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I've recently become mildly fascinated with NFC.

I can't think of anything worthwhile to *do* with the technology, but it's neat.

The best thing I saw was a NES emulator where someone made miniature cartridges with a NFC tag inside, which stored the network address to the ROM on a samba share.

Little NES, little cartridges.

I imagine something similar could be done for a miniature VCR. Put the "tape" in, hit "play", and it plays a digital copy

I have a self-built NFC inventory system. Any time I buy a coin-op game, I program a hard tag that hangs off the keychain, and a sticker I slap on the back of the cabinet. Scanning it with a USB reader on an extension cable opens up my notes about it -- when & where I bought it, how much I paid, a work log of everything I've done with it, a list of things needing fixed.

It's mostly built on top of Emacs' Org Mode, there's a little Python program that handles the NFC stuff & the Lisp communicates with it.

we can automate checkout and return of makerspace library materials if we build it anyway - a cheap nfc sticker in each book makes it a swipe toggle away from self serve
it'd be useful for similar use in a dvd-by-mail provider - any sort of inventory management really
I wonder how sensitive an nfc reader antenna can be - it'd rule to have a handheld device to swipe along rows of cds or dvds or whatever and having it flipping through the cover art as you scan past so you don't have to squint at spines in odd orientations and fonts
point at book, see synopsis page and reviews, records, heck - stores could have such useful apps and instead they just sell us out to their 893 closest third-party data processors.

@djsundog That's the trick.

We could have wonderful things, if no one was exploiting us.

@djsundog If you'd like a worked example, I have one of these bog standard cheap NFC readers, taped to the inside of the lid of a small plastic project box. The card or tag has to be held practically touching the outside of the box.

@stibbons can you get a power amp in between the board and the antenna? 😈
@Andrew (bookseller era) have you seen the TonUINO or the Jooki - use an NFC tag as a playlist

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