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I love Google! They're the most ideal company to have in Africa! With all of their knowledge, they're no way they'd play into caricatures of the contine-
A tweet from Google's satellite account in Africa saying "Here’s Africa's most common game. No it's not hide-and-seek with lions (although that sounds exciting). It's Football! Share your craziest football stories with us. We're all about that Kick It life.⚽️πŸ₯…"
Here's america's most common game. No, it's not hide-and-seek with mass shooters (although that sounds exciting).
Except there's way more people having to play every year in the US version

they're pretty amazing...and with such a good track record when it comes to diversi-

@bob @alice If only companies would stop using it incorrectly.πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
@alice @BeAware @bob not only is it making them money, it's weakening the working class by causing breakdown of the information systems we've grown dependent on over the last few decades

@fcktheworld587 @alice @BeAware @bob education is so essential.

We’ve collectively let our guard down and so many people just don’t know how to spot misinformation, recognise being deliberately mislead, and consistently fail to question what is being presented to them.

But that’s slow and expensive & doesn’t result in pithy sound bites for politicians so it doesn’t happen πŸ˜’
