I support increasing the minimum wage, but should a national baseline be tied to the cost of a tiny studio apartment where rent is highest? I’m sitting in a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house “in the woods” and my cost of housing is lower than this: https://universeodon.com/@LadyDragonfly/109853277664537670
Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)
•It's initially efficient to set a national baseline everyone must follow, but that will probably break down over time. It's also not "fair" in the sense you discuss.
Where to draw the efficiency/fairness line is at the heart of many economic debates, but too far in either direction and things break down.
Jay Hannah
•Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)
•gizmomathboy, FC
•Unless I'm misunderstanding the question.
Jay Hannah
•gizmomathboy, FC
•Jay Hannah
•gizmomathboy, FC
•Jay Hannah
Why shouldn't the minimum wage cover living anywhere? I mean - the minimum wage seems like it should be a reasonable living wage?
You might argue that rent speculation might be a different place to fight that - but it seems wrong to be like "the minimum wage shouldn't cover rent"
Jay Hannah
•But NYC and SF are waaaay more out of whack than Omaha, Nebraska where I live. So a federal minimum wage based on NYC would be propping up those insane housing valuations, further enriching those landowners. Those valuations, rent prices should collapse.
I think some version of this formula could work. But locally, not nationally. Punish Omaha’s city council and mayor for not building enough affordable housing here. Don’t try to punish Omaha for NYC’s insanity. We can’t possibly afford that.
But I think it's ok to let people in Nebraska be a little richer?
Martijn Vos
•Jay Hannah
•Martijn Vos
•Although I don't want Amsterdam to become just a rich people's city either. It's a tough thing to balance. This city needs to become cheaper and other places need to become more attractive.
•I agree though, it has to be location dependent. That said I think the place based differences are going to even out a bit over the next couple of decades as more of the housing stock is purchased by large companies
Jay Hannah
•Ya, see my other replies in other parts of these threads… Out of state rent seeking is huge and growing in Omaha, Code for Nebraska did a big project on that.
•Do you know if that Code for Nebraska project is still up? If there is ever renewed interest in that group I would love to participate
Jay Hannah
•Renewed interest? I've been sitting in the Slack for 8 years now. People and projects come and go over the years... :)
Landlords of Omaha
•Martijn Vos
•If I understand the numbers correctly, welfare in NL is about €1000-1500. People on welfare need to be able to pay rent too.
Jay Hannah
•Jay Hannah
•Nebraska TIF Report 2021