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Is that the alien probe from ST IV blowing up a Borg cube?

Better--the Doomsday Machine from the TV show.
I sometimes think I'm not that much of a Star Trek nerd, and compared to some people I'm not, but I'm enough of one that I recognized it right away, and I'm going to be hearing a musical cue from that episode in my head for a while now.
Don't read the Voyager novel where that happened. It's...rough
@silverwizard I avoid Voyager. I wanted desperation and struggle, and this... wasn't it.

tbf, it's the same thing I want from every Lost In Space trope. And never get.
Yeah - but sometimes you might go on Memory Beta and be like "Spock and 7 of 9 stole the Doomsday Machine in order to fight the borg.... hmmmm"

Don't make my error
@furicle @silverwizard Never seen it. The movie didn't grab me.

Looking at the description, it looks like a play on "Space:1999," which is fine. The series ending on a cliffhanger doesn't thrill me, though.
@silverwizard movie was not a favorite. First two series I really enjoyed but wasn't really good sci fi.
SGU was a departure from the others.
The notion of a Doomsday Machine going hog on the Borg was explored in the TNG novel Vendetta by noted writer Peter David. It's set shortly after the events of The Best of Both Worlds and also explains why they never used the nanites that almost took the ship apart in that one episode as a weapon.
Is this based on the Peter David book?
Somebody cut Peter David a check and make this happen. Yes.

Ethically: yes.

Legally: Trek novels are all work-for-hire, so Paramount owns all the rights. But they should pay him anyway.
@silverwizard voyager today would just be everyone gradually getting all amped up to force the federation to disband its military

Also thinking about it, like what are the chances their target demographic had ever read about the maquisards by name to get the reference?