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I only learned of popular Physics YouTuber Sabine Hossenfelder this week. My first two introductions to her content were a really poorly done video on capitalism and another really poorly done one on trans people. I decided to watch one in her wheel house, physics, and that too was pretty shitty. It had the same sort of problem though. String together some straw man arguments (or worse) and try to make a provocative conclusion and then claim that everyone else isn't being open minded enough. It's a total fail in my book. If you see her content take it with a huge grain of salt.
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@Hank G ☑️ Yeah I not knowing physics looked her physics stuff and then started going beyond her own level of competence. Very disappointed
in reply to Hank G ☑️

@Hank G ☑️ I first saw her saying ChatGPT was true intelligence and I nearly died from annoyance, and yeah, all her stuff seems that way
in reply to silverwizard

Yeah I can only imagine. Even her one physics one I watched was her click-baity conclusion that faster than light travel is possible. But not really of course...see we don't have quantum gravity (true) or unified theory (true) so therefore we can't say that faster than light travel may be possible once we have that (uhh *maybe*) so physicists should be researching faster than light travel (wut?!?!).
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Unknown parent

@Hank G ☑️ @Noam Bergman maybe see her earlier stuff and she if she's gotten addicted to the click bait?
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
I will say I enjoy her dry humor interjections and it is possible for her to be redeemable with small tweaks to her approach. There are plenty of channels I watch where they make statements that "aren't perfect" but damn the signal to noise ratio has to be way higher than the three videos I saw.
Unknown parent

Hank G ☑️
Yeah particle physicist according to her Wikipedia article:…