The big one is not being able to sideload applications and the lack of third-party app store support, but also the lack of deeper system access for third-party applications. Specifically, I'd miss KDE Connect. Android is unfortunately pretty locked down these days too, but it's nothing like iOS.
Lack of @fdroidorg Lack of reliable notifications on 3rd party apps Lack of customization Lack of Linux compatibility Being able to give a big middle finger to the "Blue Bubble Bullies" who refuse to switch to @signalapp No Cromite Only reliable open source TOTP app is @ente No Fennec No @mollyim No cult of personality with Pixel devices
Mostly the heavy dislike of the ui/ux, apple's condescending attitude towards it's users, and the fan base is worse than Rick and Morty's (see also the tone of your question).
That said, I'm even more done with Google, so my next phone will probably begrudgingly be an iPhone.
I wish there was an actual good choice for phone operating systems that didn't involve not being able to use my banking apps.
What kept me for a long time was a general distaste of how Apple locks things down plus wanting more control over my phone. I used to be a real sticker for system wide EQ, and having rooted apps.
As time went on, I cared less about those things and more about just using my phone to communicate with others, and sadly here in the US, you cannot beat an iPhone for that.
But the main thing that pushed me over the edge was Google’s “ad topics” feature.
shitty iOS design, unintuitive settings, app store, $800 for a phone with 60 hz screen and no adequate support for headphones other than air pods and beats
lack of @fdroidorg , lack of system-wide adblocker (via PersonalDNSfilter). Plus I'm a Linux guy and being able to run termux (and thus many cli programs) is a boon
No open source, no use of third party apps or alternative app stores like fdroid, incompatibility with almost everything that is not Apple, still not using standard cables (like USB-C or at least Micro USB. Though, meanwhile the EU forces them to use USB-C, at least in europe).
if i wanted iPhone, I would have choice between cringe base models, like iPhone 14 and 15 and adequately speced 15 pro models which will have this "AI integration" that will be able to define "context of what's happening in screen", read imessage, look into photos, videos, record and analyze my calls, turn on camera and mic whenever they want and store and analyze my face with 3d scanner. What the fuck is that? Am i user or am i being used to make money off selling my data?
I've already switched to /e/ OS and it's far better. Yet I consider myself an Android user (which is the case). You should make the difference between google-android and others in your question.
I can create an Android app, install it on my phone without having to create a "developer account'", giving my credit card number to Google, buying a Macintosh, and gently asking Google the authorization to install a non-marketplace app on my phone.
- Apple knows best what you need and want - closed ecosystem, walled garden - lacking interoperabililty (e.g. own clouds) - you need an online account (Apple-ID) - intransparency, TOS - AppStore regulations - beeing lied about data transmission, wifi, GPS, ... - monopoly and patents - tracking - saying privacy is important, while messing with data - unability to fix things to your own needs - so much more ...
i had a short detour from android to iOS with the iPhone 12 and it's mostly niche apps where the dev didn't bother with iOS, iPhones being boring and me getting bored of them and I just prefer how android looks and feels these days. There is also the price. I was fine with the base model but my wife wanted a bigger screen and a better camera which means the next phone needed to be the pro max and then the price is extremely unreasonable.
I switched. Generally it is okay, esp. since RetroArch and 3rd party stores are allowed.
But downsides are bad keyboard (and autocorrect) and how it handles downloaded data. It is really a big annoyance to get data from what Mozilla to RetroArch.
I guess I am just too much used to the android ux, that iPhone just gives me issues. For next phone I likely will go back.
the last iPhone I had arrived broken from apple, screen would freak out, reboot and be unusable, not had one since I replaced that with an android same day, in the last 11 years not had a hardware issue with an android.
It's expensive. I can have a new good spec'ed phone for 250€. I'm driving Android but I can change to a degoogled OS and still maintain the same features. The ability to remove permissions on apps as I want. I guess also because of the cult-like feeling of Apple products.
