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Oh my....
My mind is totally blocked at the moment.
My #homelab in it's current form is quite useless.
I think I need to take a step back and consolidate everything down to one machine - on server which does all the needed things.

How do you guys handle your #homelab currently?

Adding new machines starts to make no sense anymore... especially when idling most of the time.

Looking for fresh new ideas.

My needs:
- Run a couple of containers
- Playing around

Every suggestion helps! πŸ™‚

Michael Dexter reshared this.

Mine is so large I had to do a paste
Quite a few things indeed! πŸ˜€
I run nearly everything off a single 10th gen Celeron with #unraid. I've probably got about 10 docker containers running constantly plus MariaDB and a bunch that I use periodically (like Handbrake, MKVtoolnix, etc). It will run a single VM alright for playing around, though that maxes out my ram and trying to run SQL Server on a Windows Server VM was just too much.

My real concern is power draw, and all told, my system idles around 18w and maxes out around 45w when encoding/transcoding
Makes sense indeed. Having it all run on one system instead of many scattered around the room!

Power draw is important for me as well. I don't want to spend loads of money just to feed many systems.
45W is quite acceptable I think πŸ˜‰ (Under max load)
My #homelab is basically three things: one #proxmox server, a NAS, and #opnsense firewall. This seems to meet my needs, I can set up pretty much any self-hosted service or complex networking setup.
Having a #Proxmox server is great!
It can for a fact consolidate multiple machines into one - the hypervisor πŸ˜‰
@deliverance CPU/mem intense workloads, storage intense workloads, interconnect+access-control. That’s a great framework for all but the most specialized tasks.
When you need GPU clusters or link saturating net I/O, you’ve got to get special hardware anyway.
@deliverance (Though I’m partial to #SmartOS’s LX zones for containers and want to try bhyve virtualization for real use. It’s got KVM too if you need a fallback like proxmox’s virt)
@josephholsten @deliverance
Having more freedom to pick what is needed is a good thing for sure!
I like Proxmox as a hypervisor for HomeLab and do most things through that. I have a separate file server running on Ubuntu Linux. Network is OPNsense FW and Ubiquiti UniFi.
#proxmox sure also would make sense here... I need to think about this.
I currently have a older PC (Low end CPU) running as a #NAS with two SSD's
ebay some extra ram and new disks

freebsd as hypervisor since boring
It’s a pendulum. I go between one ubermachine to multiple smaller ones, and have settled on a handful of mini PCs separated by how upset I’d be if they broke or collided with each other. One alone for Plex, one for its various friends, one for my toy apps and esoteric VMs. I’m pretty happy with this setup.
It indeed is. Can feel you there!
I got a Ryzen PC here for all my work needs (desktop). I currently ponder which of my machines to run in my #homelab
Plex is cool πŸ˜‰
I keep 2 servers. One #FreeBSD and one #Debian. Both have a full copy of my data and doing snapshots on ZFS and Btrfs respectively. On the FreeBSD box I use jails for what I’d call decades old tasks, e.g., my main ssh portal, mail, news, irc, web portal, etc. on the Debian box I do things that tend to just considerably better on Linux, e.g., Plex with GPU transcoding (they just dropped support for this on FreeBSD), VMs (which I don’t often need unless I’m experimenting), etc.
That sounds really good!
So you always have two copies available if the need arises! πŸ˜‰
I got a #Debian NUC here which runs some containers at the moment.
yes. Always two local copies. And I send a third copy to a friend’s server via restic (and vice-versa). As for containers, I like lxc, but I like jails more. At least in my experience, I’ve run into upstream issues with lxc. Jails have yet to break on me.
I'd say your data is quite safe at all times πŸ˜‰
Jails are amazing indeed!
Lightweight and easy to use. I mostly leverage ezjail, which makes it easy πŸ˜‰
I've been starting to consolidate my home lab (two boxes under the stairs), and force myself to move to an IaC solution.

I settled on systemd-nspawn containers, instead of something docker based (I needed persistent OS containers, not ephemerial applications that disappear when shutdown).

My OS of choice is Gentoo (but I have friends who do something similar on Debian and Nix), and try to make sure that everything is handled by the OS package manager wherever possible.

