks that I won't have a stored memory for both of them because I wish it could be something celebratory in my mind for Ro too
I guess this is just how it goes... I wonder how many other people had similar experiences, if anyone ever did
I had to learn how to do JOINs in mysql today
Can I never learn any more MySQL?
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silverwizard likes this.
Friendica is using BBCode for formatting of the postings @Dave for the ALT text of images, you can place the text in the middle of the [img][/img]-Tags. E.g.
[img=]And this would be the ALT text for the image used on mouse over etc.[/img]
Have a look at your nodes BBCode documentation for more information about the implementation of the BBCode in Friendica, and things like the "abstracts" which other parts of the Fediverse use for CW.
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in reply to silverwizard • •