Non being able to install any software I want. #ios is a #goldenprison. Not having f-droid or equivalent, not being able to install on my own the entire operative system. Being forced to be a consumer and not the one who really control my own device. IOS and most android devices are not really yours as you do NOT have complete control on them
The price of the devices; keyboard resetting back to the iOS one; the ridiculously aggressive auto correct; everything takes 2 or 3 extra taps to complete and it's hidden away; pretty much every app is going to be a subscription; the notification system (or lack of a real one). I legitimately tried to switch to iOS and like it, but every single day it was a different headache, I was fighting the OS to do basic things and nothing would go on as i expected.
I'd ask the qustion the other way around: except for people who need specific accessibility features that may be subpar on Android platforms, what reasons do you expect people to have to switch form a platform that can be quite user-respecting (LineageOS, /e/OS, iode) to something worse on pretty much all accounts?
As someone who got his first iPhone last autumn it was mostly USB-C. Also moon prises, but android got that covered now too.
What’s gonna keep me (for now?) well firstly the hope not to need a new phone in the coming six years. Also Apple Watch and good premium paid apps. Let’s see where android is on that in six years.
I always preferred androids freedom. But now I’m mostly just looking for long lasting official updates (banking apps etc be damned).
Nothing. I use apps that are present on both systems and use none that are exclusive. I can switch between iPhone or Android fully in like an hour. It's really awesome actually. Also I can disable tons of Google apps and services without having to use custom ROMs or unlock/flash things.
- Closed sourced - Closed eco system - No support for apps outside App Store without configuration first - Does not support open sourced software in the same way as Android
I don't want to be put in a walled in phone prison and be controlled by Apple.
Android is freedom, don't like Google? - Switch to LineageOS, GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, etc. Also, #opensource apps like F-droid, Newpipe, Termux are Android only.
No fdroid Proprietary Price Limited by design No Roms that strip out tracking Fewer apps Vendor lockin Less KDE connect integration No 3rd party browsers 1st party Telemetry
Thats all I can think of now, bur I'm sure there's more
1. Works well only with other apple devices. 2. You can't fix it by yourself, if you do it, the phone will start to have problem with random functionalities 3. It's expensive 4. It is so closed that you can't have alternative marked 5. Publishing app on iphone is costing 100 euro per year! A big cost for many developers that probably will never earn a penny from their app. 6. They willingly maliciously comply with law (look at recent sideloading issue with eu..) 7. etc.
I have an iPhone for work, but I definitely prefer my private Android phone, for many reasons. One is there availability of better keyboards for typing in several languages. Heliboard, for example.
Was an iPhone user from the very first one. Switched to Pixel after the iPhone 8.
I enjoy the Android user experience far more than iOS and the ability to customize it to my liking.
iOS, to me, is so sterile and boring anymore. Also don't like having to use and experience my devices in the manner that Apple wants me to. I want to experience them my way. Just the same as why I use Linux.
it's always something. It used to be the lack of OLED screen, mini Jack, and the over pricing. Now it's the lack of fingerprint reader, and poor live transcriptions. Not to mention the software, which is just buggier than Android. I have a hand me down iPad, that I use for playing the piano, and it crashes once a week, and has issues with connecting to wifi. It is difficult to justify spending 600$ on an older iPhone 13 when you can get a flagship Pixel 8 for 550$.
Probably not being a piece of fish, not liking to suffer, not liking to downgrade in life, having ethic, not doing something that does not make any sense. I bought an Android based phone because it has Android. I did not make a choice between an Android phone, or an ios phone. This is not a choice about this. Most people are willing to support this kind of product... they have no idea what they are doing and are just following the mass. Few are making a choice to have an Iphone. Choice that is weird from my point of view though. Still, it is rare. Most people are sheeps.
To me, Apple is a pretty bitter pill. I don't trust them to do anything except make a huge profit, which is exactly why I don't trust them. Though I grudgingly admit they do have a history of respecting privacy, it isn't enough to make up for their control-freak-profit-first mentality.
I don't like Google and Android either, but at least Android is somewhat open source.
My next phone is going to be a PinePhone running Linux.
an expensive phone can be lost, broken or stolen the same way as a cheap one. But you spend more on one of them. I always hated to configure email on iPhones. No headphone jack and I use wired handsfree. Always. Did not check but I'm pretty sure there are apps I use frequently and wouldn't find them on that platform.
