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I don't want to advocate for a foreign invasion of the US, but if we were to happen to leave the door to Canada unlocked one night and they snuck in and annexed us, I feel like I could live with that.
in reply to Matt Blaze

We could be a very quiet 11th province. Just call us South Ontario or something. We wouldn't eat much, I promise.
in reply to Matt Blaze

i might do some damage on some duck poutine but yeah, mostly i'm a light eater. :D
in reply to Matt Blaze

Quebec is a problem because of the French language thing but on the whole i'd go for being Sud du Québec as they have the best pastries and i hear they make beer and soda from Christmas trees.

@CleoQc Can we please. You only have to take New York State if you don't want all of us

in reply to Matt Blaze

as an #Ontario resident… do you realize how f*cked up Ontario is right now? We just elected a mob leader to lead our province for the 3rd consecutive time. Our healthcare and education systems are being actively defunded and are crumbling. We are struggle bussing over here.
in reply to erin (she/her)

@erin I know you have your own problems up there, but we’re kind of desperate here
in reply to Matt Blaze

I mean your problem would be following right behind trying to annex us anyways. May as well stay there and start pushing back from the inside.
in reply to Matt Blaze

@erin Americans would be lucky if DoFo level problems were the worst of what they're facing.

I say this as a committed "Doug is the worst" ON resident, who has lived down south too.

in reply to Matt Blaze

so you're saying they would be more horrified by the outcome?
in reply to Matt Blaze

I hear they bring the credit card terminal right to your table at restaurants there! So advanced!
in reply to Kevin Mirsky

When I visited (extremely past tense now) I was shocked that all y’all are still OK with people walking away with your credit cards.
in reply to RyeNCode 🇨🇦

@RyeNCode @kevinmirsky One of the things the US got right early was having essentially no consumer-side liability for credit card fraud, which makes it much less my problem if they walk away with it.
in reply to Kevin Mirsky

@Kevin Mirsky @Matt Blaze Ok - sorry, I just saw this thread. But...


The US doesn't have WiFI?! Or is there something even more horrid

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Restaurants don't use handheld POS terminals that they can bring to the table. They all still use ones connected directly to the stationary POSes (with very rare exceptions)
in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard my guess? We know when merchants had to upgrade to chip readers, they went with the cheapest options. So they definitely didn't get those features then, and I'm sure they're reluctant to spend the money again to upgrade to portable ones.

And since giving your card to the waiter has always been our norm, there's no pressure for restaurants to change. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to change, but I don't think most Americans know it doesn't have to be this way

in reply to Matt Blaze

i know it's been a while but i'm hoping the netherlands will reclaim nieuw nederland
in reply to Matt Blaze

we did have a Canadian invasion, led by the conservatives like Kevin O'Leary and Wayne Gretzy who supported the MAGA.
in reply to Matt Blaze

I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Canada and Europe have been busy adding codenames for sections of beach in Florida and D.C.


in reply to Matt Blaze


Mike - you know Mike, from Vancouver, right? [1] - had a different plan we decided not to go with, so I guess I can spill the beans on it here now.

We were going to move the border south a kilometer every Sunday night. Eventually, you'd just wake up and realize you were Canadian. We couldn't figure out how to sneak away with the firearms we'd have to confiscate, though. Even Bob - you know Bob, from Toronto, right? - he's pretty strong, but he didn't think he could haul them all. So we ditched his plan.

[1] Canada has lots of legends regarding interactions with Americans. One is that while travelling in the USA, you get asked "Hey, I have a Canadian friend. Do you know Mike, from Vancouver?"...

in reply to C.

@cazabon @CleoQc You don't have to make off with the firearms! Just move them south, to the other side of the border. Eventually they all just spill in to the Gulf of America, thereby also fulfilling the destiny foretold by its new name.

Please get started soon.

in reply to Matt Blaze

Plot twist: Mere minutes after the Trump administration declares that the Confederacy did nothing wrong and that secession is totally fine, actually, Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, Michigan, New York, and most of New England (-glares pointedly at NH-) secede and form two new nations; the Cascadian Cooperative, and the Commonwealth of States, and entreat Canada to form a North American Union with free movement and trade between members.
in reply to Matt Blaze

I mean, a US corporation bought Tim Hortons, and since it's axiomatic that everyone likes to buy donuts (which means donuts > money), I'm pretty sure that means we're all Canadians now.
in reply to Matt Blaze

the change will have to come from the americans themselves : no one can rescue them unless they're willing to rescue themselves.
in reply to Matt Blaze

How bad does it have to get here before we can apply to Canada for political asylum? Asking for a friend.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Matt Blaze

Can't you just start a name collection for to put this proposal on the ballot for the next elections? Secession, and an appeal to Canada to accept you as one of their own?
in reply to Matt Blaze

history is much more in the hands of the #UK and #France and the coalition of the willing to send troops to #Ukraine. Just like they should have to Poland in 1939. The #USA has abdicated any global leadership, any honor. Btw #Mexico and #Canada SHOULD close their borders with the #US by the open of markets tomorrow. Understand what you face here, world. Making life for Trump look more like the life of #Putin will save you from conquest.