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Content warning: My Views of Being a Hacker

Content warning: My Views of Being a Hacker

Profile of a J Random Hacker is such a thinly veiled self description.

I think the hacker/punk ethos is still around, it’s just queers instead of boring cis straight white libertarian autistic men leading the way.

Shouldn’t be surprising. The power dynamic changed in the past 30 years. The leading edge always comes from the margins.

@jonathankoren That's one of the things I think ESR can't, or won't, accept. Hackers are a wildly varied bunch, of all races, creeds, and sexual orientations. And hacking doesn't always involve a computer.

Content warning: My Views of Being a Hacker

Content warning: My Views of Being a Hacker

Content warning: My Views of Being a Hacker