After 12years with Android, I switched to iPhone 13 mini. Only reason is size. Nowadays very difficult find small size Android Phones or iPhones 😕 In iPhone, forget about the development related challenges, even taken the photo out of the device itself is a challenge. 🙅
I have both an old iPhone SE from 2020 and a degoogled Android Phone and the usual lack of customisation/freedom to do what you want on your device is my answer.
iOS 18 seems to come with many of those customisation features I've been wanting but my biggest concern is and will always be the ability to just be able to view the system files without jailbreak
The cost and availability of different phone platforms. I just find the Android interface more intuitive than the IOS experience. I don't like proprietary behaviors and being locked into the Apple universe With Apple buttoning things up more and more it has me moving away from Mac OS and Mac books along with it
unable to sideload apps, not as detailed permission management, and (as stupid as it sounds) the iOS alarm clock doesn't show the "alarm goes off in X hours" toast
I use a de-googled Pixel. And for me it's been 3 things mainly (most of which the EU is forcing them to fix): 1) Janky custom cables 2) No open source app store (ala FDroid) 3) No real choice in browsers (just chrome wrapped around Safari, I will not use crap without extensions that properly block ads) 4) Think that I have less monitoring on de-Googled android than Apple provides
No headphone jack, no repairability, glass backs, costing an order of magnitude more than I could ever possibly afford, and that there are zero advantages.
Don't get me wrong, I want _so badly_ to get away from android that I shake with excitement at the mere thought of not having to use android, but iOS sucks in many of the same ways as android, and in the ways it doesn't suck as much, it has other things it sucks worse at.
It's like asking if you want the dung beetle or the dung
I’ve briefly switched to #iOS, a mini device, solely for its size. I hate absolutely everything else about it. I was using a Pixel 6A with a custom rom but it was difficult to handle, carrying around. Loved the software, customization and the lack of bloat. I also carry another mobile device for work. I look forward to switching to an #Android but the devices don’t seem to be getting any smaller.
1. No F-Droid and no easily sideloadable apps. 2. From what I've seen the user interface is not intuitive in some places, like having to go into the settings to turn off Wi-Fi, because the quick settings only disconnects you from a network.
Why would i downgrade my experience just for some petty status symbol phone? Android far surpasses IOS in both features and opensource availability.
You'd literally have to give me the phone for free (including cell service) for me to use IOS and even then Id just sell it and buy a new Android or two.
In my case I went back to the traditional mobile phone, because this dependency for mobile apps for anything is really getting out of hand! Now every single company wants their own slice of metadata... 🙄
Benjamin Häublein
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Rusty Corgi
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Latker
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Jurjen Heeck 🍋
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Gerry Chess - I Invented Chess
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Vlad Didenko
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •MaYashako
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Draken BlackKnight
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Lack of reliable notifications on 3rd party apps
Lack of customization
Lack of Linux compatibility
Being able to give a big middle finger to the "Blue Bubble Bullies" who refuse to switch to @signalapp
No Cromite
Only reliable open source TOTP app is @ente
No Fennec
No @mollyim
No cult of personality with Pixel devices
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Daniël Franke 🏳️🌈
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Mostly the heavy dislike of the ui/ux, apple's condescending attitude towards it's users, and the fan base is worse than Rick and Morty's (see also the tone of your question).
That said, I'm even more done with Google, so my next phone will probably begrudgingly be an iPhone.
I wish there was an actual good choice for phone operating systems that didn't involve not being able to use my banking apps.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Wardell Bagby
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •What kept me for a long time was a general distaste of how Apple locks things down plus wanting more control over my phone. I used to be a real sticker for system wide EQ, and having rooted apps.
As time went on, I cared less about those things and more about just using my phone to communicate with others, and sadly here in the US, you cannot beat an iPhone for that.
But the main thing that pushed me over the edge was Google’s “ad topics” feature.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •alihan_banan
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Alex C-G 🏳️🌈
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Carlos Francisco 🦣
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Ivo Blöchliger
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •And PWA, also in the EU.
May be the ability to develop apps on my Linux computer?
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •init6
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Breaker (ブレーカ/Bristeoir)
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Slave labor, closed source software, their hardware is overpriced, and iPhones are just status symbols.
