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Will anyone accept money to write me a short sea shanty?

It has to be *singable*

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I could do that. What's your budget? Do you have a favorite shanty for this? What's the topic?

Somewhere in my history on this account I have a riff of the Wellerman lampooning Elon Musk, but it needs a lot of polish to be singable and Wellerman is hard to write lyrics for. Drunken Sailor, on the other hand, is embarrassingly easy
So I don't really have a budget - probably more than $100 CAD would make me pause though, and need to consider how badly I want to get a sea shanty written for an RPG.

Drunken Sailor is obviously easy!

I'm a fan of Barrette's Privateers because I'm Canadian ;)

Basically my goal is that we need a myth about a golden shark for an RPG and so a sea shanty is the best way to express it.
Uh - singable is the important thing, so a solid rhythm would be the important bit - but it's probably gonna be unaccompanied so melody is probably overkill.

But if you are willing to write a shanty, I'd be happy to discuss costs of both!

Basically my goal is that we need a myth about a golden shark for an RPG and so a sea shanty is the best way to express it.
I know friendica-> Mastodon DMs can be weird - but if you didn't get my response email me @
Perfect! Sounds great! Easily within budget!

And I hope it's fun for you!
Perfect - thanks for that!

Charge me normal rates - double that is within budget
I have 3 commissioned shanties in the pipeline, so uh, sorry

If you want to make sea shanties for money in the future please put them on this thread but I will probably not be buying *today*
Cool! Thanks so much! I've been enjoying the input.

I feel bad for how deeply you've dived into the wiki!