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you gotta admit the "HJKL" thing is heinous and unintuitive:

when editing text in most languages,

Left and Up are the two "backward" directions

Right and Down are the two "forward" directions

but it places Down (J) next to Left and Up (K) next to Right

is this vim? I use IJKL for gaming (left handed mouser) and the arrangement you describe would break me. Iโ€™ve got 15+ years of body memory that says I is up/forward, K down/backward, J left and L right. Itโ€™s based on the shape not the letter meaning.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
QAOP (up, down, left and right) was the classic setup on the ZX Spectrum and I still miss it after all this time, HJKL is weird af.

@Alex P. ๐Ÿ‘น Honestly, it feels like a hack from people who were slaves to the home row, and the speed at which is works while not moving my hands from typing position feels really good to me.

I think people use "unintuitive" to mean "bad" a lot and I think it's one of those cases where it's stuck because when you figure it out it works *well*

i get not moving your fingers; my point is that J and K should have had their values reversed
@Alex P. ๐Ÿ‘น Oh, I actually don't see it. I like them interleaved. I dunno why. Probably stockholm syndrome.
i definitely got the computer stockhold syndrome about a lot of things