I leave symbols to the symbol minded.
Thang Do
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Anopka
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •No open source, no use of third party apps or alternative app stores like fdroid, incompatibility with almost everything that is not Apple, still not using standard cables (like USB-C or at least Micro USB. Though, meanwhile the EU forces them to use USB-C, at least in europe).
This list could be even longer of I wanted to.
Ivre Rocher
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •alihan_banan
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Johannes
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •squalouJenkins
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •You should make the difference between google-android and others in your question.
Sirius Business
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •sebsauvage
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Hackability.
I can create an Android app, install it on my phone without having to create a "developer account'", giving my credit card number to Google, buying a Macintosh, and gently asking Google the authorization to install a non-marketplace app on my phone.
Ch M[ae][iy]e?r 🇪🇺 🖤 🤍
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •- Apple knows best what you need and want
- closed ecosystem, walled garden
- lacking interoperabililty (e.g. own clouds)
- you need an online account (Apple-ID)
- intransparency, TOS
- AppStore regulations
- beeing lied about data transmission, wifi, GPS, ...
- monopoly and patents
- tracking
- saying privacy is important, while messing with data
- unability to fix things to your own needs
- so much more ...
Short: it's company-centric, pseudo-religious, disgusting, dirty, ...
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Alain
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I switched. Generally it is okay, esp. since RetroArch and 3rd party stores are allowed.
But downsides are bad keyboard (and autocorrect) and how it handles downloaded data. It is really a big annoyance to get data from what Mozilla to RetroArch.
I guess I am just too much used to the android ux, that iPhone just gives me issues. For next phone I likely will go back.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Ilkka Tengvall
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Benedikt
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •GP-u-Moto
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •You guys should really be looking at OS alternatives to both Google and iOS.…
Google data collection research - Digital Content Next
DCN (Digital Content Next)Christian
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •kriφm :unverified:
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •BjoernB
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Gert-Jan Kroese
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •WebSpider
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •- Can't run AOSP on it
- Relearning how my phone works
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •gunstick
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •…
Hataroid (Atari ST Emulator) - Apps on Google Playégis Haubourg
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •ObsPy Dev Team
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Il Baro
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •nfilipes
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I can have a new good spec'ed phone for 250€.
I'm driving Android but I can change to a degoogled OS and still maintain the same features.
The ability to remove permissions on apps as I want.
I guess also because of the cult-like feeling of Apple products.
Bastet 魔王様 😈
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Alexander Shendi
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Paolo Redaelli
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Thomas Broyer
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Apple?
I bought my daughter an iPhone last fall, and started regretting it in January/February when seeing their answer to the EU DSA/DMA.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Joris Meys
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Virkkunen
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I legitimately tried to switch to iOS and like it, but every single day it was a different headache, I was fighting the OS to do basic things and nothing would go on as i expected.
Silmathoron ⁂
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •fedops 💙💛
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Konrad Konieczny
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •…
- YouTube
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Roni Laukkarinen
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Mr. Techie
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •tht 🇧🇬
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Sashin
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •JamesB
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •padraig
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •As someone who got his first iPhone last autumn it was mostly USB-C. Also moon prises, but android got that covered now too.
What’s gonna keep me (for now?) well firstly the hope not to need a new phone in the coming six years. Also Apple Watch and good premium paid apps. Let’s see where android is on that in six years.
I always preferred androids freedom. But now I’m mostly just looking for long lasting official updates (banking apps etc be damned).
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •bison ✅
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •* the price (i can buy 2-3 fairphones for the price of 1 iPhone)
* the walled garden
* repairability
* ethics
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •- Closed eco system
- No support for apps outside App Store without configuration first
- Does not support open sourced software in the same way as Android
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I don't want to be put in a walled in phone prison and be controlled by Apple.
Android is freedom, don't like Google? - Switch to LineageOS, GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, etc. Also, #opensource apps like F-droid, Newpipe, Termux are Android only.