This lets me create individual "profiles" for each of my hosts, which depends on a list of packages to install. Non-generic / site-specific config files are handled this way too; whereby I make a custom package for config files, and "install" them from the package manager, rather than using an out-of-band solution like ansible.
Really cool solution! πŸ˜‰

#Gentoo can be anything - the flexibility is awesome!

Thanks for the input. Never used systemd-nspawn so far... need to look into that πŸ™‚
Screenshot is a list of running containers managed by "machinectl".

I keep as much as possible managed by the package manager, but pointing at a custom overlay.

Each container can get it's own profile.

In Gentoo, the profiles have a "packages" file that you can use to control what needs to be installed.

e.g. My blog is running on a cloud server somewhere in OVH, so I need a bunch of web server packages, postgres and tailscale to manage it.

The blog itself will never be packaged by distributions. But portage let's me install stuff from github repos.

e.g. here's me packaging a django app (version 9999 means "install from the latest version on the default branch").
That is quite some containers! πŸ˜€

The power of #Gentoo or to be more specific of portage 😎

Thanks for the input! πŸ™‚
Very interesting to see/read!
one #illumos like #smartos as hosts with VM's and NFS in zones as seperation for the rest. One machine to handle them all.
One to rule them all! πŸ˜‰
Oh, I didn’t used to think VPN was special for #homelab until I started using @tailscale. The ability to NAT bust so my my phone, my cloud test instances, my home automation rpis and my NAS all look like they’re on a LAN is delightful! It’s as complex as modern systems, but feels as simple as the 1990s networks I learned on.
I do a lot more with my home systems now they really are accessible everywhere.
@josephholsten @tailscale
Really neat! πŸ™‚
Hey, simplicity is divine πŸ˜‰
1 physical machine running proxmox. A FreeBSD VM hosting a few jails. 2-3 other linux VMs for a few services I keep up all the time.

If I want to experiment, I do so in a new VM/Container/FreeBSD Jail.
That is what I do to - playing around happens in a vm πŸ˜‰
One system would fit the bill. A medium system that can handle all the use cases
Less is more πŸ˜‰
A laptop has the advantage of being portable - so your home can be moved everywhere 😎
Maybe in the future bud πŸ™‚
You are right there.
I would opt for vanillal #FreeBSD than since it fits my needs well.
Currently planing
Thanks for the suggestions πŸ™‚
@teajaygrey this is what I do. I have a TrueNAS on a HP small form factor desktop PC from like 2013 that I modified to hold three HDDs and added more fans to. I can run bhyve, but I am satisfied with TrueNAS plugins.

I currently run Deluge and Plex but was running Graylog as well. Problem with Graylog is I don’t really have enough RAM to run it with good enough query performance. It takes DDR3, and I could max it out, but meh. It’s fine for everything else.
@ZiggyTheHamster @teajaygrey
Sounds good πŸ™‚
How did you modify it to hold more HDD's? Curious πŸ™‚

Graylog is something I wanna try πŸ™‚
A #NAS is also what I have here. I don't have much data - but it is convenient πŸ˜‰

Ah, a VPS.... there is a todo somewhere about that 😎
#nas @mc
@teajaygrey the onboard Intel GPU supports hardware accelerated encoding/decoding, and poking that into Plex was easy enough. I also have TrueNAS configured to enable powerd and scale the CPU performance down when idle. I haven’t measured it, but power consumption seems to be <80W at idle.

Oh and I have a couple of NVMes in there for log/L2ARC.
@ZiggyTheHamster @teajaygrey
My system here go a iGPU as well πŸ™‚
Power tuning is something I need to do as well πŸ˜‰
@teajaygrey my networking gear is all Mikrotik though, so this is probably insufficient for pfSense. But I don’t need that. I will say, I can saturate my 10Gbit NIC, though.
@teajaygrey basically I just Dremeled out clearance for the connectors and stuff and put it in the top part of the drive caddy thing the case has.

Here’s some photos. The first is pre mod, the second shows the third drive I hacked in (with a fan), and the third one shows how everything is plumbed (there’s another drive hiding out if you look; total of 3).
@ZiggyTheHamster @teajaygrey
Ah yeah, the pictures indeed make it clearer. Pretty good job on mounting the HDD's! πŸ˜‰
That is quite a nice little server - all in one place!