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Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.

+ #introduction
Here are some of my pet #hashtags:

+ #coffee
+ #beer
+ #linux
+ #cocktails
+ #music
+ #books
+ #boardgames
+ #movies
+ #videogames
+ #programming
+ #dogs
+ #cats
+ #sciencefiction
+ #fantasy
+ #history

Jonathan reshared this.

I'm not new but trying to grow my network just a bit and this is a cool idea


To name a few, on my page I mostly talk about things in my life, being a parent, my mental health which includes bipolar and possibly adhd

Jonathan reshared this.

#Retrogaming - cool! I was lead developer on Ultiima Underworld and worked on the ZIL interpreter for Infocom. Unless you mean even more "retro" than that!
wish I could read my own handwriting! My wife keeps lots of notes and I tried but my handwriting is so terrible I got depressed just trying to read it. So I do my note taking on the web, mostly at
I just love a notebook 🤣 I’m always buying them, I always carry at least one, I like seeing pictures of other peoples scribbles and sketches. I’m using a leuchtturm A5 hardcover at the moment
Photo is of a page from my current notebook
I wasn't going to say anything about the writing in the photo you shared, but now that you mention it ... 😜
I’ve always had pretty terrible handwriting, but I like the physical act of scribbling down ideas on paper.
props to #hockey goalies. i played mostly forward
they sure do know when you don't show up as a goalie :)