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This is the part where I gloat about being right about Bluesky, right?

They never really wanted federation.

A post from Bluesky’s Paul Frazee 

| never did use LJ so interested to hear  we're not going to get instances like mastodon. you're already looking at the federation — it's active, it's just behind the scenes Apr 4, 2024 at 2:35 AM

reshared this

"You can choose any Bluesky federation you want, as long as it's"
lol then why try in the first place if you're just gonna half ass it so you can claim atproto is better? clown shoes moment at bluesky engineering
@taco, bird/cat :verified420: @The Gibson this is literally the goal. To half ass it but to get people to think they're better and get over the centralization hurdle.
@The Gibson I'd be interested in what his definition of "federation" is.
Huh? Very confused what you mean. I don't think "Federation" as a concept is tied to Mastodon-style instances specifically?
@Shreyan Jain It doesn't have to be, but to my knowledge, BlueSky doesn't support anything that even remotely resembles federation. It's all centrally controlled.
Don't think that's accurate - for example @mackuba is working on his own AppView, which people will be able to replace with, for example. Nothing in the network mandates being controlled by Bluesky

@Shreyan Jain I'll admit to not having heard of this. If I post something using this third-party AppView, who controls the physical disk on which my post resides?

I haven't paid a ton of attention to BlueSky because I'm simply not interested in yet another walled garden.