Jonathan M.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Random Tux User
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •No fdroid
Limited by design
No Roms that strip out tracking
Fewer apps
Vendor lockin
Less KDE connect integration
No 3rd party browsers
1st party Telemetry
Thats all I can think of now, bur I'm sure there's more
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Ivan G.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •2. You can't fix it by yourself, if you do it, the phone will start to have problem with random functionalities
3. It's expensive
4. It is so closed that you can't have alternative marked
5. Publishing app on iphone is costing 100 euro per year! A big cost for many developers that probably will never earn a penny from their app.
6. They willingly maliciously comply with law (look at recent sideloading issue with eu..)
7. etc.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Kalle Kniivilä
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I have an iPhone for work, but I definitely prefer my private Android phone, for many reasons. One is there availability of better keyboards for typing in several languages. Heliboard, for example.
GitHub - Helium314/HeliBoard: Customizable and privacy-conscious open-source keyboard
GitHubJeffrey S. 🐧
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Was an iPhone user from the very first one. Switched to Pixel after the iPhone 8.
I enjoy the Android user experience far more than iOS and the ability to customize it to my liking.
iOS, to me, is so sterile and boring anymore. Also don't like having to use and experience my devices in the manner that Apple wants me to. I want to experience them my way. Just the same as why I use Linux.
#Apple #iOS #Android #Pixel #Linux
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Purgator
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Most people are willing to support this kind of product... they have no idea what they are doing and are just following the mass. Few are making a choice to have an Iphone. Choice that is weird from my point of view though. Still, it is rare.
Most people are sheeps.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Owen Tyme
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •To me, Apple is a pretty bitter pill. I don't trust them to do anything except make a huge profit, which is exactly why I don't trust them. Though I grudgingly admit they do have a history of respecting privacy, it isn't enough to make up for their control-freak-profit-first mentality.
I don't like Google and Android either, but at least Android is somewhat open source.
My next phone is going to be a PinePhone running Linux.
Acvaristul Lenes
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I always hated to configure email on iPhones.
No headphone jack and I use wired handsfree. Always.
Did not check but I'm pretty sure there are apps I use frequently and wouldn't find them on that platform.
Bharathi / பாரதி
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Fezzi Fezzino 🧊 🆒️
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Cylis :omya_nix: :kde:
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •CaveDave
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I have both an old iPhone SE from 2020 and a degoogled Android Phone and the usual lack of customisation/freedom to do what you want on your device is my answer.
iOS 18 seems to come with many of those customisation features I've been wanting but my biggest concern is and will always be the ability to just be able to view the system files without jailbreak
Mii Brr
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •I just find the Android interface more intuitive than the IOS experience.
I don't like proprietary behaviors and being locked into the Apple universe
With Apple buttoning things up more and more it has me moving away from Mac OS and Mac books along with it
Moritz Poldrack
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •David
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •1) Janky custom cables
2) No open source app store (ala FDroid)
3) No real choice in browsers (just chrome wrapped around Safari, I will not use crap without extensions that properly block ads)
4) Think that I have less monitoring on de-Googled android than Apple provides
Oren Bell
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Rafael Istúriz 🍕
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •OpenComputeDesign
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •No headphone jack, no repairability, glass backs, costing an order of magnitude more than I could ever possibly afford, and that there are zero advantages.
Don't get me wrong, I want _so badly_ to get away from android that I shake with excitement at the mere thought of not having to use android, but iOS sucks in many of the same ways as android, and in the ways it doesn't suck as much, it has other things it sucks worse at.
It's like asking if you want the dung beetle or the dung
Ashley James
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •lemgandi
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •V
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •JSON Alexander
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Massimo
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •RoxyAndBlackie128
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Goaty McGoatFace
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •wkcodez
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •2. From what I've seen the user interface is not intuitive in some places, like having to go into the settings to turn off Wi-Fi, because the quick settings only disconnects you from a network.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • •Pat ✨
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Rin3d
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •Why would i downgrade my experience just for some petty status symbol phone? Android far surpasses IOS in both features and opensource availability.
You'd literally have to give me the phone for free (including cell service) for me to use IOS and even then Id just sell it and buy a new Android or two.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •wolfytuga
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •BlackIkeEagle
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •HEROBRINE7GAMER
in reply to nixCraft 🐧 • • •- No F-Droid
- Custom Launchers
- Ecosystem lockdown