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Getting reminded of that fun time (no) when someone started a forum thread to complain that I was posting too much compared to my seniority.

They doubled down when some people defended me, while a few others actually agreed with them. After a few hours, the thread was eventually locked, but not deleted, and the author, a well-established member of the community, never was officially moderated.

I then completely stopped interacting with the forum, which is exactly what they wanted, and it makes me mad anytime I think about it. But this is a good example of power dynamics, people using their status to discourage some people from existing in their area of influence.

Nobody who came after this post even knows I exist, but they get to keep posting on the forum exactly as they please. My own case isn’t that important, but it highlights why #diversity initiatives are important.

How would you know what you’re missing on if you don’t even know it exists because it was pushed away by the establishment who didn’t face any meaningful repercussions even with egregious arguments?
That sounds incredibly frustrating, and I know that exact feeling of discomfort.

I'm sad that you faced that kind of response from some people on the forum you were on